1 |
諧趣詩人 |
Entertain |
可轉移 |
營造歡快風趣的氣氛,不失為極好的放鬆手段 |
事務官技能+1,個人安全+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= brothel AgentType = spy Chance : 5 % |
2 |
舞者 |
Entertain |
可轉移 |
沒有任何事物能比妙齡女郎的輕盈舞步更能引開眾人注意 |
事務官技能+2 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= brothel AgentType = spy Chance : 5 % |
3 |
偽造證件 |
Item |
若身份證明能瞞過除了原主之外所有其他人,則該份證明即可視為有效 |
事務官技能+1 |
When to test : Insurrection Condition : Chance : 50 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = spy SettlementBuildingExists = printing_press Chance : 33 % |
4 |
望遠鏡 |
Item |
可轉移 |
能令持有者發現通常只有高空鷹眼方可捕捉的遙遠危險 |
偵察視野+2 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = spy SettlementBuildingExists >= great_market Chance : 20 % |
5 |
盜賊行會總會長 |
pks_tguild |
這位情報天才在職業道路上一路攀升,最終成為王國中所有間諜人員的首領 |
間諜技能提高,行軍能力提高 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = spy not FactionwideAncillaryExists thiefgm FactionBuildingExists >= thieves_guild Chance : 75 % |
6 |
竊賊 |
Security |
外表天真無邪之孩童,卻是下扒行竊的老手 |
事務官技能+1,偵察視野+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = spy SettlementBuildingExists >= market Chance : 12 % |