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Home 首頁 / Das Heilige Römische Reich 06 神聖羅馬諸國誌 06 / The Duchy of Franconia / Retinue 隨從 / General's retinue 將軍隨從
Das Heilige Römische Reich 06 神聖羅馬諸國誌 06
The Duchy of Franconia The Duchy of Franconia
No. Card
21 Archbishop of Canterbury archbishop_london The Archbishop of Canterbury This man is the Archbishop of Canterbury. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_london = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_london
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName London
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_london
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
22 Erzbischof von Magdeburg archbishop_magdeburg The Archbishop of Magdeburg This man is the Archbishop of Magdeburg. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_magdeburg = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_magdeburg
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Magdeburg
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_magdeburg
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
23 Erzbischof von Mainz archbishop_mainz The Archbishop of Mainz This man is the Archbishop of Mainz. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_mainz = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_mainz
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Frankfurt
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_mainz
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
24 Erzbischof von Mailand archbishop_milan The Archbishop of Milan This man is the Archbishop of Milan. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_milan = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_milan
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Milan
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_milan
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
25 Bishop of Novgorod archbishop_novgorod The Bishop of Novgorod This man is the Bishop of Novgorod. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_novgorod = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_novgorod
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Novgorod
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_novgorod
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
26 Bischof von Olmütz archbishop_olmutz The Bishop of Olmutz This man is the Bishop of Olmutz. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_olmutz = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_olmutz
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Olmutz
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_olmutz
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
27 Archbishop of Braga archbishop_oporto The Archbishop of Braga This man is the Archbishop of Braga. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_oporto = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_oporto
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Oporto
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_oporto
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
28 Archbishop of Palermo archbishop_palermo The Archbishop of Palermo This man is the Archbishop of Palermo. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_palermo = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_palermo
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Palermo
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_palermo
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
29 Bischof von Passau archbishop_passau The Bishop of Passau This man is the Bishop of Passau. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_passau = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_passau
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Passau
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_passau
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
30 Archbishop of Gniezno archbishop_plock The Archbishop of Gniezno This man is the Archbishop of Gniezno. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_plock = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_plock
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Plock
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_plock
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
31 Archbishop of Rheims archbishop_rheims The Archbishop of Rheims This man is the Archbishop of Rheims. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_rheims = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_rheims
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Rheims
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_rheims
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
32 Bischof von Straßburg archbishop_strassburg The Bishop of Strassburg This man is the Bishop of Strassburg. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_strassburg = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_strassburg
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Strassburg
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_strassburg
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
33 Archbishop of Toledo archbishop_toledo The Archbishop of Toledo This man is the Archbishop of Toledo. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_toledo = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_toledo
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Toledo
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_toledo
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
34 Erzbischof von Trier archbishop_trier The Archbishop of Trier This man is the Archbishop of Trier. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_trier = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_trier
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Cologne
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_trier
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
35 Bischof von Utrecht archbishop_utrecht The Bishop of Utrecht This man is the Bishop of Utrecht. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_utrecht = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_utrecht
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Utrecht
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_utrecht
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
36 Bishop of Venice archbishop_venice The Bishop of Venice This man is the Bishop of Venice. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait archbishop_venice = 1
not HasAncType archbishop_venice
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Venice
not FactionwideAncillaryExists archbishop_venice
not AgentType = spy
not AgentType = admiral
not AgentType = diplomat
not AgentType = assassin
not AgentType = princess
not AgentType = merchant
not AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
not IsMarried
Trait worldly_title = 0
Trait clerical_title = 0
not CharacterReligion pagan
not CharacterReligion islam
not CharacterReligion judaism
Chance : 100 %
37 Atabek of Rum count_caesarea Atabek of Rum This man is the Atabek of Rum. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait count_caesarea = 1
not HasAncType count_caesarea
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Caesarea
not FactionwideAncillaryExists count_caesarea
AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
Trait worldly_title < 5
Trait clerical_title = 0
Chance : 100 %
38 Emir of Cordoba count_cordoba Emir of Cordoba This man is the Emir of Cordoba. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait count_cordoba = 1
not HasAncType count_cordoba
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Cordoba
not FactionwideAncillaryExists count_cordoba
AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
Trait worldly_title < 5
Trait clerical_title = 0
Chance : 100 %
39 Graf von Flandern count_flanders Count of Flanders This man is the Count of Flanders. When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait count_flanders = 1
not HasAncType count_flanders
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Bruges
not FactionwideAncillaryExists count_flanders
AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
Trait worldly_title < 5
Trait clerical_title = 0
FactionType slave
I_SettlementOwner Calais = slave
Chance : 100 %
40 Khan of Sarkel count_sarkel Khan of Sarkel This man is the Khan of Sarkel When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : not IsFactionAIControlled
Trait count_sarkel = 1
not HasAncType count_sarkel
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
SettlementName Sarkel
not FactionwideAncillaryExists count_sarkel
AgentType = family
not IsFactionHeir
not IsFactionLeader
Trait worldly_title < 5
Trait clerical_title = 0
Chance : 100 %
2 / 7 : P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 , P6 , P7
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Lands to Conquer Gold
DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode
Das Heilige Romische Reich 06
Third Age 1.3
Third Age 1.4
Third Age 2.1
Third Age 3.1
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