Royal Military Academy
Home / Deus Lo Vult 6.0 / Ayyubid Dynasty / Pleasure Palace
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
Ayyubid Dynasty Ayyubid Dynasty
Building class
32. Bowyer
64. Port
76. Market
88. Mines
90. Mines
92. Well
93. Sewers
99. Masjid
101. Jama
104. Masjid
105. Brothel
106. Inn
107. Tavern
147. Sawmill
149. Sawmill
162. Saltern
163. Bakery
172. Dungeon
182. Kaaba
Previous buildingCoaching House Town HallNext building
Pleasure Palace
Pleasure Palace 豪華會所
City/Castle City levels Castle levels
Building class city taverns
Convert to LEVEL
Building level LEVEL 4 pleasure_palace
Capability happiness_bonus bonus 5 requires not factions { southern_european, }
Faction capability
Construction 0
Cost 0
Requires condition and event_counter governor_present 1 and building_present_min_level market merchants_quarter
Building Description
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Pleasure Palace 豪華會所 A Pleasure Palace is an opulent den of mortal delights, some of which are prohibited by holy texts, while the majority are merely prohibited to those with a regular income. Considering the potential damage that could be done to the reputation of anyone staying here, the Palace only employs staff that not only understands the need for discretion, but can actually maintain it.
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Recruit agents
No. Card Name Description Requires condition
1 Spy Spies are the eyes and ears of your faction, capable of being sent to observe foreign settlements or armies - hopefully undetected. Aside from sending intelligence on structures and inhabitants, once working inside a settlement, spies begin to stir unrest among the populace with propaganda. They may also succeed in disabling defences in a siege, which can prove utterly decisive.
2 Assassin An assassin is the ideal man to call upon when a foreign target is either too well defended by armed forces for a frontal assault, or if you wish to strike without it being obvious that it was you that gave the order. Not only can assassins take out live targets, they can also bring down a building marked for sabotage, and can even specialise in this field of destruction.
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps
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