Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
Home 首頁 / Third Age 3.1 魔戒第三紀元 3.1 / Gondor / Buildings 建築
Third Age 3.1 魔戒第三紀元 3.1
Gondor Gondor
No. Card
Building class
1 Wooden Palisade (Upgrade) core_building 0 city village 3 1000 wall_level 0
tower_level 1
free_upkeep bonus 1
recruitment_slots 1
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 2 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 8 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Wooden Palisade gives a sense of security but is unlikely to delay determined attackers for very long.
2 Wooden Wall (Upgrade) core_building 1 city town 5 1800 wall_level 1
gate_strength 1
tower_level 1
free_upkeep bonus 2
recruitment_slots 2
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 2 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 8 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Wooden Wall allows defenders to guard from raised battlements, but is still very vulnerable to siege equipment.
3 Stone Wall (Upgrade) core_building 2 city large_town 7 5200 wall_level 2
tower_level 1
gate_strength 1
free_upkeep bonus 3
recruitment_slots 2
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 8 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Building a Stone Wall greatly improves a settlement's ability to resist siege weapons over a wooden equivalent.
4 Large Stone Wall (Upgrade) core_building 3 city city 8 7800 wall_level 3
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
free_upkeep bonus 4
recruitment_slots 2
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 9 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Large Stone Wall is a truly formidable barrier, with extremely strong gate defences.
5 Huge Stone Wall (Upgrade) core_building 4 city large_city 10 12000 wall_level 4
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
free_upkeep bonus 5
recruitment_slots 2
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 10 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Huge Stone Wall is awe-inspiring for defender and attacker alike, and no besieger attacks them lightly.
6 Motte and Bailey (Upgrade) core_castle_building 0 castle village 3 800 wall_level 0
tower_level 1
free_upkeep bonus 1
recruitment_slots 1
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 2 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 8 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence.
7 Wooden Castle (Upgrade) core_castle_building 1 castle village 4 1600 wall_level 1
gate_strength 1
free_upkeep bonus 2
tower_level 1
recruitment_slots 1
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 2 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 8 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Wooden Castle gives only basic protection, but allows for the construction of vital training facilities.
8 Castle (Upgrade) core_castle_building 2 castle town 6 4800 wall_level 2
tower_level 1
gate_strength 1
free_upkeep bonus 3
recruitment_slots 2
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 8 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Castle stamps its owner's authority onto the landscape, making dominion clear for all to see.
9 Fortress (Upgrade) core_castle_building 3 castle large_town 7 6500 wall_level 3
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
free_upkeep bonus 4
recruitment_slots 2
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 9 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A fortress is a permanent statement of ownership, and not something that is easily taken.
10 Citadel (Upgrade) core_castle_building 4 castle city 10 12000 wall_level 4
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
free_upkeep bonus 4
recruitment_slots 2
recruits_morale_bonus bonus 3 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
law_bonus bonus 10 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
construction_cost_bonus_wooden bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
taxable_income_bonus 50 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Citadel is the ultimate defensive structure, its three-ringed stone walls form a strongpoint without compare!
11 Ballista Towers tower 0 city large_city 4 4500 tower_level 2
Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.
12 Ballista Towers castle_tower 0 castle city 4 4200 tower_level 2
Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.
13 Stables equestrian 0 castle town 5 2000
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units.
14 Knight's Stables equestrian 1 castle large_town 6 4800
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Knight's stables allow for the recruitment of cavalry units.
15 Baron's Stables equestrian 2 castle city 8 7400
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
16 Stables c_equestrian 0 city large_town 5 2000
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units.
17 Knight's Stables c_equestrian 1 city city 6 4800
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Knight's stables allow for the recruitment of cavalry units.
18 Baron's Stables c_equestrian 2 city large_city 8 7400
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
19 Town Watch barracks 0 city village 4 1600
law_bonus bonus 1
recruitment_slots 1
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
The Town Watch has the minimum equipment and resources needed to train infantry.
