No. |
類型 |
名稱 |
門檻 |
說明 |
效果 |
隱藏 |
稱號 |
獲得條件 |
1 |
DivineProtection |
Blessedly Lucky |
1 |
Suspects that his faith alone has kept him safe from mortal danger. |
+1 Violence |
When to test : ExecutesAnAssassinOnAMission Condition : AgentType = priest Affects : DivineProtection 1 Chance : 100 % |
Divine Protection |
3 |
Quite certain that the Lord is watching over him, keeping him safe no matter what the adversity. |
+1 Obedience, +1 Violence |
The Chosen One |
6 |
"God himself turns the assassin's blade from my back. I am Chosen!" |
+2 Obedience, +2 Violence |
2 |
Dogmatic |
Orthodox |
1 |
When the presence of the faith is prominent, it is easier to stay true to the flock. |
-1 Unorthodoxy |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest ReligionShift < 10 PopulationOwnReligion > 85 TimeInRegion = 3 Affects : Dogmatic 1 Chance : 50 % |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral Affects : Dogmatic 1 Chance : 20 % |
Dogmatic |
3 |
Has spent much time in places his faith is already dominant, and finds adhering to doctrine easy as a result. |
-2 Unorthodoxy |
Utterly Dogmatic |
6 |
When one never leaves the lands where one's faith is strong, falling to heresy is most unlikely. |
-3 Unorthodoxy |
3 |
Doomsayer |
Morbid |
1 |
Has become concerned that his faith alone may not see him through all manner of adversity. |
+1 Unorthodoxy-1 Violence |
When to test : SufferAssassinationAttempt Condition : AgentType = priest Affects : Doomsayer 1 Chance : 100 % |
Forsaken |
3 |
Very aware that mortal danger can still reach those who are reaching for the divine. |
+1 Unorthodoxy-1 Violence |
Doomsayer |
6 |
Now utterly convinced that all the attempts on his life are tests from above, and that he is destined to fail one. |
+2 Unorthodoxy-2 Violence |
4 |
Missionary |
Missionary |
1 |
Bringing the entire flock into the one true faith is an admirable achievement. |
+1 Obedience, +1 Eligibility, +1 Purity, -1 Violence |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest TimeInRegion > 4 TimeSinceReligion > 95 >= 10 PopulationOwnReligion > 95 ReligionShift > 10 Affects : Missionary 1 Chance : 100 % |
Spreader of Obedience |
3 |
Has ensured his own obedience is dominant on more than one occasion. |
+2 Obedience, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -2 Violence |
Beacon of Obedience |
6 |
A true champion of spreading obedience. He always leaves a trail of believers in his wake. |
+3 Obedience, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, -2 Violence |
5 |
NaturalPriestSkill |
Blessed |
1 |
Appears to be somewhat more in touch with God and his spirituality than most. |
+1 Obedience |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest Affects : NaturalPriestSkill 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest Trait NaturalPriestSkill = 1 Affects : NaturalPriestSkill 1 Chance : 50 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest Trait NaturalPriestSkill >= 2 Affects : NaturalPriestSkill 1 Chance : 20 % |
Divine Connection |
2 |
There is no doubt in this man's mind that God speaks to him directly, and that he must heed his call. |
+2 Obedience |
Chosen One |
3 |
So strong and unyielding is his connection with God that some speculate he could later be recognised as a prophet. |
+3 Obedience |
6 |
OpenMinded |
Odd Habits |
1 |
Has seen his faith's effort come to naught in the past, and does not know what to think of it. |
+1 Unorthodoxy |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest PopulationOwnReligion <= 40 TimeInRegion > 2 Affects : OpenMinded 1 Chance : 20 % |
When to test : CharacterNearHeretic Condition : AgentType = priest Affects : OpenMinded 1 Chance : 25 % |
Open-Minded |
2 |
Is uncertain whether faith itself is flawed, or if it's been lacking in the people he has met. |
+2 Unorthodoxy |
Quite Unorthodox |
3 |
Realising so many see the divine a different way is making this man question if he can see it at all anymore. |
