1 |
聖潔騎士 |
Military |
可轉移 |
信仰的忠實捍衛者,勇敢保護著那些播灑天主榮光的人們 |
個人安全+1,純潔+1,暴力+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= militia_drill_square Chance : 20 % |
2 |
王國大主教 |
pks_Religion |
這位教士成為王國最高主教,其無私和聖潔的靈魂,對國王助益良多 |
虔誠+1,行軍能力提高 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = priest EndedInSettlement SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral CharacterReligion catholic not HasAncType pks_Religion not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop1 not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop2 Chance : 75 % |
3 |
王國大主教 |
pks_Religion |
這位教士成為王國最高主教,然而他卻褻瀆聖職,將其作為滿足淫奢慾望,攫取世俗權力的工具 |
虔誠-2,行軍能力提高 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = priest EndedInSettlement SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral CharacterReligion catholic not HasAncType pks_Religion not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop1 not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop2 Chance : 25 % |
4 |
教堂執事 |
Religion |
那些教堂但有需要便慨然相助的人們,應當被任命為神聖教職 |
虔誠+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest CharacterReligion catholic SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral Chance : 50 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest CharacterReligion orthodox SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral_o Chance : 25 % |
5 |
聖芳濟各 |
Religion |
唯一 |
聖芳濟各會創始人,在世聖徒。他對自然環境和貧困民眾的關切贏得廣泛愛戴 |
虔誠+2,城邑髒亂-2,城邑動亂+2 |
When to test : GeneralJoinCrusade Condition : CultureType southern_european not FactionType byzantium I_TurnNumber >= 60 I_TurnNumber <= 73 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= church I_TurnNumber >= 60 I_TurnNumber <= 73 CultureType southern_european not FactionType byzantium Chance : 100 % |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = priest Trait Franciscan > 0 Chance : 100 % |
6 |
僧侶 |
Religion |
僧侶總是不厭其煩地向周圍人群發放食物和研討教義 |
虔誠+1,純潔-1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest CharacterNumTurnsIdle >= 4 PopulationOwnReligion >= 70 ReligionShift <= 10 Chance : 50 % |
7 |
修女 |
Religion |
與一位修女結成純潔的友誼,彰顯出此人的高貴心靈 |
虔誠+1,暴力-1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest CharacterReligion catholic SettlementBuildingExists >= abbey Chance : 75 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest CharacterReligion orthodox SettlementBuildingExists >= abbey_o Chance : 75 % |
8 |
皇家神學家 |
Religion |
只有極度虔誠的神學家,方可成為皇家學者 |
虔誠+1,異端思想+1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= mayors_palace Chance : 20 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= castle Chance : 20 % |
9 |
十字軍騎士 |
Security |
可轉移 |
貴族,堅定出色的戰友,只願為正義戰爭例如十字軍而奮勇廝殺 |
個人安全+2,暴力+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : AgentType = priest I_CrusadeInProgress IsRegionCrusadeTarget CharacterReligion catholic TimeInRegion > 2 Chance : 33 % |
10 |
女巫獵人 |
Security |
追隨牧師的宗教執法官,以教廷名義追殺異端 |
虔誠+1,異端思想-1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest PopulationHeretic > 15 TimeInRegion > 6 Chance : 20 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest FactionLeaderTrait ReligiousActivity > 1 Chance : 10 % |
11 |
唱詩幼童 |
Sex |
可轉移 |
「這個小童的美妙歌喉不啻為天籟之音!我幾乎欲屏住呼吸以仔細聆聽」 |
虔誠+1,異端思想+1,純潔-1 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= abbey CharacterReligion catholic Chance : 20 % |