20 Town Guard barracks 1 city large_town 5 3200
law_bonus bonus 2
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A Town Guard trains recruits and can provide enough basic arms for infantry units from stores.
21 Barracks barracks 2 city city 6 4500
law_bonus bonus 3
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
The city barracks can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
22 Army Barracks barracks 3 city large_city 7 6400
law_bonus bonus 3
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Army Barracks are the first training facilities capable of training full-time professional soldiers.
23 Royal Barracks barracks 4 city huge_city 8 8600
law_bonus bonus 3
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Royal Barracks are military training facilities backed by the ruling treasury, necessary to recruit elite units with exceptional outfitting costs.
24 Mustering Hall castle_barracks 0 castle village 4 1600
law_bonus bonus 1
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Dwarves must be gathered, selected and trained if military strength is to be maintained.
25 Garrison Quarters castle_barracks 1 castle town 5 3200
law_bonus bonus 2
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
A garrison is a source of much military wisdom and skill for new recruits to the army.
26 Barracks castle_barracks 2 castle large_town 6 4500
law_bonus bonus 3
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
The city barracks can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
27 Army Barracks castle_barracks 3 castle city 7 6400
law_bonus bonus 3
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires event_counter is_the_ai 1
Army Barracks are the first training facilities capable of training full-time professional soldiers.
28 Armoury castle_barracks 4 castle large_city 8 8600
An armoury allows for the recruitment, training and equipping of the finest infantry soldiers.
29 Bowyer missiles 0 castle town 4 1800
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
30 Practice Range missiles 1 castle large_town 5 3400
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
31 Archery Range missiles 2 castle city 6 4800
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
32 Bowyer c_missiles 0 city large_town 4 1800
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
33 Practice Range c_missiles 1 city city 5 3400
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
34 Archery Range c_missiles 2 city large_city 6 4800
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
35 Ballista Maker siege 0 city large_town 4 3400
A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.
36 Catapult Maker siege 1 city city 5 4700
A Catapult Maker allows the construction of catapults and ballistae.
37 Siege Works siege 2 city large_city 6 7200
A Siege Works allows the construction of advanced siege weaponry.
38 Ballista Maker castle_siege 0 castle large_town 4 3400
A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.
39 Catapult Maker castle_siege 1 castle large_town 5 4700
A Catapult Maker allows the construction of catapults and ballistae.
40 Siege Works castle_siege 2 castle city 6 7200
A Siege Works allows the construction of advanced siege weaponry.
41 Military Academy professional_military 0 castle large_city 4 8000 recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1
A Military Academy allows for the recruitment of late-period professional army units.
42 Royal Officer's Academy professional_military 1 castle huge_city 6 12000 recruits_exp_bonus bonus 2
A Royal Officers' Academy allows for the recruitment of late-period professional army units.
43 Military Academy c_professional_military 0 city large_city 4 8000 recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1
A Military Academy allows for the recruitment of professional Gondorian units.
44 Royal Officer's Academy c_professional_military 1 city huge_city 6 12000 recruits_exp_bonus bonus 2
A Royal Officers' Academy allows for the recruitment of professional Gondorian units.
45 Leather Tanner smith 0 city town 2 1000 armour 1
A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.
46 Blacksmith smith 1 city large_town 3 1500 armour 2
A Blacksmith can moderately improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
47 Armourer smith 2 city city 4 3200 armour 3
An Armourer can notably improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
48 Heavy Armourer smith 3 city large_city 5 6400 armour 4
A Heavy Armourer can significantly improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
49 Master Armourer smith 4 city large_city 6 8200 armour 5
A Master Armourer substantially improves the armour available to new and retrained units.
50 Leather Tanner castle_smith 0 castle town 2 1000 armour 1
A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.
