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Broken Crescent 2.02
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Soomro Kshatriya Horsemen
Soomro Kshatriya Horsemen
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Class and category light cavalry
Soldier sindh_medium_cavalry, 30, 0, 0.85
Mount bc heavy horse, elephant -4, camel -4
Engine and Ship
Attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge
Formation 2.5, 4, 3, 6, 3, square, wedge
Hit points 1, 0
Primary weapon 11, 8, javelin, 60, 6, thrown, missile_mechanical, piercing, spear, 25, 1, thrown, spear_bonus_4
Secondary weapon 5, 7, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, slashing, axe, 25, 1, ap
Primary armour 5, 12, 4, metal
Secondary armour 0, 0, flesh
Heat and ground effect 0, 2, 0, 1, -1
Mental 13, disciplined, trained
Cost 1, 919, 441, 162, 65, 919
Unit Description
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Soomro Kshatriya Horsemen Unlike many other converts to Islam in Northern India, while the Sumra, or Soomro, Dynasty does descend from both local Sindhi and Arab bloodlines it is far more with their native ancestors that these Rajputs look to. Even as the ruling Maliks are Ismaili Muslims, the traditions of their Hindi past linger strongly. And for a history so well woven in the fabric of India’s own, it is no surprise that this is the case. Amongst the Rajputs who remain Hindu, belief is held that each Kshatriya clan descends from one of three lineages: the Agnivanshi borne from the Hindu God of Fire Agni, the Suryavanshi borne from Surya the Hindu God of the Sun, and the Chandravanshi borne from Chandra, the Moon God. It is the blood of Agni that is thought to have flowed through the lineage of the Sumra, and even as many convert to Islam that fiery passion of the Agnivanshi Rajputs remains. Yet the Soomro are of India, and India has never let an invader come and take away without giving unto the land and its people. Much of their Arabian ancestor’s traditions are not unfamiliar to the Rajputs, with much being admired: The skill and pride in sword and horsemanship, the chivalrous nature of warfare, and the respect to swift speed even with the use of armor. Although their steeds are so often the Arabian breed, with sword and helmet also originating from the lands that birthed Islam, the style of fighting that these Soomro Kshatriya take to is one more of Northern India than pious Arabia. Not with couched lance but with heavy javelin and nachakh cavalry axe are the mounted nobles of the Sumra armed, choosing to skirmish first before dedicating themselves to close-battle, rather than to strike-retreat-and-strike-again as the fast-hitting Arabian faris might. Too irresistible is it to these men of martial skill and good armor to pull away from their foe. Yet if they must, the balance of armor and speed and viciousness of their large axes affords them a particular brutality if they might sweep around and strike their enemy’s side or rear, though more than anything it is that chivalrous charge straight towards a foe weakened by javelin-shot that they enjoy.

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Require buildings
No. Card Name Initial quantity Replenish rate Maximum quantity Experience Requires condition
1 Knight's Stables 1 0.48 1 2 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
Knight's stables allow for the recruitment of cavalry units.
2 Baron's Stables 1 0.3 1 3 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
3 Baron's Stables 1 0.18 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and not event_counter first_turn 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
4 Baron's Stables 1 0.18 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and event_counter player_is_sindh 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
5 Baron's Stables 1 0.36 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and not event_counter first_turn 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
6 Baron's Stables 1 0.54 1 3 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
7 Baron's Stables 1 0.36 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and event_counter player_is_sindh 1
Baron's stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
8 Earl's Stables 1 0.3 1 4 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
Earl's stables allow for the recruitment of elite cavalry units.
9 Earl's Stables 1 0.18 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and not event_counter first_turn 1
Earl's stables allow for the recruitment of elite cavalry units.
10 Earl's Stables 1 0.18 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and event_counter player_is_sindh 1
Earl's stables allow for the recruitment of elite cavalry units.
11 Earl's Stables 1 0.29 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and not event_counter first_turn 1
Earl's stables allow for the recruitment of elite cavalry units.
12 Earl's Stables 1 0.58 2 4 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
Earl's stables allow for the recruitment of elite cavalry units.
13 Earl's Stables 1 0.29 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and event_counter player_is_sindh 1
Earl's stables allow for the recruitment of elite cavalry units.
14 King's Stables 1 0.38 2 5 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
King's stables allow for the recruitment of the penultimate cavalry units.
15 King's Stables 1 0.22 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and not event_counter first_turn 1
King's stables allow for the recruitment of the penultimate cavalry units.
16 King's Stables 1 0.22 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_sindh and event_counter player_is_sindh 1
King's stables allow for the recruitment of the penultimate cavalry units.
17 King's Stables 1 0.36 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and not event_counter first_turn 1
King's stables allow for the recruitment of the penultimate cavalry units.
18 King's Stables 1 0.72 2 5 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
King's stables allow for the recruitment of the penultimate cavalry units.
19 King's Stables 1 0.36 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_sindh and event_counter player_is_sindh 1
King's stables allow for the recruitment of the penultimate cavalry units.
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