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Home 首頁 / Das Heilige Römische Reich 06 神聖羅馬諸國誌 06 / The Cumans / Traits 特性 / Family general's traits 王室將軍特性
Das Heilige Römische Reich 06 神聖羅馬諸國誌 06
The Cumans The Cumans
No. Type
201 NightBattleCapable Night Fighter 1 Has a proper understanding of how to organise a large fighting force so that they will not flounder about ineffectually in the darkness. +1 Command when fighting at night
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : Trait NightBattleCapable = 0
Attribute Command >= 5
Affects : NightBattleCapable 6
Chance : 100 %
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : IsGeneral
Attribute Command >= 1
Trait NightBattleCapable = 0
Affects : NightBattleCapable 6
Chance : 100 %
When to test : LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : NightBattleCapable 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : NightBattleCapable 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : NightBattleCapable 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition :
Affects : NightBattleCapable 1
Chance : 10 %
202 Noctophilia Likes the Dark 2 The dark is not something to be feared, but rather, something to take advantage of in battle. +1 Command when fighting at night
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WasAttacker
BattleSuccess >= clear
BattleOdds >= 0.5
BattleOdds < 2
Affects : Noctophilia 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : not WasAttacker
BattleSuccess >= clear
BattleOdds >= 0.5
BattleOdds < 2
Affects : Noctophilia 1
Chance : 100 %
Effective at Night 3 Adept at using the cover of night to disguise his tactical manoeuvres on the battlefield. +2 Command when fighting at night
Nocturnal 5 Known to sleep during the day so he can spend more of his waking hours in darkness. Makes easy prey of enemies unaccustomed to working in the dark. +3 Command when fighting at night
203 Noctophobia Spooked at Night 2 On edge at night, knowing that he cannot be certain of what it is that will emerge from the darkness. -1 Command when fighting at night
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WasAttacker
not WonBattle
BattleSuccess >= clear
BattleOdds >= 0.8
Affects : Noctophobia 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : not WasAttacker
not WonBattle
BattleSuccess >= clear
BattleOdds < 1.5
Affects : Noctophobia 1
Chance : 50 %
Fear of the Dark 3 Develops an irrational fear in the dark, that something will strike from somewhere unseen… He cannot bear it! -2 Command when fighting at night, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
Noctophobic 5 This man cannot sleep without torchlight nearby, he is utterly afraid of the dark. A sad state for a grown man. -3 Command when fighting at night, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
204 NonAuthoritarian Fair Ruler 3 Sees little use in oppressing the people simply because he has opportunity to do so. -2 from unrest (improves public order), -1 from law (has a negative effect on public order)
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= brothel
Affects : NonAuthoritarian 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= jousting_lists
Affects : NonAuthoritarian 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Authoritarian >= 1
Affects : NonAuthoritarian 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : OccupySettlement
Condition :
Affects : NonAuthoritarian 1
Chance : 3 %
When to test : OccupySettlement
Condition : Trait StrategyChivalry > 0
Affects : NonAuthoritarian 1
Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait NonAuthoritarian >= 1
Affects : NonAuthoritarian 1
Chance : 4 %
Understanding Ruler 4 Aware that heavy-handed treatment of the common man's common indiscretion only leads to resentment and unrest. -1 Authority, -4 from unrest (improves public order), -2 from law (has a negative effect on public order)
Liberal Leader 6 A firm believer that allowing the people their personal freedoms makes for a more prosperous society. -2 Authority, -6 from unrest (improves public order), -3 from law (has a negative effect on public order) the Kind
205 office_chancellor Chancellor 1 He is the Royal Chancellor +2 Loyalty, 20% bonus on mining income, 10% bonus on tax income, +1 to law (improves public order) - Royal Chancellor
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
HasAncType office_chancellor
Trait office_chancellor = 0
Affects : office_chancellor 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : Trait office_chancellor = 1
I_EventCounter office_chancellor = 3
not IsFactionAIControlled
Affects : office_chancellor -1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait office_chancellor = 1
I_EventCounter office_chancellor = 4
not IsFactionAIControlled
Affects : office_chancellor 1
Chance : 100 %
206 office_marshall Grand Marshall 1 He is the Grand Marshall +2 Loyalty, +2 Command - Grand Marshall
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsFactionAIControlled
HasAncType office_marshall
Trait office_marshall = 0
Affects : office_marshall 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterSelected
Condition : Trait office_marshall = 1
I_EventCounter office_marshall = 3
not IsFactionAIControlled
Affects : office_marshall -1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait office_marshall = 1
I_EventCounter office_marshall = 4
not IsFactionAIControlled
Affects : office_marshall 1
Chance : 100 %
207 Paranoia Slow to Trust 1 Takes considerable time with someone before believing their intentions to be as they claim. +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
When to test : SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : Paranoia 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Paranoia >= 2
Affects : Paranoia 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : BrotherAdopted
Condition :
Affects : Paranoia 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait Paranoia >= 1
Affects : Paranoia 1
Chance : 4 %
Overly Suspicious 2 Suspicious of unseen plots and dreaded fates, many of which are obviously untrue. +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
Paranoid 4 Typically believes that others are out to get him, afraid of the intentions others have towards him - they must be dastardly! -1 Command, -1 Authority, +3 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
Completely Paranoid 8 Utterly unable to relax or trust anyone, this man is a total wreck, afraid of possibility itself. -2 Command, -2 Authority, +4 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
