Royal Military Academy
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Third Age 1.4
Mordor Mordor
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Mountain Trolls
Mountain Trolls
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Unit Description
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Mountain Trolls An exceptionally strong and large species of trolls which live in the mountains surrounding Mordor, they are exceedingly dim witted like the rest of their kind but make up for it with brute strength. Not much is known about these trolls due to their proximity to Mordor, but what is heard would grip the heart of any an in a cold vice, twelve foot tall creatures with massive strength and who know no pain would be fearsome opponents to even the bravest of men.

Armour upgrade
Class and category heavy infantry
Soldier mountain_trolls, 5, 0, 60.0
Mount , elephant -2
Engine and Ship
Attributes sea_faring, can_withdraw, frighten_foot
Formation 4.0, 4.0, 7.0, 7.0, 1, horde
Hit points 6, 3
Primary weapon 30, 10, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, blunt, mace, 0, 1, area, launching
Secondary weapon 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 0, 1, no
Primary armour 10, 22, 0, flesh
Secondary armour 0, 0, flesh
Heat and ground effect 1, 0, -1, -2, -1
Mental 17, impetuous, trained, lock_morale
Cost 1, 1200, 500, 100, 100, 1600, 4, 100
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Ownership factions
Require buildings
No. Card Name Initial quantity Replenish rate Maximum quantity Experience Requires condition
1 Troll Cage 1 0.04 1 0 and hidden_resource trolls
Troll Cages allow for the recruitment of mountain trolls.
2 Troll Breeder 1 0.06 1 0 and hidden_resource trolls
Troll Breeders allow for the recruitment of mountain trolls.
3 Troll Training Ground 1 0.04 1 1 and hidden_resource trolls
Troll Training Grounds allow for the recruitment of battle trolls.
Royal Military Academy - Sitemaps
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