首頁 / 魔戒第三紀元 1.3 / Rhûn / Clan Hunters
魔戒第三紀元 1.3
Rhûn Rhûn
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Clan Hunters
Clan Hunters
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Clan Hunters The warlords of Rhûn each control large swaths of land which they hold for the Lôke-Khan. Living on this land, and owing their livelihood to the Warlords, are the various clans of the Easterlings. While the clans themselves are semi-nomadic in nature, they have a feudal debt to the warlords who provides them with protection. When a Warlord calls upon the clans they are to supply a quota of able bodied men based on past service and their current clan size. Because of their nomadic style and the lands they inhabit, the Easterlings have become excellent archers. When not called upon to form part of the infantry, the clansmen are usually formed into archer groups. Using smaller composite bows, that can also be used from horseback, the clansmen archers possess considerable range and deadly impact. As side arms they carry similar weapons as their infantry counterparts.

兵種 missile infantry
兵員數量 rhunea, 60, 0, 1
騎乘座騎 , elephant +3
特殊屬性 sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, free_upkeep_unit
陣形 1.2, 1.2, 2.4, 2.4, 4, square
生命值 1, 3
主武器 6, 2, arrow, 150, 30, missile, missile_mechanical, piercing, none, 0, 1, no
副武器 3, 3, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 25, 1, no
主防禦 3, 3, 0, leather
副防禦 0, 0, flesh
氣候地形影響 2, 0, 1, 0, -2
士氣 8, normal, trained
招募成本 1, 370, 160, 60, 60, 370, 4, 100
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1 Bowyer 1 0.25 2 0 and region_religion catholic 15
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
2 Practice Range 1 0.25 2 1 and region_religion catholic 15
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
3 Archery Range 1 0.2 2 1 and region_religion catholic 15
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
4 Marksman's Range 1 0.2 2 1 and region_religion catholic 15
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
5 Bowyer 1 0.25 2 0 and region_religion catholic 15
A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
6 Practice Range 1 0.25 2 0 and region_religion catholic 15
A Practice Range allows for the recruitment of missile units.
7 Archery Range 1 0.2 2 0 and region_religion catholic 15
An Archery Range allows for the recruitment of well trained missile units.
8 Marksman's Range 1 0.2 2 0 and region_religion catholic 15
A Marksman's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units.
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