51 Blacksmith castle_smith 1 castle large_town 3 1500 armour 2
A Blacksmith can moderately improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
52 Armourer castle_smith 2 castle city 4 3200 armour 3
An Armourer can notably improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
53 Heavy Armourer castle_smith 3 castle large_city 5 6400 armour 4
A Heavy Armourer can significantly improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
54 Master Armourer castle_smith 4 castle large_city 6 8200 armour 5
A Master Armourer substantially improves the armour available to new and retrained units.
55 Port port 0 city large_town 5 3500
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
trade_fleet 1
A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.
56 Shipwright port 1 city city 6 5000
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
trade_fleet 1
A Shipwright allows the construction of ships to be undertaken in earnest.
57 Dockyard port 2 city large_city 7 8000
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
trade_fleet 1
A Dockyard allows the construction of larger ships, and improves trade.
58 Port castle_port 0 castle large_town 5 3500
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
trade_fleet 1
A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.
59 Shipwright castle_port 1 castle city 6 5000
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
trade_fleet 1
A Shipwright allows the construction of ships to be undertaken in earnest.
60 Dockyard castle_port 2 castle large_city 7 8000
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
trade_fleet 1
A Dockyard allows the construction of larger ships, and improves trade.
61 Merchant's Wharf sea_trade 0 city city 4 5000 trade_fleet 2
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
A Merchant's Wharf allows an extra trade fleet, and increases trade to the settlement.
62 Warehouse sea_trade 1 city large_city 5 7500 trade_fleet 3
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
A Warehouse allows two extra trade fleets, and notably increases trade to the settlement.
63 Docklands sea_trade 2 city huge_city 6 10000 trade_fleet 4
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
Docklands allow three extra trade fleets, and greatly increases trade to the settlement.
64 Naval Academy admiralty 0 city city 6 6200 recruitment_cost_bonus_naval bonus 1
navy_bonus 1
A Naval Academy reduces the cost of naval units recruited in the region, while also improving their training.
65 Admiralty admiralty 1 city large_city 8 8500 recruitment_cost_bonus_naval bonus 2
navy_bonus 1
The Admiralty greatly reduces the cost of naval units recruited in the region, while also improving their training.
66 Grain Exchange market 0 city town 2 600 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
A Grain Exchange is absolutely essential if townsfolk are to be fed and good profits made.
67 Market market 1 city large_town 3 1300 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
A Market brings wealth and many people into a town, some to sell, others willing to sell themselves and others…
68 Fairground market 2 city city 4 2800 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
Fairgrounds only host festivals once or twice a year, but they also offer a huge boost to trade in an area.
69 Great Market market 3 city large_city 6 6300 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4
A Great Market significantly boosts trade - almost anything can be found among its stalls and shops.
70 Merchants' Quarter market 4 city huge_city 7 9600 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 5
A Merchants' Quarter boosts trade thanks to the numbers of townsfolk now involved in business of all kinds.
71 Dirt Roads hinterland_roads 0 city town 4 1500 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
road_level 0
Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.
72 Paved Roads hinterland_roads 1 city city 6 3500 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
road_level 1
Paved Roads maximise the movement speed of units that travel along them. They also improve trade in the region.
73 Dirt Roads hinterland_castle_roads 0 castle town 4 1500 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
road_level 0
Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.
74 Paved Roads hinterland_castle_roads 1 castle city 6 3500 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
road_level 1
Paved Roads maximise the movement speed of units that travel along them. They also improve trade in the region.
75 Pig Farm hinterland_farms 0 village 2 800 farming_level 1
A Pig Farm feeds the population and encourages growth.
76 Large Pig Farm hinterland_farms 1 town 3 1600 farming_level 2
A Large Pig Farm is capable of producing more food than a standard Pig Farm encouraging growth and prosperity.
77 Pig Factory hinterland_farms 2 large_town 4 3500 farming_level 3
A Pig Factory keeps a large population adequately fed.
