Royal Military Academy
Home / Deus Lo Vult 6.0 / Heiliges Römisches Reich / Traits / Priest's traits
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
Heiliges Römisches Reich Heiliges Römisches Reich
No. Type Title Threshold Description Effects Hidden Epithet Condition
1 Anchorit Hesychast Friar 1 Hesychasts are fully integrated into the Liturgical and sacramental life of the Orthodox Church, including the daily cycle of liturgical prayer of the Divine Office and the Divine Liturgy. +1 Piety, +1 Purity, -1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_anchorit
Affects : Anchorit 1
Chance : 100 %
Hesychast Prior 4 A Prior is a monastic superior, usually lower in rank than an Abbot. +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -2 Violence
Hesychast Abbot 8 The word abbot, meaning father, is a title given to the head of a monastery. +3 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -3 Violence
2 Cenobit Cenobitic Friar 1 The communal (cenobitic) type of monasticism in which men and women live together in a very structured relationship of worship, work and service, has become the norm in the Orthodox Church. +1 Piety, +1 Purity, +1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_cenobit
Affects : Cenobit 1
Chance : 100 %
Cenobitic Prior 4 A Prior is a monastic superior, usually lower in rank than an Abbot. +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, +2 Violence
Cenobitic Abbot 8 The word abbot, meaning father, is a title given to the head of a monastery. +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, +3 Violence
3 DivineProtection Blessedly Lucky 1 Suspects that his faith alone has kept him safe from mortal danger. +1 Violence
When to test : ExecutesAnAssassinOnAMission
Condition : AgentType = priest
Affects : DivineProtection 1
Chance : 85 %
Divine Protection 3 Quite certain that the Lord is watching over him, keeping him safe no matter what the adversity. +1 Piety, +1 Violence
The Chosen One 6 "God himself turns the assassin's blade from my back. I am Chosen!" +2 Piety, +2 Violence the Chosen
4 Dogmatic Orthodox 2 When the presence of the faith is prominent, it is easier to stay true to the flock. -1 Unorthodoxy
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift < 10
PopulationOwnReligion > 85
TimeInRegion = 3
Affects : Dogmatic 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
AgentType = priest
SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral
Affects : Dogmatic 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_cenobit
Affects : Dogmatic 1
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_dom
Affects : Dogmatic 1
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_sunnit
Affects : Dogmatic 1
Chance : 30 %
Dogmatic 4 Has spent much time in places his faith is already dominant, and finds adhering to doctrine easy as a result. -2 Unorthodoxy
Utterly Dogmatic 8 When one never leaves the lands where one's faith is strong, falling to heresy is most unlikely. -3 Unorthodoxy
5 Dominican Dominican Friar 1 Dominican friars live in priories, usually with at least six brothers under an elected prior. The Divine Office and Mass are sung daily by the community, and form the heart of the common life. Sharing meals and recreation together is also an important par +1 Piety, +1 Purity, +1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_dom
Affects : Dominican 1
Chance : 100 %
Dominican Prior 4 A Prior is a monastic superior, usually lower in rank than an Abbot. +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, +2 Violence
Dominican Abbot 8 The word abbot, meaning father, is a title given to the head of a monastery. +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, +3 Violence
6 Doomsayer Morbid 1 Has become concerned that his faith alone may not see him through all manner of adversity. +1 Unorthodoxy-1 Violence
When to test : SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition : AgentType = priest
Affects : Doomsayer 1
Chance : 85 %
Forsaken 3 Very aware that mortal danger can still reach those who are reaching for the divine. +1 Unorthodoxy-1 Violence
Doomsayer 6 Now utterly convinced that all the attempts on his life are tests from above, and that he is destined to fail one. +2 Unorthodoxy-2 Violence the Doomsayer
7 FastAgent6 Swift6 1 Hidden
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge > 60
Affects : FastAgent6 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge <= 60
CharacterAge > 35
Affects : FastAgent6 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge <= 35
CharacterAge > 25
Affects : FastAgent6 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge <= 25
Affects : FastAgent6 1
Chance : 100 %
