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Deus Lo Vult 6.0
Patrimonium Sancti Petri Patrimonium Sancti Petri
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Canons Regular of the Holy Sepulchre
Canons Regular of the Holy Sepulchre
Rate: 2 ratings
Legendary unit
Views: 651
Class and category heavy infantry
Soldier Canons_Of_The_Holy_Sepulcher, 60, 0, 0.4
Mount , horse +3, camel +3, elephant +3
Engine and Ship
Attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, can_withdraw
Formation 0.0, 0.0, 2.4, 2.4, 3, square
Hit points 1, 0
Primary weapon 16, 6, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, slashing, sword, 10, 1.2, light_spear
Secondary weapon 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 10, 1, no
Primary armour 7, 9, 0, metal
Secondary armour 0, 0, flesh
Heat and ground effect 6, 1, -2, 3, 4
Mental 17, impetuous, highly_trained
Cost 1, 810, 225, 100, 235, 1020, 1, 300
Unit Description
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Canons Regular of the Holy Sepulchre Canons regular are members of certain bodies of Canons (priests) living under a rule. Most live under the Augustinian Rule, but there are other canons regular. Canons Regular of the Holy Sepulchre, an order said to have been founded In 1114 (or, according to other accounts during the rule of Godfrey of Bouillon in Jerusalem) on the rule of St Augustine. Pope Celestine III, in 1143, confirms the Church and Canons of the Holy Sepulchre in all their possessions, and enumerates several churches both in the Holy Land and in Italy belonging to the Canons. According to Jacques de Vitry, the canons served the churches on Mount Sion and Mount Olivet in addition to that of the Holy Sepulchre.

Armour upgrade
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Ownership factions
Require buildings
No. Card Name Initial quantity Replenish rate Maximum quantity Experience Requires condition
1 St Johns' Minor Chapter House 1 0.15 1 0 and region_religion catholic 80
A St. Johns' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights.
2 St Johns' Major Chapter House 1 0.25 2 0 and region_religion catholic 80
A St. Johns' Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Hospitaller knights.
3 St Johns' Headquarters 1 0.4 4 0 and region_religion catholic 80
The St. Johns' Headquarters allows the recruitment of veteran Hospitaller knights.
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