Grey Company
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兵種描述 |
The legendary Grey Company consists of an elite group of Dúnedain; these battle-hardened men are perhaps the best mortal soldiers in all of Middle-Earth. The Grey Company does not carry any emblems or symbols, save for a tiny silver star at their left shoulder. Armed with a spear, sword, and a never-yielding courage, these men can overcome almost every foe.
護甲升級 |
Heavy Armourer A Heavy Armourer can significantly improve the armour available to new and retrained units.
兵種 |
heavy cavalry
兵員數量 |
Feudal_Knights, 15, 0, 1
騎乘座騎 |
mailed horse, elephant -4, camel -4
攻城器與戰船 |
特殊屬性 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, knight
陣形 |
2, 4.4, 3, 6, 2, square
生命值 |
1, 3
主武器 |
7, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, spear, 25, 1, no
攻擊力, 衝鋒加成, 遠程彈藥種類, 射程距離, 彈藥數, 武器類型, 攻擊方式, 傷害類型, 聲響, 攻擊間隔, 動作補償, 武器特殊屬性
副武器 |
9, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 25, 1, no
攻擊力, 衝鋒加成, 遠程彈藥種類, 射程距離, 彈藥數, 武器類型, 攻擊方式, 傷害類型, 聲響, 攻擊間隔, 動作補償, 武器特殊屬性
主防禦 |
8, 4, 0, metal
副防禦 |
0, 0, flesh
氣候地形影響 |
6, -1, -1, -3, -2
炎熱對疲勞度的影響, 灌木叢地形影響, 沙地, 森林, 雪地
士氣 |
15, disciplined, highly_trained
招募成本 |
1, 860, 250, 100, 100, 860, 4, 100
徵召回合, 招募費, 維持費, 升級武器, 升級盔甲, 自訂戰役, 多於幾隊, 懲罰金額
擁有勢力 |
Grey Company heavy cavalry Elite medium cavalry armed with a lance and sword.