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Broken Crescent 2.02
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Ahdath Bowmen
Ahdath Bowmen
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Class and category missile infantry
Soldier aux_arab_archer, 60, 0, 0.75
Engine and Ship
Attributes no_custom, sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw
Formation 2, 3, 2.5, 2.5, 2, square
Hit points 1, 0
Primary weapon 5, 1, arrow_l, 180, 12, missile, missile_mechanical, piercing, none, 25, 1, no
Secondary weapon 4, 1, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, slashing, axe, 25, 1.2, no
Primary armour 3, 3, 2, flesh
Secondary armour 0, 0, flesh
Heat and ground effect -1, 1, -1, 1, -1
Mental 5, low, untrained
Cost 1, 170, 70, 78, 47, 170
Unit Description
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Ahdath Bowmen Men of city, town or village being mobilized for war have existed on the battlefield as long as there were sedentary communities from which conscripts could be levied. Their worth has varied, from the highly regarded citizen-hoplites of Greece to men given spear and shield and thrust off to the battlefield amongst the despots of the East./n/nAs the use of foreign troops in lieu of native citizenry has grown in fashion amongst Islamic and particularly Arab Dynasties, the martial practices of the middle and lower class Arab inhabitants of cities and villages has come to atrophy. While their bedouin kin and aristocratic brethren able to afford the military training expected of a gentleman, those for whom the monotony of day to day civilized affairs have come to dominate their minds hold little room for the exploitation of martial skill beyond whimsical reverence of legendary warriors and individual skill necessary in the streets or on the caravan roads./n/nAnd yet some martial practice persists in the form of the Ahdath, essentially the militia of Arab cities within Egypt, Palestine and Syria and Mesopotamia. Their training and dedication vary within neighborhood, district and city, but they are certainly better armed and trained than many of their militia contemporaries. While the Prophet Muhammad espoused the value of marksmanship with the bow, the ranks of the Ahdath's bowmen tend towards those of rural or traveling background in sheperding, caravan or ship travel for whom use with the bow is more intimate.

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Require buildings
No. Card Name Initial quantity Replenish rate Maximum quantity Experience Requires condition
1 Practice Range 1 0.2 1 0 and hidden_resource syria
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
2 Practice Range 1 0.2 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_koj
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
3 Practice Range 1 0.2 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_ayyubid
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
4 Practice Range 1 0.2 1 0 and hidden_resource arabia
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
5 Practice Range 1 0.2 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_oman
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
6 Archery Range 1 0.23 1 0 and hidden_resource syria
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
7 Archery Range 1 0.23 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_koj
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
8 Archery Range 1 0.23 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_ayyubid
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
9 Archery Range 1 0.23 1 0 and hidden_resource arabia
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
10 Archery Range 1 0.23 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_oman
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
11 Marksman's Range 1 0.3 2 0 and hidden_resource syria
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
12 Marksman's Range 1 0.3 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_koj
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
13 Marksman's Range 1 0.3 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_ayyubid
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
14 Marksman's Range 1 0.3 2 0 and hidden_resource arabia
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
15 Marksman's Range 1 0.3 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_oman
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
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