Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
Home 首頁 / Stainless Steel 5.1b 鋼鐵咆嘯 5.1b / Scotland 蘇格蘭王國 / Traits 特性 / Family general's traits 王室將軍特性
Stainless Steel 5.1b 鋼鐵咆嘯 5.1b
Scotland 蘇格蘭王國 Scotland 蘇格蘭王國
No. Type
221 Prim Proper Morals 2 Behaves in a noble and proper way without prompting. +1 Authority, 20% increase to cost to bribe, +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +1 to law (improves public order)
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Cuckold >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Prim >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition :
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 2
Affects : Prim 2
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 3
Affects : Prim 3
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition : Trait Girls >= 4
Affects : Prim 4
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterBecomesAFather
Condition :
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 2
Affects : Prim 2
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 3
Affects : Prim 2
Chance : 40 %
When to test : CharacterMarries
Condition : Trait Girls >= 4
Affects : Prim 5
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition :
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 2 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait Prim >= 1
Affects : Prim 1
Chance : 4 %
Prim 4 Prim and proper, this man's righteousness make him rather humourless. +2 Authority, 30% increase to cost to bribe, +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +2 to law (improves public order)
Holier than Thou 6 Conducts himself in a manner that is utterly noble and immaculate, distancing himself from the common man. -1 Command, +2 Authority, 40% increase to cost to bribe, -1 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +3 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +3 to law (improves public order)
222 PublicAtheism Religiously Improper 2 Poorly masks his disdain for dealing with religious ceremony. -2 Piety, +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait PublicAtheism >= 1
Affects : PublicAtheism 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : ExterminatePopulation
Condition : IsGeneral
PopulationOwnReligion > 66
Affects : PublicAtheism 2
Chance : 85 %
When to test : SackSettlement
Condition : IsGeneral
PopulationOwnReligion > 50
Affects : PublicAtheism 1
Chance : 66 %
When to test : OccupySettlement
Condition : IsGeneral
PopulationOwnReligion < 40
Affects : PublicAtheism 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition :
Affects : PublicAtheism 1
Chance : 2 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait PublicAtheism >= 1
PopulationOwnReligion < 33
Affects : PublicAtheism 1
Chance : 4 %
Humanist 5 More interested in exploring how humans work than skipping that and dwelling on 'the possibilities' of the divine. -4 Piety, +4 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
Athiest 12 Not ashamed of the fact that he does not believe in a God. It is a theory few others believe, and even fewer are so foolish to admit to living by. -6 Piety, +6 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
Despises Religion 20 Feels that religion is a diabolical sham, used to control the masses under threat of eternal spiritual suffering. -8 Piety, +8 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) the Faithless
223 PublicFaith Religiously Proper 1 Follows the basic mandates, goes to pray often enough. +1 Piety
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists >= cathedral
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = huge_cathedral
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = jama
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = great_jama
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists >= cathedral_o
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
FactionBuildingExists = huge_cathedral_o
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 30 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CharacterNumTurnsIdle > 3
SettlementBuildingExists >= small_church
PopulationOwnReligion < 50
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CharacterNumTurnsIdle > 3
SettlementBuildingExists >= small_church_o
PopulationOwnReligion < 50
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CharacterNumTurnsIdle > 3
SettlementBuildingExists >= small_masjid
PopulationOwnReligion < 50
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CharacterNumTurnsIdle > 3
SettlementBuildingExists >= small_chapel
PopulationOwnReligion < 50
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CharacterNumTurnsIdle > 3
SettlementBuildingExists >= small_chapel_o
PopulationOwnReligion < 50
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : EndedInSettlement
CharacterNumTurnsIdle > 3
SettlementBuildingExists >= c_small_masjid
PopulationOwnReligion < 50
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait PublicFaith >= 1
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition :
Affects : PublicFaith 1
Chance : 4 %
Religiously Minded 2 Shows consideration for matters of religion in both his professional and personal lives. +2 Piety
Religiously Devout 4 Pious enough to be considered a true supporter of the faith. +3 Piety
Pious Ruler 8 As pious as one can ever be expected to be, this man is a champion of the faith. +4 Piety the Pious
224 Rabblerouser Instigator 1 Often the first man to say something to start a heated debate, but not always the one to finish it. +1 to popularity (improves public order)
When to test : GovernorCityRiots
Condition :
Affects : Rabblerouser 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : GovernorCityRebels
Condition :