208 Perverted Sexually Liberated 1 Unfussed with what others think of his bedroom antics - it is not their business in the first place. +1 to popularity (improves public order)
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Perverted >= 2
Affects : Perverted 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : Perverted 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait Perverted >= 1
Affects : Perverted 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists = pleasure_palace
Affects : Perverted 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : Perverted 1
Chance : 3 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition :
Affects : Perverted 1
Chance : 3 %
Sexually Eccentric 2 This man's tastes for carnal pleasures are outlandish and irregular, and not something to let others known of. -1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
Sexually Debauched 4 The pleasures found in the depths of depravity have left unpleasant stains on this man's character. -1 Piety, -2 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
Sexually Perverse 7 There are no depths to which this man will not sink in his quest for physical satisfaction. -2 Piety, -3 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
Sexually Corrupt 10 It is common knowledge that this man indulges in carnal pleasures that any decent person would deem an affront to God. -3 Piety, -1 Authority, -4 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
Diabolically Degenerate 12 This man carries out sexual acts that would make most physically sick at their mere mention. Nothing is too much - torture, bestiality, necrophilia... -4 Piety, -2 Authority, -5 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) the Foul
209 PoliticsSkill Political Promise 5 Showing interest and promise in the deadly games of politics. +1 Authority
When to test : LeaderOrderedBribery
Condition :
Affects : PoliticsSkill 5
Chance : 50 %
When to test : LeaderOrderedDiplomacy
Condition :
Affects : PoliticsSkill 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait PoliticsSkill >= 2
Affects : PoliticsSkill 5
Chance : 20 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition :
Affects : PoliticsSkill 1
Chance : 17 %
Political Animal 10 Few savour the world of politics but this man has a love for the deals and schemes of kingdoms. -1 Loyalty, +1 Authority
Perfect Politician 15 Has an iron-clad grip on the world of politics, and is a master of dealing with and understanding other peoples. -2 Loyalty, +2 Authority
210 PopesEnforcer Pope's Enforcer 1 Lords who have no qualms about travelling to far off lands for noble, spiritual causes serve as a great example to their men. +1 Dread, +1 Command when fighting against Muslims
When to test : LeaderMissionSuccess
Condition : MissionID assassinate_cardinal
Affects : PopesEnforcer 1
Chance : 100 %
Pope's Executioner 3 Some show their devotion through prayer, but this man shows it through battling in God's name. +2 Dread, +2 Command when fighting against Muslims the Executioner
211 Pragmatic Mostly Rational 1 More of this man's beliefs are based on his own common sense than what others would preach to him. +1 Authority
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Pragmatic >= 1
Affects : Pragmatic 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not EndedInSettlement
Affects : Pragmatic 1
Chance : 2 %
No Nonsense 2 Not open to hearing talk of divine and mystical perils that may befall us. Why have these things not happened then? +2 Authority, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Utterly Pragmatic 3 There is little romance or imagination in this man's mind, making him most expedient, but very dry. +3 Authority, +2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
212 Prim Proper Morals 1 Behaves in a noble and proper way without prompting. +1 Authority, 20% increase to cost to bribe, +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +1 to law (improves public order)
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Girls >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Arse = 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Cuckold >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Arse > 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Prim >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition :
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 2
Affects : Prim 3
Chance : 60 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 3
Affects : Prim 6
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 4
Affects : Prim 12
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition :
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 2
Affects : Prim 3
Chance : 60 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 3
Affects : Prim 6
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 4
Affects : Prim 12
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait Prim >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= church
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= masjid
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= church_o
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 4 %
Prim 3 Prim and proper, this man's righteousness make him rather humourless. +2 Authority, 30% increase to cost to bribe, +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +2 to law (improves public order)
Holier than Thou 5 Conducts himself in a manner that is utterly noble and immaculate, distancing himself from the common man. -1 Command, +2 Authority, 40% increase to cost to bribe, -1 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +3 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +3 to law (improves public order)
213 PublicAtheism Religiously Improper 2 Poorly masks his disdain for dealing with religious ceremony. -2 Piety, +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait PublicAtheism >= 1
Affects : PublicAtheism 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : PublicAtheism 1
Chance : 3 %
Humanist 5 More interested in exploring how humans work than skipping that and dwelling on 'the possibilities of the divine. -4 Piety, +4 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
Athiest 12 Not ashamed of the fact that he does not believe in a God. It is a theory few others believe, and even fewer are so foolish to admit to living by. -6 Piety, +6 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
Despises Religion 20 Feels that religion is a diabolical sham, used to control the masses under threat of eternal spiritual suffering. -8 Piety, +8 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) the Faithless
