1 |
War Galley 加列戰艦 light ship War Galleys are larger than normal galleys. Equipped with ballista or catapults. 加列戰艦比戰船更為巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。
War Galley 加列戰艦 |
light ship |
light warship |
30 |
1 |
12 |
0 |
no |
0 |
0 |
no |
0 |
12 |
0 |
14 |
1000 |
300 |
sea_faring, can_withdraw |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
War Galleys are larger than normal galleys. Equipped with ballista or catapults. 加列戰艦比戰船更為巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。
castle Military Dockyard 造船所 Military Dockyard can produce warship required by the fleet. 造船所可以建造更為大型的船舶,並提高貿易吞吐量。
castle Military Naval Drydock 遠洋船塢 A Naval Drydock allows the largest ships to be constructed, and also allows the free passage of much cargo. 遠洋船塢可以建造最為大型的船舶,並且可以吞吐大量貿易貨物。
castle Military Shipwright 船塢 A Military Shipwright allows the construction of war ships to be undertaken in earnest. 船塢可以大為提高船舶建造效率。
2 |
Mercenary German Knights 僱傭德意志騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by plate armour and equipped with maces, these knights for hire excel at taking on heavily armoured units. 僱傭德意志騎士裝備板甲和狼牙棒,尤為擅長對抗重裝部隊。
Mercenary German Knights 僱傭德意志騎士 |
heavy cavalry |
mailed horse |
32 |
1 |
10 |
5 |
no |
10 |
2 |
ap |
17 |
5 |
4 |
11 |
560 |
225 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, mercenary_unit, knight |
1 ratings 個評分
Great unit 非常推薦
Protected by plate armour and equipped with maces, these knights for hire excel at taking on heavily armoured units. 僱傭德意志騎士裝備板甲和狼牙棒,尤為擅長對抗重裝部隊。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Russia Include regions 包含地區
Principality of Muscovy 莫斯科公國 Principality of Smolensk 斯摩稜斯克公國 Principality of Novgorod 諾夫哥羅德公國 Belo-Ozero 白海地區 Principality of Polotsk 波洛茨克公國
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Northern_Germany Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Pomerania 波美拉尼亞公爵領 Duchy of Saxony 薩克森公爵領 Duchy of Franconia 弗蘭克尼亞公爵領 Archbishopric of Magdeburg 馬格德堡大主教區 Duchy of Silesia 西裡西亞公爵領 Free City of Lubeck 呂貝克地區 Friesland 弗裡斯蘭地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Southern_Germany Include regions 包含地區
County of Tyrol 蒂羅爾郡 Kingdom of Bohemia 波西米亞王國 Duchy of Austria 奧地利公爵領 Duchy of Bavaria 巴伐利亞公爵領 Duchy of Swabia 斯瓦比亞公爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Poland Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Cracow 克拉科夫公爵領 Lithuanians 立陶宛地區 Thorn 索恩地區 Principality of Galicia 加利西亞公國 Livonians 立窩尼亞地區 Principality of Peremyshl 佩列梅什公國 Estland 愛沙尼亞地區 Preussen 普魯士地區 Lettgallen 萊特加倫地區 Samogitien 薩摩傑提亞地區 Kurland 庫爾蘭地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Burgundy Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Burgundy 勃艮第公爵領 Duchy of Lorraine 洛林公爵領 County of Champagne 香檳郡
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 West Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Kingdom of Croatia 克羅地亞王國 Southern Dalmatia 南達爾馬提亞地區 County of Buda 布達郡 County of Pest 佩斯郡 Northern Dalmatia 北達爾馬提亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Northern_Italy Include regions 包含地區
Region of Emilia-Romagna 艾米利亞-羅馬涅地區 Marquisate of Tuscany 托斯卡納伯爵領 Patrimony of St. Peter 聖彼得世襲領 Region of Liguria 利古裡亞區 Region of Lombardy 倫巴第地區 Region of Venetia 威尼斯地區
3 |
Mercenary Knights 僱傭騎士 heavy cavalry Capable of deadly charges and impressive melee combat, these mercenary knights are well worth the money. 僱傭騎士無論衝鋒和近身格鬥都同樣戰技嫻熟,對僱主而言的確物有所值。
Mercenary Knights 僱傭騎士 |
heavy cavalry |
barded horse |
32 |
1 |
10 |
5 |
no |
12 |
2 |
no |
12 |
6 |
4 |
11 |
490 |
