Silk Road Caravan stop expands existing silk road trading hubs to meet with the ever-growing demands for far-eastern goods.
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Recruit units 招募兵種
Card 兵種
Name 名稱
Start quantity 初始數量
Replenishment rate 補充率
Max quantity 最大數量
Experience 經驗值
Requires condition 其他招募條件
Mutatawwi'a Warriors spearmen infantry Well armored and highly motivated religious volunteers of military experience, participating in the age old tradition of the Jihad in defense of the Dar al-Islam.
and hidden_resource silkrd and not event_counter first_turn 1
Well armored and highly motivated religious volunteers of military experience, participating in the age old tradition of the Jihad in defense of the Dar al-Islam.
Mutatawwi'a Warriors spearmen infantry Well armored and highly motivated religious volunteers of military experience, participating in the age old tradition of the Jihad in defense of the Dar al-Islam.
and hidden_resource silkrd and event_counter ai_is_sindh 1
Well armored and highly motivated religious volunteers of military experience, participating in the age old tradition of the Jihad in defense of the Dar al-Islam.
Mutatawwi'a Warriors spearmen infantry Well armored and highly motivated religious volunteers of military experience, participating in the age old tradition of the Jihad in defense of the Dar al-Islam.
and hidden_resource silkrd and event_counter player_is_sindh 1
Well armored and highly motivated religious volunteers of military experience, participating in the age old tradition of the Jihad in defense of the Dar al-Islam.