Affects : Rabblerouser 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FactionType scotland
Affects : Rabblerouser 1
Chance : 4 %
Agitator 2 Able to inspire malcontent feelings within an audience. +2 to popularity (improves public order)
Provoker 4 Can rouse a group of downtrodden folk with words of strength and determination that are not too flowery or noble. +1 Authority, +3 to popularity (improves public order), +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
Leader of the Mob 8 The kind of man who can champion the people with words, their belief in his ability and ideals, absolute. +2 Authority, +4 to popularity (improves public order), +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order)
225 RansomChivalry Noble Commander 1 Has shown some leniency to enemies captured on the field of battle. +1 Chivalry
When to test : GeneralPrisonersRansomedCaptive
Condition : RansomType ransom
NumCapturedSoldiers > 80
RansomAmount > 1000
Affects : RansomChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
Honourable Commander 2 Known to generally show mercy and compassion to those he has defeated in battle. +2 Chivalry, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Caring Commander 3 So commonly does this man let his enemy prisoners go, they actually expect it. +3 Chivalry, +2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Merciful Commander 4 A truly merciful champion of chivalry who always shows the utmost courtesy to those he has bested. +4 Chivalry, +3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield the Merciful
226 RansomDread Grim Commander 1 Has passed the opportunity to pay a reasonable sum for the lives of his captured troops. +1 Dread
When to test : GeneralPrisonersRansomedCaptive
Condition : RansomType execute
NumCapturedSoldiers > 80
RansomAmount < 5000
Affects : RansomDread 1
Chance : 85 %
Cold Commander 2 Has refused to agree to ransom back his own men several times. +2 Dread, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Harsh Commander 3 Commonly deems that those of his men that fall to the enemy are not worth paying for again. +3 Dread, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Merciless Commander 4 Coldly informs his own men that if they fall into enemy hands, that they deserve the death that awaits them. +4 Dread, -3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield the Merciless
227 Reconciliation Reconciled 1 DO NOT TRANSLATE - Writer is an indolent bastard and made this trait hidden mwhahaha Hidden
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsFactionLeader
not FactionExcommunicated
Trait Excommunication = 1
Affects : Reconciliation 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsFactionLeader
not FactionExcommunicated
Trait ExcommunicationJoke = 1
Affects : Reconciliation 1
Chance : 100 %
228 ReligionStarter General Religion 1 DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for inquisitors +3 Piety Hidden
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition :
Affects : ReligionStarter 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : ReligionStarter 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : ReligionStarter 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition :
Affects : ReligionStarter 1
Chance : 100 %
229 ReligiousActivity Religious 1 This man has had some involvement with religious matters in his time. +1 Piety
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_church
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 17 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_chapel
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 17 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_masjid
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 17 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= c_small_masjid
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 17 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_church_o
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 17 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_chapel_o
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 17 %
When to test : LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity >= 1
Affects : ReligiousActivity 3
Chance : 33 %
When to test : LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity >= 2
Affects : ReligiousActivity 4
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity >= 1
Affects : ReligiousActivity 3
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity >= 2
Affects : ReligiousActivity 4
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition :
Affects : ReligiousActivity 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity >= 1
Affects : ReligiousActivity 3
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity >= 2
Affects : ReligiousActivity 4
Chance : 33 %
Dutifully Religious 3 Has spent considerable time dealing with men of faith, and is seen as pious for it. +2 Piety
Religiously Active 6 This man addresses religious matters with the importance they demand. +1 Chivalry, +3 Piety
Devoutly Religious 12 So pro-active in raising religious buildings and financing missionaries that his devotion is not in question. +2 Chivalry, +4 Piety
230 ReligiousInactivity Neglects Religion 2 Has failed to notice religious issues at hand when he could do something about them. -1 Piety
When to test : LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity < 1
Affects : ReligiousInactivity 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : LesserGeneralOfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousInactivity >= 1
Affects : ReligiousInactivity 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity < 1
Affects : ReligiousInactivity 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition : Trait ReligiousInactivity >= 1