78 Slaughterhouse hinterland_farms 3 city 6 5200 farming_level 4
The Slaughterhouse is the pinnacle of pork production, a must in ensuring larger populations can be properly sustained.
79 Chicken Farming hinterland_breed 0 city 0 0
Chicken Farming improves productivity in the region to encourage growth and prosperity.
80 Sheep Farming hinterland_breed 1 city 0 0
Sheep Farming results in improved yield from stock breeding districts, all year round.
81 Cattle Farming hinterland_breed 2 city 0 0
Cattle Farming maximises the amount of meat a region can produce, a must in ensuring larger populations can be properly sustained.
82 Mines hinterland_mines 0 city 0 0 mine_resource 3
Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region and increase population growth for Dwarves.
83 Mining Network hinterland_mines 1 city 0 0 mine_resource 5
A Mining Network greatly increases the income generated by metal deposits in the region and increase population growth for Dwarves.
84 Mines hinterland_castle_mines 0 castle town 4 3500 mine_resource 3
Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region and increase population growth for Dwarves.
85 Mining Network hinterland_castle_mines 1 castle large_town 6 5400 mine_resource 5
A Mining Network greatly increases the income generated by metal deposits in the region and increase population growth for Dwarves.
86 Merchants' Guild guild_merchants_guild 0 city city 1 1200 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
A Merchants' Guild house improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region.
87 Master Merchants' Guild guild_merchants_guild 1 city large_city 2 2400 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
A Master Merchants' Guild improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region.
88 Merchants' Guild Headquarters guild_merchants_guild 2 city huge_city 3 3800 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
The Merchants' Guild Headquarters improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region.
89 Thieves' Guild guild_thiefs_guild 0 city city 1 1000
A Thieves' Guild house improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement.
90 Master Thieves' Guild guild_thiefs_guild 1 city large_city 2 2000
A Master Thieves' Guild improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement.
91 Thieves' Guild Headquarters guild_thiefs_guild 2 city huge_city 3 3000
The Thieves' Guild Headquarters improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement.
92 Explorers' Guild guild_explorers_guild 0 city city 1 1000
An Explorers' Guild house slightly increases the movement speed of those trained in the same settlement.
93 Master Explorers' Guild guild_explorers_guild 1 city large_city 2 2000
A Master Explorers' Guild house increases the movement speed of those trained in the same settlement.
94 Explorers' Guild Headquarters guild_explorers_guild 2 city huge_city 3 3000
The Explorers' Guild Headquarters increases the movement speed of those trained here notably, and opens a lucrative trade route.
95 Swordsmiths' Guild guild_swordsmiths_guild 0 city 1 1000 weapon_melee_blade 1
A Swordsmiths' Guild house allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining in the same settlement.
96 Master Swordsmiths' Guild guild_swordsmiths_guild 1 large_city 2 2000 weapon_melee_blade 1 faction_capability heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 1
A Master Swordsmiths' Guild allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining, and also improves the standard of locally recruited cavalry.
97 Swordsmiths' Guild Headquarters guild_swordsmiths_guild 2 large_city 3 3000 weapon_melee_blade 1 faction_capability heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 1
The Swordsmiths' Guild Headquarters allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining, and also improves the standard of locally recruited cavalry.
98 Library gondor_academic 0 city town 2 1200 religion_level bonus 2
A Library converts a small percentage of the region to Dúnedain culture, and improves happiness.
99 School gondor_academic 1 city large_town 4 2500 religion_level bonus 3
A School converts a moderate percentage of the region to Dúnedain culture, and improves happiness.
100 University gondor_academic 2 city city 6 5000 religion_level bonus 4
An University converts a decent percentage of the region to Dúnedain culture, and improves happiness.
101 Library gondor_castle_academic 0 castle town 2 1200 religion_level bonus 2
A Library converts a small percentage of the region to Dúnedain culture, and improves happiness.