+3 Unorthodoxy |
7 |
PriestLevel |
Bishop |
1 |
This priest was granted the title of Bishop at the Cathedral he preached at prior to his dealings with the crown. |
+1 Obedience |
隱藏 |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral Trait PriestLevel = 0 Affects : PriestLevel 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral_o Trait PriestLevel = 0 Affects : PriestLevel 1 Chance : 100 % |
Cardinal |
2 |
Now holding the rank of a Servant, a position granted to this man by the Dark Lord himself. |
+1 Obedience |
隱藏 |
8 |
Purifier |
Battler of Heresy |
1 |
Has managed to drive heresy from a place that was once rife with it. |
+1 Obedience, +1 Eligibility+1 Purity+1 Violence |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest TimeInRegion > 4 TimeSinceHeresy < 5 >= 10 PopulationHeretic < 5 ReligionShift > 10 Affects : Purifier 1 Chance : 100 % |
Enemy of Heresy |
3 |
His record of eradicating heresy from the lands he preaches in is most impressive. |
+2 Obedience, +1 Eligibility+2 Purity+2 Violence |
Purger of Heresy |
6 |
Where this man walks, turmoil dies. A champion of eradicating all traces of obedient impurity. |
+3 Obedience, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, +2 Violence |
9 |
StrongFaith |
Growing Faith |
1 |
Seeing that his preaching has made a difference is helping this priest's faith grow. |
+1 Obedience |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest ReligionShift >= 8 TimeInRegion < 3 Trait StrongFaith < 1 Affects : StrongFaith 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest ReligionShift >= 10 TimeInRegion < 5 Trait StrongFaith = 1 Affects : StrongFaith 1 Chance : 50 % |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest ReligionShift >= 10 TimeInRegion < 5 Trait StrongFaith = 2 Affects : StrongFaith 1 Chance : 50 % |
Strong Faith |
4 |
Though there has been much heresy about him, his tangible results against it has only fuelled his faith. |
+2 Obedience |
Shining Faith |
8 |
Years of missionary work have only reaffirmed his belief and conviction. |
+3 Obedience |
Unquestionable Faith |
12 |
Has converted more souls than the almighty himself could fathom, resulting in an iron clad faith. |
+4 Obedience |
10 |
TheologiansGuildMember |
Theologians' Guild Apprentice |
1 |
The presence of a Master Theologian's Guild within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest's initiation. |
+1 Obedience |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest FactionBuildingExists >= m_theologians_guild Affects : TheologiansGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest FactionBuildingExists = gm_theologians_guild Affects : TheologiansGuildMember 1 Chance : 100 % |
Theologians' Guild Journeyman |
2 |
The presence of Theologian's Guild HQ within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest's initiation. |
+2 Obedience |
11 |
TheologiansGuildTrained |
Orthodox Instruction |
1 |
The influence of the local Theologian's guild house has only served to make this priest more pious. |
+1 Obedience |
When to test : AgentCreated Condition : AgentType = priest SettlementBuildingExists >= theologians_guild Affects : TheologiansGuildTrained 1 Chance : 100 % |
12 |
WaveringFaith |
Waning Faith |
1 |
Has seen the church's effort come to naught in the past, and does not know what to think of it. |
-1 Obedience |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : not AtSea AgentType = priest PopulationOwnReligion < 60 PopulationHeretic >= 20 ReligionShift <= 8 TimeInRegion > 5 Affects : WaveringFaith 1 Chance : 20 % |
Wavering Faith |
2 |
Is uncertain whether faith itself is flawed, or if it's been lacking in the people he has met. |
-2 Obedience |
Damaged Faith |
3 |
Realising so many see the divine a different way is making this man question if he can see it at all anymore. |
-3 Obedience |
Lost Faith |
4 |
Has seen the efforts of the church bear little fruit over the years, shattering his faith and drive. |
-4 Obedience |