Royal Military Academy
Home / Third Age 1.3 / Isengard / Retinue
Third Age 1.3
Isengard Isengard
No. Card Title Type Transferable Unique Description Effects Condition
1 Academic Advisor Academic Transferable You don't need to know everything if someone else at hand does. 5% bonus on all trade income, 5% bonus on tax income When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= library
Chance : 33 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished = university
Chance : 33 %
2 Inventor Academic To have such a pioneer of wondrous technology by one's side helps keep a contemporary take on the world. +30 Build Points (required for the construction of siege equipment), +1 to farming output, 20% bonus on mining income When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= gondor_alchemists_lab
not Trait Ignorance > 0
Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= gondor_library
not Trait Ignorance > 0
Chance : 3 %
3 Orcish Armour armour Transferable This rusty armour smells like rotten flesh. At least it’s in one piece. +2 Hit Points, +1 Defence, +2 Personal Security When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CultureType eastern_european
SettlementBuildingExists >= armourer
not HasAncType armour
Chance : 5 %
4 Harsh Judge Court "When I need to ensure that justice is done without any compromise at all, I can rely upon this man to see it done!" -1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
SettlementBuildingExists >= city_hall
Trait StrategyDread > 0
Chance : 10 %
5 Torturer Court Only a depraved and insidious beast feels the need to have someone to carry on acts of torture while he is busy elsewhere. +3 Fear, +1 Authority, +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +3 to law (improves public order) When to test : ExterminatePopulation
Condition : IsGeneral
Trait StrategyDread > 1
Chance : 8 %
6 Foreign Dignitary Diplomacy When one is accompanied by people of import from abroad, it only ever reinforces one's own need for respect. +1 Influence When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : InEnemyLands
AgentType = diplomat
DistanceCapital > 30
Chance : 3 %
7 Gollum Follower Once corrupted, he is always near the One Ring. “My precioussss…” -1 Happiness, +1 Obidience, +2 Squalor When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
HasAncType relic_ring
not I_WorldwideAncillaryExists gollum
Chance : 3 %
8 Menacing Uruk Follower This Uruk is sure to put fear into the frail hearts of your enemies, and perhaps a large sword as well. +1 Troop Morale When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WonBattle
CultureType eastern_european
not FactionType hre
Chance : 3 %
9 Troll Follower A monster of Morgoth, unstoppable and hard to control. Best to have one on your side. +1 Infantry Command When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
CultureType eastern_european
SettlementBuildingExists >= troll_cage
TimeInRegion > 5
Chance : 5 %
10 Troll Captain Follower A huge muscle-packed terror of Morgoth, eager to fight, it’s frenzy is contagious. +1 Troop Morale When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
CultureType eastern_european
SettlementBuildingExists >= troll_cage
TimeInRegion > 5
Chance : 5 %
11 Witch Follower Pray to Sauron, the Dark Cult is rising… +1 Obidience , +1 Magic When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CultureType eastern_european
SettlementBuildingExists >= church
TimeInRegion > 3
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CultureType eastern_european
SettlementBuildingExists >= abbey
TimeInRegion > 3
Chance : 10 %
12 Worshipper of Morgoth Follower The Dark Cult is rising… +1 Obidience When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CultureType eastern_european
SettlementBuildingExists = church
TimeInRegion > 3
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CultureType eastern_european
SettlementBuildingExists >= abbey
TimeInRegion > 3
Chance : 10 %
13 Fine Armour Item An impressive suit of armour, custom fitted to it's owner's frame. +4 to your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists = armourer
Attribute Command > 4
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists = c_armourer
Attribute Command > 4
Chance : 30 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= armourer
Chance : 75 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= c_armourer
Chance : 75 %
14 Ornamental Armour Item Though his lordship thinks he looks dashing in this ornate piece of foppery, he is a fool to wear it in battle. +1 Authority, -2 from your general's hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) When to test : BecomesFactionLeader
Condition : Attribute Command < 4
I_TurnNumber > 2
Chance : 75 %
15 Exquisite Blade Item An exceptionally sharp and deadly blade, awarded to this man for succeeding on the most perilous of missions. +1 Assassination When to test : AssassinationMission
Condition : MissionSucceeded
AgentType = assassin
DistanceCapital > 55
Chance : 5 %
16 Dwarvish Bone Item Transferable This dwarf tasted good! If only they were taller… +1 Happiness , +1 TroopMorale When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
SettlementName Moria
TimeInRegion > 3
FactionType hre
Chance : 2 %
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WonBattle
GeneralWithAncKilled bone_moria
Chance : 100 %
17 Burning Post Item Transferable Let the grubs burn! +1 Law When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WonBattle
CultureType eastern_european
PercentageEnemyKilled >= 90
Chance : 25 %
18 Chopping Block Item Transferable “What about their legs(or heads)? They don’t need those!” +1 Law, +1 Authority When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WonBattle
CultureType eastern_european
PercentageEnemyKilled >= 90
Chance : 25 %
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WonBattle
CultureType middle_eastern
PercentageEnemyKilled >= 90
Chance : 25 %
19 Delicate Blade Item Though many consider it inappropriate for a princess to carry a blade, her parents insisted that it may come in handy. +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Paranoia >= 1
AgentType = princess
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait SpyMaster >= 1
AgentType = princess
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait AssassinMaster >= 1
AgentType = princess
Chance : 100 %
20 Ent-draughts Item Transferable Mysterious and potent waters consumed by the Ents. If it is drunk by beings other than Ents the power of growth is most evident. +1 Health, +1 to your general's hitpoints When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
SettlementName Fangorn
TimeInRegion > 3
Chance : 25 %
1 / 4 : P1 , P2 , P3 , P4
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