With the demand for printed books on the rise, the Printing House was always an inevitability. The building is outfitted for mass production, with multiple printing presses simultaneously in operation for multiple clients, who commonly include the Catholic church and royal courts, both of whom see the merits of being able to propagate a belief that has been immortalised on paper.
隨著書籍印刷需求迅猛增長,建立大型印刷廠乃必有之義。印刷廠為大規模印刷進行專門設計,可通過內部不同工坊為諸多顧客同時開印書籍。其客戶甚至包括皇室和天主教會,因為兩者皆已發現印刷實乃絕妙技術,可將他們的思想廣泛傳播,直可隨紙張壽命而並存不朽。 |