Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
Home 首頁 / Deus Lo Vult 6.0 因父之名 6.0 / Mongol Uls 蒙古帝國 / Glass Blower
Deus Lo Vult 6.0 因父之名 6.0
Mongol Uls 蒙古帝國 Mongol Uls 蒙古帝國
Building class 建築類型
92. Well
93. Sewers
140. Sawmill
142. Sawmill
155. Saltern
156. Bakery
162. Dungeon
172. Kaaba
Previous building 上一個建築Trappers Hut SalternNext building 下一個建築
Glass Blower
Glass Blower
City/Castle 城市/城堡 City levels 城市建築等級 Castle levels 城堡建築等級
Building class 建築類型 city glass_blower
Convert to 轉換建築類型 LEVEL
Building level 建築等級 LEVEL 0 glass_blower
Material 材料 wooden
Capability 建築效果 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 6
trade_base_income_bonus bonus -6 requires event_counter tokus_negative_event_market 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter tokus_positive_event_market 1
happiness_bonus bonus 2
Faction capability 勢力效果
Construction 建造時間 4
Cost 建造花費 5000
Requires condition 其他建造條件 and event_counter governor_present 1 and building_present_min_level market market and resource camels
Building Description 建築描述
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Glass Blower Glass Blower adds big bonus to the trade of the region and also encorages the peolple happiness with a state of art masterpieces. Glassblowing techniques spread throughout the Roman world. Venice, particularly the island of Murano, became a centre for high quality glass manufacture in the late medieval period. Bohemian glass is a decorative glass made in Bohemia and Silesia from the 13th century. It was especially outstanding its manufacture in high Baroque style from 1685 to 1750. In the 17th century, Caspar Lehmann, gem cutter to Emperor Rudolf II in Prague, adapted to glass the technique of gem engraving with copper and bronze wheels. The blowing technique transformed the material's usefulness from a time consuming process, in which the medium was hot-formed around rough cores of mud and dung, into a mass-producible material which could be quickly inflated into large, transparent, and leak-proof vessels.
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