8 Franciscan Franciscan Friar 1 Franciscan friars live in priories, usually with at least six brothers under an elected prior. The Divine Office and Mass are sung daily by the community, and form the heart of the common life. Sharing meals and recreation together is also an important pa +1 Piety, +1 Purity, -1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_franc
Affects : Franciscan 1
Chance : 100 %
Franciscan Prior 4 A Prior is a monastic superior, usually lower in rank than an Abbot. +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -2 Violence
Franciscan Abbot 8 The word abbot, meaning father, is a title given to the head of a monastery. +3 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -3 Violence
9 Missionary Missionary 1 Bringing the entire flock into the one true faith is an admirable achievement. +1 Piety, +1 Eligibility+1 Purity-1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
TimeInRegion > 4
TimeSinceReligion > 95 >= 10
PopulationOwnReligion > 95
ReligionShift > 10
Affects : Missionary 1
Chance : 85 %
Spreader of Faith 3 Has ensured his own religion is dominant on more than one occasion. +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility+2 Purity-2 Violence
Beacon of Faith 6 A true champion of spreading the faith. He always leaves a trail of believers in his wake. +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility+3 Purity-2 Violence the Missionary
10 NaturalPriestSkill Blessed 1 Appears to be somewhat more in touch with God and his spirituality than most. +1 Piety
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
Affects : NaturalPriestSkill 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
Trait NaturalPriestSkill = 1
Affects : NaturalPriestSkill 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
Trait NaturalPriestSkill >= 2
Affects : NaturalPriestSkill 1
Chance : 20 %
Divine Connection 2 There is no doubt in this man's mind that God speaks to him directly, and that he must heed his call. +2 Piety
Chosen One 3 So strong and unyielding is his connection with God that some speculate he could later be recognised as a prophet. +3 Piety
11 OpenMinded Odd Habits 2 Has seen his faith's effort come to naught in the past, and does not know what to think of it. +1 Unorthodoxy
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
PopulationOwnReligion <= 40
TimeInRegion > 2
Affects : OpenMinded 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterNearHeretic
Condition : AgentType = priest
Affects : OpenMinded 1
Chance : 25 %
Open-Minded 4 Is uncertain whether faith itself is flawed, or if it's been lacking in the people he has met. +2 Unorthodoxy
Quite Unorthodox 8 Realising so many see the divine a different way is making this man question if he can see it at all anymore. +3 Unorthodoxy the Unorthodox
12 PriestLevel Bishop 1 This priest was granted the title of Bishop at the Cathedral he preached at prior to his dealings with the crown. +1 Piety
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral_o
Trait PriestLevel = 0
Affects : PriestLevel 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral
Trait PriestLevel = 0
Affects : PriestLevel 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
SettlementBuildingExists >= gm_temple_velnias
Trait PriestLevel = 0
Affects : PriestLevel 2
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
SettlementBuildingExists >= m_temple_velnias
Trait PriestLevel = 0
Affects : PriestLevel 1
Chance : 100 %
Cardinal 2 Now holding the rank of Cardinal, a position granted to this man by the Pope himself. +1 Piety
13 PriestTurnsAlive Young 1
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge > 60
Affects : PriestTurnsAlive 91
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge <= 60
CharacterAge > 35
Affects : PriestTurnsAlive 61
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge <= 35
CharacterAge > 25
Affects : PriestTurnsAlive 21
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
CharacterAge <= 25
Affects : PriestTurnsAlive 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
Trait CharacterAges = 1
Affects : PriestTurnsAlive 1
Chance : 100 %
Middle Aged 20
Feeling His Age 60
One Foot in the Grave 90
14 Purifier Battler of Heresy 1 Has managed to drive heresy from a place that was once rife with it. +1 Piety, +1 Eligibility+1 Purity+1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
TimeInRegion > 4
TimeSinceHeresy < 5 >= 10
PopulationHeretic < 5
ReligionShift > 10
Affects : Purifier 1
Chance : 85 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_cenobit
Affects : Purifier 1
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_dom
Affects : Purifier 1
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_sunnit