214 PublicFaith Religiously Proper 1 Follows the basic mandates, goes to pray often enough. +1 Piety
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = cathedral
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 35 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = huge_cathedral
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 65 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = jama
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 75 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = great_jama
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = cathedral_o
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = huge_cathedral_o
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 75 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait PublicFaith >= 1
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= church
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= chapel
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= masjid
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= c_masjid
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= church_o
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= chapel_o
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 15 %
Religiously Minded 4 Shows consideration for matters of religion in both his professional and personal lives. +2 Piety
Religiously Devout 8 Pious enough to be considered a true supporter of the faith. +3 Piety
Pious Ruler 16 As pious as one can ever be expected to be, this man is a champion of the faith. +4 Piety the Pious
215 Rabblerouser Instigator 1 Often the first man to say something to start a heated debate, but not always the one to finish it. +1 to popularity (improves public order)
When to test : GovernorCityRiots
Condition :
Affects : Rabblerouser 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : GovernorCityRebels
Condition :
Affects : Rabblerouser 1
Chance : 20 %
Agitator 2 Able to inspire malcontent feelings within an audience. +2 to popularity (improves public order)
Provoker 4 Can rouse a group of downtrodden folk with words of strength and determination that are not too flowery or noble. +1 Authority, +3 to popularity (improves public order), +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
Leader of the Mob 8 The kind of man who can champion the people with words, their belief in his ability and ideals, absolute. +2 Authority, +4 to popularity (improves public order), +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
216 rank1 rank1 1 No effect Hidden
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Candidate1 = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Emperor = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 1
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 10
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 11
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 12
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 13
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 14
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 15
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 16
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 17
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 18
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 19
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 20
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 21
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 22
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 23
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 24
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 25
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 26
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 27
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 28
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 29
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 2
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 30
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 31
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 3
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 4
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 5
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 6
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 7
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 8
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 9
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank1 -9
Chance : 100 %
rank2 2 No effect Hidden
rank3 3 No effect Hidden
rank4 4 No effect Hidden
rank5 5 No effect Hidden
rank6 6 No effect Hidden
rank7 7 No effect Hidden
rank8 8 No effect Hidden
rank9 9 No effect Hidden
217 rank2 rank10 1 No effect Hidden
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Candidate1 = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Emperor = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 1
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 10
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 11
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 12
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 13
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 14
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 15
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 16
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 17
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 18
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 19
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 20
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 21
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 22
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 23
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 24
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 25
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 26
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 27
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 28
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 29
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 2
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 30
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 31
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 3
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 4
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 5
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 6
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 7