225 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, mercenary_unit, knight |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Capable of deadly charges and impressive melee combat, these mercenary knights are well worth the money. 僱傭騎士無論衝鋒和近身格鬥都同樣戰技嫻熟,對僱主而言的確物有所值。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 England_Wales Include regions 包含地區
Province of Leinster 倫斯特地區 Scottish Lowlands 蘇格蘭低地 Scottish Highlands 蘇格蘭高地 Ormonde 奧蒙德地區 Province of Munster 明斯特地區 Province of Ulster 烏爾斯特地區 County of Hampshire 罕布什爾郡 Dumfries Region 鄧弗裡斯地區 Aberdeen 阿伯丁地區 Province of Connaught 康諾特地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Scandinavia Include regions 包含地區
Østlandet 奧斯特蘭地區 Svealand 斯維蘭地區 Bishopric of Turku 土爾庫主教區 Kingdom of Denmark 丹麥王國 Goteland 哥特蘭地區 Skåne 斯科訥地區 Greenland 格陵蘭地區 Vestlandet 韋斯特蘭地區 Gotland 哥特蘭地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Netherlands Include regions 包含地區
Margravate of Brabant 布拉班特伯爵領 County of Flanders 佛蘭德斯郡
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 France Include regions 包含地區
Ile-de-France 巴黎大區 County of Anjou 昂熱郡 Duchy of Normandy 諾曼底公爵領 Duchy of Aquitaine 阿基坦公爵領 County of Provence 普羅旺斯郡 County of Brittany 布列塔尼郡 County of Toulouse 圖盧茲郡 Viscounty of Narbonne 納博訥子爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Spain Include regions 包含地區
County of Portugal 葡萄牙郡 Kingdom of Castille 卡斯提爾王國地區 Caliphate of Cordoba 科爾多瓦哈里發國 Emirate of Granada 格蘭納達埃米爾國 Kingdom of Navarre 納瓦拉王國 Emirate of Valencia 巴倫西亞埃米爾國 Kingdom of Aragon 阿拉貢王國 Kingdom of Leon 萊昂王國 Emirate of Seville 塞維利亞埃米爾國 Duchy of Galicia 加利西亞公爵領 Emirate of Balearic 巴利阿里埃米爾國 Murcia 穆爾西亞地區 Condado de Castilla 卡斯提爾伯爵領 Extremadura 埃斯特雷馬杜拉地區 Duchy of Galicia 加利西亞伯爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Sicily Include regions 包含地區
Isle of Sicily 西西里島 Region of Campagnia 坎帕尼亞地區 Region of Northern Apulia 北阿普利亞地區 Region of Reggio Calabria 勒佐-卡拉布裡亞地區 Isle of Malta 馬耳他島 Region of Southern Apulia 南阿普利亞地區
4 |
Condottieri 貢多鐵裡騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with a lance and plate armour these trained and experienced mercenaries are well known for their capricious ways. 貢多鐵裡騎兵裝備精良騎槍和板甲,極為驍勇善戰,以詭詐多端反覆無常聞名於世。
Condottieri 貢多鐵裡騎兵 |
heavy cavalry |
heavy horse |
32 |
1 |
10 |
5 |
no |
13 |
2 |
no |
14 |
7 |
2 |
11 |
490 |
300 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Armed with a lance and plate armour these trained and experienced mercenaries are well known for their capricious ways. 貢多鐵裡騎兵裝備精良騎槍和板甲,極為驍勇善戰,以詭詐多端反覆無常聞名於世。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Northern_Italy Include regions 包含地區
Region of Emilia-Romagna 艾米利亞-羅馬涅地區 Marquisate of Tuscany 托斯卡納伯爵領 Patrimony of St. Peter 聖彼得世襲領 Region of Liguria 利古裡亞區 Region of Lombardy 倫巴第地區 Region of Venetia 威尼斯地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Sicily Include regions 包含地區
Isle of Sicily 西西里島 Region of Campagnia 坎帕尼亞地區 Region of Northern Apulia 北阿普利亞地區 Region of Reggio Calabria 勒佐-卡拉布裡亞地區 Isle of Malta 馬耳他島 Region of Southern Apulia 南阿普利亞地區
5 |
Alan Light Cavalry 阿蘭輕騎兵 light cavalry Hardy horsemen accustomed to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. Excellent light cavalry. 阿蘭輕騎兵是出色輕騎兵,擅長在東歐和黑海地區的大草原作戰。
Alan Light Cavalry 阿蘭輕騎兵 |
light cavalry |
fast pony |
32 |
1 |
8 |
2 |
no |
11 |
1 |
no |
4 |
5 |
3 |
15 |
470 |
185 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Hardy horsemen accustomed to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. Excellent light cavalry. 阿蘭輕騎兵是出色輕騎兵,擅長在東歐和黑海地區的大草原作戰。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Steppes Include regions 包含地區
