Azat Archers
Views: 117
Class and category |
missile infantry
Soldier |
aor_trans_archer, 60, 0, 0.75
Soldier model, Number of the soldier, Number of extras, Mass of the men
Mount |
Type of animal or vehicle ridden on and its effect
Engine and Ship |
Attributes |
no_custom, sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw
A miscellanious list of attributes and abilities the unit may have
Formation |
2, 3, 2.45, 2.45, 2, square
Hit points |
1, 0
Hit points of man, Hit points of mount or attached animal (Ridden horses and camels do not have separate hit points)
Primary weapon |
5, 1, arrow_m, 180, 16, missile, missile_mechanical, piercing, none, 25, 1, no
Attack factor, Charging bonus factor, Missile type, Range of missile, Missile ammunition, Weapon type, Tech type, Damage type, Sound type, Min delay between attacks, Skeleton compensation factor in melee, Weapon attributes
Secondary weapon |
5, 1, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, slashing, axe, 25, 1.2, no
Attack factor, Charging bonus factor, Missile type, Range of missile, Missile ammunition, Weapon type, Tech type, Damage type, Sound type, Min delay between attacks, Skeleton compensation factor in melee, Weapon attributes
Primary armour |
3, 4, 0, flesh
Armour factor, Defensive skill, Shield factor, Sound type
Secondary armour |
0, 0, flesh
Animal's or vehicle's armour factor, Defensive skill, Shield factor, Sound type
Heat and ground effect |
0, -1, -3, 2, 1
Extra fatigue suffered by the unit in hot climates, Scrub, Sand, Forest, Snow
Mental |
9, low, untrained
Morale, Discipline, Training
Cost |
1, 238, 100, 89, 54, 238
Number of turns to build, Cost of unit to construct, Cost of upkeep, Cost of upgrading weapons, Cost of upgrading armour, Cost for custom battles, Limit in custom battle, Cost for punish
Unit Description |
Armenians have had a longstanding tradition of serving for the powers that be of the Near East, being a people and land coveted in the conflicts of Sassanid Persia and the Eastern Romans, and later standing at the forefront of Christian Roman and Muslim conflicts. Yet the status quo of Armenia's position in the Near East was shattered with the arrival of the Seljuks and battle of Manzikert. In the loss of Greater Armenia to the Muslims and spread of the Turks within Anatolia Armenians were in a unique position to realize their ambitions, both in their own Sovereingty with the Cilician Kingdom of Armenia and in offering their martial skills to the wealth of new customers./n/nThe craggy terrain of Eastern Anatolia has long housed martially adept tribes with a preference for foot archer and javelineering in a guerilla style, a manner symbolized especially by the adept Armenians who have come to ply their services as mercenaries the Near East over. Their most frequent work has been in the employ of the Romans, the Crusaders, and the now fallen Fatimids, amongst whom the term "Archer" became a synonym for "Armenian". These minor nobility of whom ancestral fiefdoms were lost to the Seljuk invasions, Roman usurping, or are simply the second or third sons without an inheritance nor the wealth to afford a horse ply themselves as adept archers willing but not dedicated to fighting in close quarters as well. The abundance of employment has given them the ability to afford light mail hauberks and leather jerkins, making these mencapable enough in close quarters but far more valuable at a distance.
Ownership factions |
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.
Azat Archers missile infantry Armored archers from the ancestral homelands of Armenians, adept at marksmanship and limited melee.