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 8
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 9
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank2 -9
Chance : 100 %
rank11 2 No effect Hidden
rank12 3 No effect Hidden
rank13 4 No effect Hidden
rank14 5 No effect Hidden
rank15 6 No effect Hidden
rank16 7 No effect Hidden
rank17 8 No effect Hidden
rank18 9 No effect Hidden
218 rank3 rank19 1 No effect Hidden
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Candidate1 = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Emperor = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 1
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 10
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 11
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 12
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 13
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 14
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 15
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 16
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 17
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 18
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 19
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 20
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 21
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 22
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 23
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 24
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 25
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 26
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 27
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 28
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 29
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 2
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 30
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 31
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 3
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 4
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 5
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 6
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 7
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 8
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 9
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank3 -9
Chance : 100 %
rank20 2 No effect Hidden
rank21 3 No effect Hidden
rank22 4 No effect Hidden
rank23 5 No effect Hidden
rank24 6 No effect Hidden
rank25 7 No effect Hidden
rank26 8 No effect Hidden
rank27 9 No effect Hidden
219 rank4 rank28 1 No effect Hidden
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Candidate1 = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Emperor = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : FactionHasRank
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 1
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 10
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 11
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 12
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 13
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 14
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 15
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 16
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 17
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 18
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 19
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 1
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 20
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 21
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 22
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 23
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 24
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 25
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 26
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 27
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 28
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 29
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 2
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 30
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 31
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 3
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 4
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 5
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 6
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 7
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 8
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FactionHasRank
I_EventCounter FindCand = 0
FactionScoreRank overall = 9
Trait Factionleader = 1
Trait Candidate1 = 0
Trait ReichMember = 1
Trait Acht = 0
Trait Emperor = 0
Affects : rank4 -4
Chance : 100 %
rank29 2 No effect Hidden
rank30 3 No effect Hidden
rank31 4 No effect Hidden
220 RansomChivalry Noble Commander 1 Has shown some leniency to enemies captured on the field of battle. +1 Chivalry
When to test : GeneralPrisonersRansomedCaptive
Condition : RansomType ransom
NumCapturedSoldiers > 80
RansomAmount > 1000
Affects : RansomChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
Honourable Commander 2 Known to generally show mercy and compassion to those he has defeated in battle. +2 Chivalry, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Caring Commander 3 So commonly does this man let his enemy prisoners go, they actually expect it. +3 Chivalry, +2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Merciful Commander 4 A truly merciful champion of chivalry who always shows the utmost courtesy to those he has bested. +4 Chivalry, +3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield the Merciful
11 / 13 : P4 , P5 , P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps
Total War: Rome II
Units in Custom Battle

Total War: Shogun 2

Shogun 2: Rise of the Samurai
Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai
Total War: Napoleon

Total War: Empire
Total War: Medieval II

Medieval II - Americas
Medieval II - Britannia
Medieval II - Crusades
Medieval II - Tutonic
Total War: Medieval II - MODs
Broken Crescent 1.05
Broken Crescent 2.02
Stainless Steel 5.1b
Stainless Steel 6.1
Deus Lo Vult 5.7
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 05
The Long Road 2.0
Lands to Conquer Gold
DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode
Das Heilige Romische Reich 06
Third Age 1.3
Third Age 1.4
Third Age 2.1
Third Age 3.1
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