Faction Description 國家派系 |
Rohan, A.D. 2954 Summer
King Thengel The Kingdom of Rohan was established in the Third Age, when the cavalry forces of the Kingdom of Rhovanion were destroyed by Easterlings and forced to flee beyond Greenwood the Great. These Horse People of Northmen called themselves Éothéod. They settled for some time to the north of the Anduin. In time Cirion, Steward of Gondor, called upon these descendants of Rhovanion, old allies of Gondor, for aid against the Balchoth.Thus in 2510 of the Third Age, the Éothéod King Eorl the Young led his horsemen in the Battle of the Field of Celebrant, and after defeating the enemy Cirion asked the Éothéod to watch over the depopulated province of Calenardhon. The Éothéod henceforth called themselves Eorlingas or "followers of Eorl", but in Sindarin they became known as the Rohirrim, or Horse-lords, and their country became known as Rohan, the Riddermark.Eorl, first King of the Mark built his capital at Aldburg in the Folde. It was Rohan's second King, Brego son of Eorl, who then established a stronghold on the green hill of Edoras at the foot of the White Mountains in the south of the Mark. At its heart stands Meduseld, the Golden Hall.During the time of king Helm Hammerhand around 2750, men from Dunland in the north had become hateful of the new settlers at their southern borders, who had driven them to poor lands in the hills. Now the Dunlendings came against Rohan in force under Freca and Wulf, besieging Edoras twice in four years. Pirates from Umbar were raiding Gondor and so it was unable to aid its ally in the north. The Rohirrim were forced to retreat to the fortresses of the Hornburg and Dunharrow.During the desperate fighting over a long winter King Helm was slain and all his sons, thus a new line of Rohirrim kings was born in Helm’s nephew – Frealaf Hildeson. Gondor eventually arrived in the spring and liberated the Riddermark from the Dunlendings.For a time there was peace by since Saruman has settled in Isengard the folk have begun to wonder whether the terrifying wizard has had some hand in the woes that have beset the Riddermark. Dunlendings stir once more and strange creatures raiding the outer hamlets in the north have been seen bearing the dreaded White Hand of the wizard himself.
, 公元 2954 夏
Units List 兵種單位 |
Eorling Militia spearmen infantry The lowest class of Eorlingas equipped with some basic armour and a spear.
Eorling Axemen heavy infantry Medium infantry, armed with deadly axes.
Eorling Swordsmen heavy infantry Well armed and equipped swordsmen.
Riddermark Axemen heavy infantry Heavy shock infantry, wielding powerful axes. REQUIRES A NATIVE PROVINCE.
Dismounted Éored Lancers heavy infantry Heavy infantry armed with a spear and a heavy shield.
Dismounted Royal Guard spearmen infantry Heavy spearmen armed with a spear and a strong round shield while wearing the best scale-armour available. REQUIRES EDORAS.
Eorling Archers missile infantry Medium archers with a healthy tendency towards melee.
Helmingas missile infantry Heavy archer unit armed with a bow and axe. REQUIRES HELMS-DEEP.
Scouts light cavalry Light cavalry armed with a spear.
Rohan Riders heavy cavalry Effective medium cavalry equipped with lances and chainmail.
Éored Horsearchers missile cavalry Fast horsemen armed with a bow and an axe.
Riders of the Fold missile cavalry Heavily armored missile cavalry. REQUIRES EAST- or WESTFOLD.
Riddermark Skirmishers missile cavalry Medium cavalry, armed with javelins and axes. REQUIRES A NATIVE PROVINCE.
Éored Heavy Lancers heavy cavalry Heavy cavalry equipped with mail, spears, and metal shields.
Royal Guard heavy cavalry Elite cavalry armed with a spear and wearing a round shield and the best scale-armour available. REQUIRES EDORAS.
Longboat light ship Usually used as a troop carrier. These ships carries scouting parties across Middle-earth.
Dragon Boat light ship A larger version of the longship, able to carry more men as well as grappling hooks for boarding actions.
Ballista missile siege Resembling a giant crossbow, this powerful weapon can fling javelins a great distance, skewering the enemy with ease.
Catapult missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots.
Cannot recruit units 無法招募兵種 |
Rohan Spearmen spearmen infantry Light spearmen with good morale and above average mobility, they are adept at defending against both horse and infantry charges.
Rohan Bodyguards heavy cavalry The finest heavy cavalry armed with a spear and wearing a round shield.
Beornings heavy infantry Fearsome and hardy warriors, equipped with great axes. Might even transform into bears if provoked long enough.
Faction strength 國家優勢 |
Relies on quick and powerful cavalry. |
Faction weakness 國家劣勢 |
Lacks good heavy infantry. |
Special unit 特色兵種 |
Royal Guard |
City Buildings List 城市建築 |
Wooden Palisade (Upgrade) A Wooden Palisade gives a sense of security but is unlikely to delay determined attackers for very long.
Ballista Towers Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.
Stables A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units.
Town Watch The Town Watch have the minimum equipment and resources needed to train infantry.
Bowyer A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
Ballista Maker A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.
Leather Tanner A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.
Port A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.
Merchant's Wharf A Merchant's Wharf allows an extra trade fleet, and increases trade to the settlement.
Grain Exchange A Grain Exchange is absolutely essential if townsfolk are to be fed and good profits made.
Dirt Roads Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.
Land Clearance Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth.
Mines Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region.
Library A Library converts a small percentage of the region to Dunedain culture, and improves happiness.
Brothel A Brothel increases happiness in the settlement slightly, and allows the recruitment of a spy.
Town Hall A Town Hall helps maintain law and order, as well as reduce squalor.
Theatre A Theatre improves public happiness throughout the settlement it graces.
Merchants' Guild A Merchants' Guild house improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region.
Thieves' Guild A Thieves' Guild house improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement.
Explorers' Guild An Explorers' Guild house slightly increases the movement speed of those trained in the same settlement.
Horse Breeders' Guild A Horse Breeders' Guild improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region.
The Golden Halls The Golden Hall is the hall of the Kings of Rohan.
Castle Buildings List 城堡建築 |
Motte and Bailey (Upgrade) A Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence.
Ballista Towers Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.
Stables A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units.
Mustering Hall Men must be gathered, selected and trained if military strength is to be maintained.
Bowyer A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.
Ballista Maker A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.
Leather Tanner A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.
Port A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.
Dirt Roads Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.
Land Clearance Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth.
Mines Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region.
Library A Library converts a small percentage of the region to Dunedain culture, and improves happiness.
Jousting Lists Jousting Lists improve the quality of knights recruited here.
Horse Breeders' Guild A Horse Breeders' Guild improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region.
The Hornburg The Hornburg is a stronghold that guards the southern end of the Gap of Rohan.