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TotalWar.com |
SEGA Total War – the official website – packed with more goodness than ever before. Get the latest screensavers, wallpapers, downloads and so much more for Medieval 2 and all other games in the Total War Collection. |
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左賢王漢化團隊 - 提供一個良好的漢化和翻譯的交流討論平台 |
Total War Center - Forums |
The most active discussion forum on the Web for the Total War series of computer games. |
Total War Heaven - Forum |
General discussions about The Creative Assembly’s Medieval 2: Total War. Meet other players, and find answers to questions about the game. |
TotalWar Org - Forum |
The First Unofficial Fan Site for the Total War games series. Medieval 2 Total War, Rome Total War, Shogun Total War, Medieval Total War, Total War Eras, Spartan Total Warrior, Patches, Downloads, Mods, Guides, Campaigns, Forums and Technical Help. |
Yuku - Forum |
Discussions on Medieval II: Total War, Kingdoms. |
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全軍破敵論壇, 網戰團隊及戰術交流討論區 |
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皇家軍事學院 |
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