1 |
狡詐商人 |
Item |
「也就是說,你把這兩個拿去,這樣你就只欠我100金幣」 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant not SettlementBuildingExists >= town_hall Chance : 5 % |
2 |
馬車馭夫 |
Money |
可轉移 |
由性格穩重技藝高超的馬車馭夫負責照看這些異國貴重貨物,無疑能大為節省時間和成本 |
行軍能力+25%,偵察視野+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant SettlementBuildingExists >= caravan_stop Chance : 50 % |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = merchant EndedInSettlement SettlementBuildingExists >= caravan_stop Chance : 10 % |
3 |
鑄偽幣者 |
Money |
可轉移 |
這位失敗的煉金術士或許無法煉製黃金,然而其鑄造偽幣技術卻妙絕天下 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant SettlementBuildingExists = alchemists_lab Chance : 15 % |
4 |
商業會計 |
Money |
可轉移 |
接受良好教育,擅長精確簿記和撰寫貿易合同的人才,實乃無價之寶 |
商業才能+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = merchant SettlementBuildingExists >= alchemy_school Chance : 50 % |