Affects : Purifier 1
Chance : 30 %
Enemy of Heresy 3 His record of eradicating heresy from the lands he preaches in is most impressive. +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility+2 Purity+2 Violence
Purger of Heresy 6 Where this man walks, heresy dies. A champion of eradicating all traces of religious impurity. +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility+3 Purity+2 Violence
15 SecretlyFemale Secretly Female 1 Her devotion to God is strong enough to risk severe punishment for posing as a man. +1 Piety, -1 Eligibility+1 Purity-1 Violence
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
not CultureType middle_eastern
Affects : SecretlyFemale 1
Chance : 2 %
16 StrongFaith Growing Faith 2 Seeing that his preaching has made a difference is helping this priest's faith grow. +1 Piety
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift >= 6
TimeInRegion < 8
Trait StrongFaith < 1
Affects : StrongFaith 1
Chance : 85 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift >= 8
TimeInRegion < 12
Trait StrongFaith = 1
Affects : StrongFaith 1
Chance : 75 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift >= 10
TimeInRegion < 16
Trait StrongFaith = 2
Affects : StrongFaith 1
Chance : 66 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift >= 12
TimeInRegion < 20
Trait StrongFaith >= 3
Affects : StrongFaith 1
Chance : 30 %
Strong Faith 4 Though there has been much heresy about him, his tangible results against it has only fuelled his faith. +2 Piety
Shining Faith 8 Years of missionary work have only reaffirmed his belief and conviction. +3 Piety
Unquestionable Faith 12 Has converted more souls than the almighty himself could fathom, resulting in an iron clad faith. +4 Piety
17 Sufi Sufi Fakir 1 A mendicant ascetics who have taken the vow of poverty. Though some of them are beggars by choice, others work in common professions. +1 Piety, +1 Purity, -1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sunni > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_sufi
Affects : Sufi 1
Chance : 100 %
Murid 4 Murid is a Sufi term meaning 'committed one'. It refers to a person who is committed to a teacher in the spiritual path of Sufism. The initiation process is known as Bai'ath. Before initiation a Murid is guided and taught by a Murshid or Pir who must firs +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -2 Violence
Murshid 8 A Murshid (Pir) is a spiritual guide or master. Among Sufis, it refers to a director of novices who possesses charisma and grace. +3 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -3 Violence
18 Sunni Sunni Student 1 Student studying the islamic law that is known as the Shari'ah. The Shari'ah is based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. +1 Piety, +1 Purity, +1 Violence
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : AgentType = priest
not Trait Cenobit > 0
not Trait Anchorit > 0
not Trait Dominican > 0
not Trait Franciscan > 0
not Trait Sufi > 0
SettlementBuildingExists >= hermit_sunnit
Affects : Sunni 1
Chance : 100 %
Sunni Mullah 4 Mullah is the name commonly given to local Islamic clerics or mosque leaders. They lead prayers in mosques, deliver religious sermons, and perform religious ceremonies such as birth rites and funeral services. +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, +2 Violence
Sunni Ulema 8 Educated class of Muslim legal scholars engaged in the several fields of Islamic studies. They are best known as the arbiters of shari‘a law. While the ulema are well versed in legal jurisprudence being Islamic lawyers, some of them also go on to speciali +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, +3 Violence
19 TheologiansGuildMember Theologians' Guild Apprentice 1 The presence of a Master Theologian's Guild within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest's initiation. +1 Piety
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
FactionBuildingExists >= m_theologians_guild
Affects : TheologiansGuildMember 2
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
FactionBuildingExists = gm_theologians_guild
Affects : TheologiansGuildMember 3
Chance : 100 %
Theologians' Guild Journeyman 2 The presence of Theologian's Guild HQ within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest's initiation. +2 Piety
20 TheologiansGuildTrained Orthodox Instruction 1 The influence of the local Theologian's guild house has only served to make this priest more pious. +1 Piety
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
SettlementBuildingExists >= theologians_guild
Affects : TheologiansGuildTrained 1
Chance : 100 %
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