Royal Barracks 禁衛軍營
City/Castle 城市/城堡 |
City levels 城市建築等級 |
Castle levels 城堡建築等級 |
Town Watch 治安軍營 The Town Watch have the minimum equipment and resources needed to train infantry. 治安軍營提供最基本的步兵訓練設施和場所。
Garrison Quarters 木堡軍營 A garrison is a source of much military wisdom and skill for new recruits to the army. 木堡軍營對部隊進行各種基本戰術和技巧訓練。
Town Guard 民兵軍營 A Town Guard trains recruits and can provide enough basic arms for infantry units from stores. 民兵軍營中進行預備役訓練,並為軍隊貯備各類裝備。
Drill Square 城堡軍營 Drill is a necessary evil in the life of a soldier. It can make the long days of garrison duty seem, if anything, longer… 每位士兵對嚴酷操練都心有餘悸,這種折磨令漫長的戍衛生涯變得愈發難耐...
City Watch 警備軍營 A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury. 警備軍營訓練部分精銳預備役部隊,並由軍械作坊提供裝備。
Barracks 堡壘軍營 Barracks house recruits and garrison troops in some small comfort, but then the life of soldier is supposed to be hard. 堡壘軍營的生活較為舒適,但戍衛生涯依然枯燥如舊。
Militia Drill Square 城市軍營 A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions. 城市軍營主要訓練部隊大規模作戰時的各種戰術和陣型。
Armoury 要塞軍營 An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers. 要塞軍營允許訓練和裝備最為精銳的步兵部隊。
Militia Barracks 部隊軍營 Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers. 部隊軍營提供各種步兵訓練設施,將預備役士兵訓練為精銳的實戰部隊。
Armoury 要塞軍營 An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers. 要塞軍營允許訓練和裝備最為精銳的步兵部隊。
Army Barracks 貴族軍營 Army Barracks are the first training facilities capable of training full-time professional soldiers. 貴族軍營是基本的職業軍隊專屬訓練基地。
Armoury 要塞軍營 An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers. 要塞軍營允許訓練和裝備最為精銳的步兵部隊。
Royal Barracks 禁衛軍營 Royal Barracks are military training facilities backed by the ruling treasury, necessary to recruit elite units with exceptional outfitting costs. 禁衛軍營是由國家財政直接支持的軍事基地,以便訓練各種極為昂貴的精銳部隊。
Armoury 要塞軍營 An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers. 要塞軍營允許訓練和裝備最為精銳的步兵部隊。
Building class 建築類型 |
city barracks
Convert to 轉換建築類型 |
castle_barracks LEVEL 4
Building level 建築等級 |
LEVEL 6 royal_armoury
Material 材料 |
Capability 建築效果 |
law_bonus bonus 7
Faction capability 勢力效果 |
Construction 建造時間 |
Cost 建造花費 |
Requires condition 其他建造條件 |
and event_counter governor_present 1
Recruit units 招募兵種 |
No. |
Card 兵種 |
Name 名稱 |
Start quantity 初始數量 |
Replenishment rate 補充率 |
Max quantity 最大數量 |
Experience 經驗值 |
Requires condition 其他招募條件 |
1 |
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 missile infantry Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 |
1 |
0.7 |
6 |
1 |
and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1 and region_religion islam 60 |
Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。 |
2 |
Hand Gunners 手炮兵 missile infantry Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops. 手炮兵遠距射擊不甚精準,但近距威力極大,其發射時的彌漫硝煙和恐怖巨響令敵軍魂飛魄散。
Hand Gunners 手炮兵 |
1 |
0.7 |
6 |
1 |
and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1 and region_religion islam 60 |
Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops. 手炮兵遠距射擊不甚精準,但近距威力極大,其發射時的彌漫硝煙和恐怖巨響令敵軍魂飛魄散。 |
3 |
Urban Militia 城市民兵 heavy infantry Equipped with a sword, well trained and protected by heavy armour these troops are far superior to most militias. 城市民兵訓練有素,裝備長劍和重型盔甲,作戰素質遠超大多數民兵部隊。
Urban Militia 城市民兵 |
1 |
0.7 |
6 |
1 |
and region_religion islam 60 |
Equipped with a sword, well trained and protected by heavy armour these troops are far superior to most militias. 城市民兵訓練有素,裝備長劍和重型盔甲,作戰素質遠超大多數民兵部隊。 |
4 |
Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵 missile infantry Local militia armed with crossbows and some armour, good for ranged combat, but will melt away in melee. 持弩民兵由本地徵召,裝備軍弩,部分士兵可配備盔甲。他們遠程殺傷力十分出色,但近戰極為脆弱。
Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵 |
1 |
0.7 |
6 |
1 |
and region_religion islam 60 |
Local militia armed with crossbows and some armour, good for ranged combat, but will melt away in melee. 持弩民兵由本地徵召,裝備軍弩,部分士兵可配備盔甲。他們遠程殺傷力十分出色,但近戰極為脆弱。 |
5 |
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應徵入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 |
1 |
0.7 |
6 |
3 |
and region_religion islam 60 |
Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應徵入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。 |
6 |
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their town. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應徵入伍防禦自己的家園。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 |
1 |
0.7 |
6 |
3 |
and region_religion islam 60 |
Armed with a spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their town. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應徵入伍防禦自己的家園。 |