Affects : ReligiousInactivity 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition : Trait ReligiousActivity < 1
Affects : ReligiousInactivity 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition : Trait ReligiousInactivity >= 1
Affects : ReligiousInactivity 1
Chance : 10 %
Religiously Ignorant 5 Does not pay attention to religious matters with the seriousness that a leader of men should. -2 Piety
231 RhetoricSkill Well Spoken 1 Capable of dressing his words up to appease even the stuffiest of audiences. +1 Authority
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait RhetoricSkill >= 1
Affects : RhetoricSkill 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition :
Affects : RhetoricSkill 1
Chance : 6 %
Stylish Debater 2 Articulate in his speech and elocution, a rare quality that ends many debates with less polished people. +2 Authority
Prone to Rhetoric 4 His ability to bedazzle with flowery language and words is clear... As is the annoyance some show with his pompous rants. -1 Authority
232 RivalConquer_Constantinople Conqueror of Constantinople 1 This general has seized control of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium, rechristened 'Constantinopolis' by Emperor Constantine I himself. Few would protest to the claim that it is the wealthiest prize on Earth. +2 Command, +2 Authority, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
When to test : GeneralCaptureSettlement
Condition : SettlementName Constantinople
not Trait RivalConquer_Constantinople >= 1
not Trait GreekConquer_Constantinople >= 1
not Trait RivalConquer_Constantinople1 >= 1
not Trait GreekConquer_Constantinople1 >= 1
Affects : RivalConquer_Constantinople 1
Chance : 100 %
233 RivalConquer_Constantinople1 Conqueror of Constantinople 1 This general has seized control of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium, rechristened 'Constantinopolis' by Emperor Constantine I himself. Few would protest to the claim that it is the wealthiest prize on Earth. And, he thinks, few would object if he wer +2 Command, +2 Authority, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, Lowered Loyalty.
When to test : GeneralCaptureSettlement
Condition : SettlementName Constantinople
not Trait RivalConquer_Constantinople1 >= 1
not Trait GreekConquer_Constantinople1 >= 1
Affects : RivalConquer_Constantinople1 2
Chance : 10 %
234 Robust Naturally Robust 1 Since birth, he has enjoyed a level of physical vibrance and well-being unknown to the general majority. +1 hitpoints
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FactionType scotland
Affects : Robust 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Robust = 1
Affects : Robust 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait WifeIsRobust = 1
Affects : Robust 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition :
Affects : Robust 1
Chance : 2 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : I_TurnNumber = 0
RandomPercent > 50
Affects : Robust 1
Chance : 10 %
235 Royal_Blood_Danish Of Danish Blood 1 This man is a descendant of Harald III, a characteristically benevolent King of Denmark. His pride is quite understandable, and is said to be reflected in his devotion to the dynasty. +1 Loyalty
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Royal_Blood_Danish > 0
Affects : Royal_Blood_Danish 1
Chance : 100 %
236 Royal_Blood_Egyptian Of Egyptian Blood 1 This man is a descendant of Al-Mustansir, a Sultan of the Fatimid Caliphate. His pride is quite understandable, and is said to be reflected in his devotion to the dynasty. +1 Loyalty
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Royal_Blood_Egyptian > 0
Affects : Royal_Blood_Egyptian 1
Chance : 100 %
237 Royal_Blood_English Of English Blood 1 This man is a descendant of William the Conqueror, the Norman Duke who defeated the Saxons and gained dominion over England. His pride is quite understandable, and is said to be reflected in his devotion to the dynasty. +1 Loyalty
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Royal_Blood_English > 0
Affects : Royal_Blood_English 1
Chance : 100 %
238 Royal_Blood_French Of French Blood 1 This man is a descendant of King Philip I, successor to a long line of French kings. His pride is quite understandable, and is said to be reflected in his devotion to the Capetian dynasty. +1 Loyalty
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Royal_Blood_French > 0
Affects : Royal_Blood_French 1
Chance : 100 %
239 Royal_Blood_Greek Of Greek Blood 1 This man is a descendant of Alexius I Komnenus, a notable Byzantine Basileus. His pride is quite understandable, and is said to be reflected in his devotion to the dynasty. +1 Loyalty
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Royal_Blood_Greek > 0
Affects : Royal_Blood_Greek 1
Chance : 100 %
240 Royal_Blood_HRE Of Germanic Blood 1 This man is a descendant of Henry IV, the Holy Roman Emperor who consolidated German power in the duchies and restored Imperial influence over Italy. His pride is quite understandable, and is said to be reflected in his devotion to the dynasty. +1 Loyalty
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Royal_Blood_HRE > 0
Affects : Royal_Blood_HRE 1
Chance : 100 %
12 / 20 : P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15 , P16 , P17
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps
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Total War: Medieval II - MODs
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DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode
Das Heilige Romische Reich 06
Third Age 1.3
Third Age 1.4
Third Age 2.1
Third Age 3.1
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