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破碎的新月 2.02
The Kingdom of Armenia The Kingdom of Armenia
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Shinakan Skirmishers
Shinakan Skirmishers
評分: 1 個評分
查看: 238
兵種 missile infantry
兵員數量 ere_jav, 60, 0, 0.6
特殊屬性 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw
陣形 2, 3, 2.4, 2.4, 2, square
生命值 1, 0
主武器 11, 1, javelin, 60, 4, thrown, missile_mechanical, piercing, spear, 25, 1, thrown, spear_bonus_4
副武器 5, 1, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, slashing, axe, 25, 1.2, no
主防禦 1, 5, 4, flesh
副防禦 0, 0, flesh
氣候地形影響 -1, 2, -1, 2, 0
士氣 8, low, untrained
招募成本 1, 310, 130, 145, 51, 310
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Shinakan Skirmishers Those militiamen are very good with their javelins. Drafted into the army they are armed in just their plain clothes, a small leather or wooden shield and plain iron helmet when available, is their only means of armor. Their best protection however is to move up to the enemy fire off their javelins and back out again, before the enemy missile troops or cavalry returns the favor. Heavily outclassed by better and further shooting archers, those militiamen have to fight against unfavorable odds. Even if they aren’t the most valuable troop in the Armenian arsenal, their position in the battleline is vital. Used in both the preliminary phase of the battle, but also to weaken a potential breakthrough point for the heavy cavalry to charge through, javelin men are a cheap unit, whose usefulness is much greater than its value. Historically, they were skirmishing javeling throwing troops. Not ever fighting on their own but complimenting a larger force or army. While they are useful, they are not soldiers and in the first sign of trouble, they will break. A wise commander should know this limit and not stray beyond it.

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No. 建築 名稱 初始數量 補充率 最大數量 經驗值 其他招募條件
1 Bowyer 1 0.17 1 1 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
2 Bowyer 1 0.12 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
3 Bowyer 1 0.12 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
4 Bowyer 1 0.24 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
5 Bowyer 1 0.33 1 1 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
6 Bowyer 1 0.24 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
7 Practice Range 1 0.2 2 2 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
8 Practice Range 1 0.14 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
9 Practice Range 1 0.14 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
10 Practice Range 1 0.24 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
11 Practice Range 1 0.25 2 2 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
12 Practice Range 1 0.24 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
13 Archery Range 1 0.16 2 3 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
14 Archery Range 1 0.15 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
15 Archery Range 1 0.15 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
16 Archery Range 1 0.27 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
17 Archery Range 1 0.23 2 3 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
18 Archery Range 1 0.27 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
19 Marksman's Range 1 0.15 3 4 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
20 Marksman's Range 1 0.16 3 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
21 Marksman's Range 1 0.16 3 0 and hidden_resource cbr_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
22 Marksman's Range 1 0.24 3 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
23 Marksman's Range 1 0.22 3 4 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter ai_is_armenia 1
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
24 Marksman's Range 1 0.24 3 0 and hidden_resource recruit_armenia and event_counter player_is_armenia 1
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
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