This site is a database sharing site, build to serve the Total War game fans, we don't provide any illegal S/N, game disk or crack file to download.
本站為服務 Totalwar 全軍破敵 遊戲同好所架設之資料分享網站,並不提供任何正版序號、遊戲程式或破解檔案。
All elements we used in this site about the game Total War, such as images and text and sounds, are unpacked from origin game packages and without any modified , But we're still not responsible to any different, and copyright of game is belong to developed company and their sales agents.
本站所使用關於 Totalwar 全軍破敵 的圖片、文字、聲音等一切素材,皆從遊戲中解包取得,並無任何修改,如有錯誤仍以原版遊戲為準,本站不負任何責任,版權屬於遊戲出版廠商及其各地代理商。
All elements we used in MOD version or language translation, such as images and text and sounds, The copyright is belong to its developed group or translate team