Royal Military Academy
Home / Deus Lo Vult 6.0 / Basileia Rhōmaiōn / Orthodox Church
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
Basileia Rhōmaiōn Basileia Rhōmaiōn
Building class
32. Bowyer
62. Port
74. Market
88. Mines
90. Mines
92. Well
93. Sewers
106. Brothel
107. Inn
108. Tavern
150. Sawmill
152. Sawmill
165. Saltern
166. Bakery
167. Brewery
176. Dungeon
Previous buildingSmall Orthodox Church Orthodox AbbeyNext building
Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church 禮拜堂
City/Castle City levels Castle levels
Building class city temple_orthodox
Convert to temple_orthodox_castle LEVEL 1
Building level LEVEL 1 church_o
Material wooden
Capability happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 4
agent_limit priest 1
Faction capability
Construction 4
Cost 3200
Requires condition and event_counter governor_present 1
Building Description
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Orthodox Church 禮拜堂 Though a Christian may pray anywhere, at any time, to suggest they do not a proper place of worship would be far from correct, and any town that would call itself civilised would at least offer its citizens a Church. On top of the obvious benefits of allowing more people to attend mass, a Church will attract enough prospective clergymen to be able to afford to spare one as a missionary.
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1 Priest These men of faith essentially serve as a mobile conversion force, spreading their faction's religion wherever they travel. While the soldiers battle their faction's physical threats, these are the men who form your front line against the perils of heresy, and can actually denounce witches and heretics that stalk the land - this is the perfect way to prove one's faith and conviction.
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