Views: 7031
Unit Description |
These shepherds of the forest are the answer to Yavanna's prayers on behalf of the tress of Middle-Earth. Created during Arda's Spring in the First Age the Ents were intended to safe-guard the forests of the world from greedy axes and ensure the survival of Yavanna's fruits. Unfortunately Melkor's and Sauron's wars wrought great destruction upon Middle-Earth's forests and by the time of the Third Age the Ents became isolated and contained to Fangorn Forest. Feeling betrayed and forgotten they care not for the wars and struggles of Middle-Earth's peoples, spending their time tending to the last remnants of the ancient primeval forests. As the conflict between the Free Peoples and Sauron escalates it may soon spill out into Fangorn, the Ents' last refuge, and should that come to pass the forest shepherds' wrath may become known once more. Ents differ greatly in size, appearance and form just like the different species of trees that they guard and which they tend to resemble. The one trait all Ents share is their immense strength which is said to surpass even the mighty trolls who are said to be Morgoth's imitation of Ents. Therefore, when enraged, the apparently docile forest shepherds can turn into frightening opponents able to crush most flesh and blood creatures with a single blow or swipe of their powerful limbs. However their apathy towards anything that doesn't concern their woodland domain may make stirring them into a war-like disposition difficult.
Class and category |
heavy cavalry
Soldier |
Elephant_Crew3, 8, 4, 1
Soldier model, Number of the soldier, Number of extras, Mass of the men
Mount |
elephant, horse +4, camel +2
Type of animal or vehicle ridden on and its effect
Engine and Ship |
Attributes |
hide_improved_forest, very_hardy, can_withdraw, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted, mercenary_unit
A miscellanious list of attributes and abilities the unit may have
Formation |
10, 10, 15, 15, 4, square
Hit points |
1, 6
Hit points of man, Hit points of mount or attached animal (Ridden horses and camels do not have separate hit points)
Primary weapon |
45, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 0, 1, area, launching
Attack factor, Charging bonus factor, Missile type, Range of missile, Missile ammunition, Weapon type, Tech type, Damage type, Sound type, Min delay between attacks, Skeleton compensation factor in melee, Weapon attributes
Secondary weapon |
45, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 0, 1, area, launching
Attack factor, Charging bonus factor, Missile type, Range of missile, Missile ammunition, Weapon type, Tech type, Damage type, Sound type, Min delay between attacks, Skeleton compensation factor in melee, Weapon attributes
Primary armour |
5, 7, 0, metal
Armour factor, Defensive skill, Shield factor, Sound type
Secondary armour |
28, 14, flesh
Animal's or vehicle's armour factor, Defensive skill, Shield factor, Sound type
Heat and ground effect |
4, 0, 1, -6, -1
Extra fatigue suffered by the unit in hot climates, Scrub, Sand, Forest, Snow
Mental |
20, low, untrained
Morale, Discipline, Training
Cost |
1, 2400, 0, 900, 400, 2400, 1, 520
Number of turns to build, Cost of unit to construct, Cost of upkeep, Cost of upgrading weapons, Cost of upgrading armour, Cost for custom battles, Limit in custom battle, Cost for punish
Ownership factions |
Ents heavy cavalry Ancient forest wardens of immense strength.
Ents heavy cavalry Ancient forest wardens of immense strength.
Mercenary regions |
No. |
Mercenary pool |
Include regions |
Cost |
Initial quantity |
Replenish rate |
Maximum quantity |
Experience |
Requires condition |
1 |
Fangorn |
2300 |
0 |
0.03 - 0.04 |
1 |
0 |
religions orthodox |