Royal Military Academy
Home / Deus Lo Vult 6.0 / Crusader States / Great Market
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
Crusader States Crusader States
Building class
32. Bowyer
62. Port
74. Market
86. Mines
88. Mines
91. Well
92. Sewers
96. Church
97. Abbey
101. Chapel
102. Brothel
103. Inn
104. Tavern
150. Sawmill
152. Sawmill
166. Saltern
167. Bakery
168. Brewery
177. Dungeon
191. Roemer
Previous buildingFairground Merchants' QuarterNext building
Great Market
Great Market 大型市場
City/Castle City levels Castle levels
Building class city market
Convert to LEVEL
Building level LEVEL 3 great_market
Material wooden
Capability trade_base_income_bonus bonus 8
trade_base_income_bonus bonus -8 requires event_counter tokus_negative_event_market 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter tokus_positive_event_market 1
agent_limit merchant 1
Faction capability
Construction 12
Cost 9600
Requires condition and event_counter governor_present 1 and building_present_min_level hinterland_roads paved_roads and event_counter gov_level_4 1
Building Description
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Great Market 大型市場 Almost anything that can be imagined can be bought in a great market, including death. Merchants deal in goods from almost every part of the world, lend money - even cheat each other - in the hopes of turning a handsome profit. And all that gold in merchants' strongboxes can be taxed by a wise ruler...
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Recruit agents
No. Card Name Description Requires condition
1 Merchant Merchants are agents that work for their lord by establishing trade routes between distant foreign resources and their own local markets. Under the guise of private enterprise, merchants are able to move through enemy lands without drawing suspicion or committing a diplomatic transgression. When merchants work together so that they have a monopoly on a particular resource, they will generate extra income for their faction. Opposing merchants can attempt to make a hostile takeover of each other's assets, ending the other's career. and region_religion judaism 15 and event_counter introduction_elo 1
2 Merchant Merchants are agents that work for their lord by establishing trade routes between distant foreign resources and their own local markets. Under the guise of private enterprise, merchants are able to move through enemy lands without drawing suspicion or committing a diplomatic transgression. When merchants work together so that they have a monopoly on a particular resource, they will generate extra income for their faction. Opposing merchants can attempt to make a hostile takeover of each other's assets, ending the other's career. and not event_counter introduction_elo 1
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps
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