Ghulam Infantry
查看: 105
兵種 |
heavy infantry
兵員數量 |
ghulam_heavy_archer, 40, 0, 0.90
騎乘座騎 |
攻城器與戰船 |
特殊屬性 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, can_withdraw, start_not_skirmishing
陣形 |
2, 2, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square
生命值 |
1, 0
主武器 |
5, 3, arrow_h, 190, 6, missile, missile_mechanical, piercing, none, 25, 1, no
攻擊力, 衝鋒加成, 遠程彈藥種類, 射程距離, 彈藥數, 武器類型, 攻擊方式, 傷害類型, 聲響, 攻擊間隔, 動作補償, 武器特殊屬性
副武器 |
6, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, blunt, mace, 25, 1, ap
攻擊力, 衝鋒加成, 遠程彈藥種類, 射程距離, 彈藥數, 武器類型, 攻擊方式, 傷害類型, 聲響, 攻擊間隔, 動作補償, 武器特殊屬性
主防禦 |
6, 13, 5, metal
副防禦 |
0, 0, flesh
氣候地形影響 |
-1, 0, -1, 0, 0
炎熱對疲勞度的影響, 灌木叢地形影響, 沙地, 森林, 雪地
士氣 |
16, disciplined, highly_trained
招募成本 |
1, 686, 302, 110, 76, 686
徵召回合, 招募費, 維持費, 升級武器, 升級盔甲, 自訂戰役, 多於幾隊, 懲罰金額
兵種描述 |
Though the Ghaznavids have done much to adopt the Khorasani reliance upon spearmen, old habits die hard and most of their Turkish Foot Ghulams are armed with bow and mace, spears often left to those of Khorasani or Indian heritage. Yet these infantrymen have adopted much from their brethren, serving not as light and fragile turkoman tribesmen, but as stout infantry, often remarked to be the ones advancing with spearmen in support, instead of being the ones who support the advancing spearmen! Wearing mailed coats with the addition of leather lamellar, their maces belted and metal-covered leather shields slung upon their backs, these Ghulam Infantry serve as Hybrid-warriors, as capable in melee as at archery. Despite such a spirit for close-quarters-combat, their value would make their role in open battle better served by firing behind the spearmen, and engaging their foes in melee upon having weakened them. Though there may be archers heavier or infantry stronger in their strikes, the versatility of these infantrymen along with their iron-discipline and moral grant them a place upon the pedestal of history’s most respected infantry. To be in use and find such a success where horse archer and heavy lancer are king is in itself an accomplishment few save others of Daylam and Khorasan may hope to match.