102 School gondor_castle_academic 1 castle large_town 4 2500 religion_level bonus 3
A School converts a small percentage of the region to Dúnedain culture, and improves happiness.
103 Brothel taverns 0 city town 3 900
agent_limit spy 1
A Brothel increases happiness in the settlement slightly, and allows the recruitment of a spy.
104 Inn taverns 1 city large_town 4 2400
agent_limit assassin 1
agent_limit spy 1
An Inn increases happiness in the settlement, and allows the recruitment of spies and assassins.
105 Tavern taverns 2 city city 5 4800
happiness_bonus bonus 1
agent_limit assassin 1
agent_limit spy 1
A Tavern notably increases happiness in the settlement, and allows the recruitment of spies and assassins.
106 Coaching House taverns 3 city large_city 6 9600
happiness_bonus bonus 2
agent_limit assassin 1
agent_limit spy 2
A Coaching House greatly increases happiness in the settlement, and allows the recruitment of spies and assassins.
107 Pleasure Palace taverns 4 city huge_city 7 12500
happiness_bonus bonus 3
agent_limit assassin 2
agent_limit spy 2
A Pleasure Palace has a huge effect on happiness in the settlement, and allows the recruitment of spies and assassins.
108 Town Hall city_hall 0 city large_town 3 1200
law_bonus bonus 1
agent_limit diplomat 1
A Town Hall helps maintain law and order, as well as reduce squalor.
109 Council Chambers city_hall 1 city city 4 2600
law_bonus bonus 2
population_health_bonus bonus 1
agent_limit diplomat 1
Council Chambers help to maintain law and order, as well as reduce squalor.
110 City Hall city_hall 2 city large_city 5 4800
law_bonus bonus 3
population_health_bonus bonus 2
agent_limit diplomat 1
A City Hall does much to maintain law and order, as well as reduce urban squalor.
111 Mayor's Palace city_hall 3 city huge_city 6 6900
law_bonus bonus 4
population_health_bonus bonus 3
agent_limit diplomat 2
A Mayor's Palace does wonders to help maintain law and order, and also reduces squalor considerably.
112 Merchant Bank bank 0 city large_city 4 5200 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
agent_limit merchant 1
A Merchant Bank improves trade in the region, and allows the recruitment of an extra merchant.
113 Merchant Bank bank 1 city huge_city 6 9600 trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
agent_limit merchant 1
Merchant Vaults improve trade in the region significantly, and allows the recruitment of two extra merchants.
114 Theatre music 0 city large_city 4 5200 happiness_bonus bonus 1
A Theatre improves public happiness throughout the settlement it graces.
115 Conservatorium music 1 city huge_city 7 9600 happiness_bonus bonus 2
A Conservatorium significantly improves the public happiness in the province.
116 Jousting Lists tourney 0 castle large_city 4 5000 heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 1
Jousting Lists improve the quality of knights recruited here.
117 Tourney Field tourney 1 castle huge_city 6 8500 heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 2
A Tourney Field improves the quality of knights recruited here, and allows an extra militia unit at the castle.
118 The Tower of Ecthelion hinterland_ecthelion 0 city 0 0
The Tower of Ecthelion is overlooking Minas Tirith and bears the standard of the city.
119 The Great Gates hinterland_great_gates 0 city huge_city 2 7500 gate_strength 5
The main gate to Minas Tirith.
120 The Othram hinterland_great_walls 0 city 0 0 tower_level 2
Main city wall of Minas Tirith.
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps
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Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai
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Medieval II - Crusades
Medieval II - Tutonic
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Broken Crescent 2.02
Stainless Steel 5.1b
Stainless Steel 6.1
Deus Lo Vult 5.7
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 05
The Long Road 2.0
Lands to Conquer Gold
DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode
Das Heilige Romische Reich 06
Third Age 1.3
Third Age 1.4
Third Age 2.1
Third Age 3.1
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