Volga Bulgars 伏爾加-保加爾地區 Western Khazaria 西卡扎爾地區 Principality of Kiev 基輔公國 City State of Caffa 卡法城邦 Principality of Ryazan 梁贊公國 Principality of Tzernigov 切爾尼戈夫公國 Principality of Chernigov 切爾尼戈夫公國 Viatka 伏特加地區 Northern Khazaria 北卡扎爾地區 Eastern Slavs 東斯拉夫地區 Turkic Cumans 土耳其庫曼地區 Principality of Tmutarakan 特穆塔拉坎公國 Southern Khazaria 南卡扎爾地區 Theme of Cherson 切松地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Anatolia Include regions 包含地區
Theme of Ephesus and Thracesion 以弗所-色雷斯地區 Theme of Anatolia 安納托利亞地區 Isle of Cyprus 塞浦路斯島 Theme of Chaldia 霍爾迪亞地區 Theme of Cappadocia 卡帕多西亞地區 Theme of Bithynia 比提尼亞地區 Theme of Paphlagonia 帕夫拉戈尼亞地區 Eastern Cyprus 東塞浦路斯地區 Malazgirt Province 曼齊刻爾克地區 Kurdistan 庫爾德斯坦地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Armenia Include regions 包含地區
Cilician Armenia 西裡西亞-亞美尼亞地區 Kingdom of Georgia 格魯吉亞王國 Kingdom of Armenia 亞美尼亞王國 Kingdom of Egrisi-Abkhazia 阿布哈茲王國 Azarbayjan 阿塞拜疆地區 Theme of Bucellarion 布塞拉瑞恩地區 Theme of Cybharrhaeot 塞巴希奧特地區 Sis Province 西斯地區 Kakheti 卡赫季地區 Macar Province 馬卡爾地區 Magas Province 馬加斯地區
6 |
Cuman Horse Archers 庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Asiatic Nomads, who fight as mercenary horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 庫曼弓騎兵屬於僱傭部隊,輕裝作戰,裝備復合弓。
Cuman Horse Archers 庫曼弓騎兵 |
missile cavalry |
fast pony |
32 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
no |
9 |
1 |
no |
2 |
5 |
0 |
9 |
320 |
135 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, cantabrian_circle, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Asiatic Nomads, who fight as mercenary horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 庫曼弓騎兵屬於僱傭部隊,輕裝作戰,裝備復合弓。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Steppes Include regions 包含地區
Volga Bulgars 伏爾加-保加爾地區 Western Khazaria 西卡扎爾地區 Principality of Kiev 基輔公國 City State of Caffa 卡法城邦 Principality of Ryazan 梁贊公國 Principality of Tzernigov 切爾尼戈夫公國 Principality of Chernigov 切爾尼戈夫公國 Viatka 伏特加地區 Northern Khazaria 北卡扎爾地區 Eastern Slavs 東斯拉夫地區 Turkic Cumans 土耳其庫曼地區 Principality of Tmutarakan 特穆塔拉坎公國 Southern Khazaria 南卡扎爾地區 Theme of Cherson 切松地區
7 |
Slav Mercenaries 僱傭斯拉夫矛兵 light infantry Poorly trained and equipped mercenaries from Eastern Europe, armed with spears. 僱傭斯拉夫矛兵來自東歐,訓練低劣,以短矛作戰。
Slav Mercenaries 僱傭斯拉夫矛兵 |
light infantry |
60 |
1 |
7 |
2 |
light_spear, |
0 |
0 |
no |
2 |
5 |
5 |
9 |
210 |
150 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Poorly trained and equipped mercenaries from Eastern Europe, armed with spears. 僱傭斯拉夫矛兵來自東歐,訓練低劣,以短矛作戰。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 West Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Kingdom of Croatia 克羅地亞王國 Southern Dalmatia 南達爾馬提亞地區 County of Buda 布達郡 County of Pest 佩斯郡 Northern Dalmatia 北達爾馬提亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 East Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Voivodeship of Wallachia 瓦拉幾亞地區 Western Bulgars 西保加利亞地區 Voivoideship of Moldavia 摩爾達維亞地區 Voivoideship of Transylvania 特蘭西瓦尼亞地區 Eastern Bulgars 東保加利亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Greece Include regions 包含地區
Isle of Rhodes 羅德島 Isle of Crete 克利特島 The Peloponnesian Peninsula 伯羅奔尼撒半島 Theme of Epirus 伊庇魯斯地區 Theme of Thessaly 帖薩利地區 Eastern Thrace 東色雷斯地區 Region of Attica 阿提卡地區 Theme of Thrace 色雷斯地區 Theme of Opsikon 奧普西金地區 Isle of Corfu 科孚島
8 |
Landsknecht Pikemen 朗斯克納長槍兵 spearmen infantry Originally from the Holy Roman Empire, these elite mercenaries are armed with pikes and their distinctive slash and puffy clothing 朗斯克納長槍兵最初來自於神聖羅馬帝國,裝備長槍,身穿獨特的精緻寬鬆上衣和長襪,是極為精銳的僱傭部隊。
Landsknecht Pikemen 朗斯克納長槍兵 |
spearmen infantry |
72 |
1 |
11 |
1 |
spear, long_pike, spear_bonus_8 |
0 |
0 |
no |
2 |
6 |
0 |
15 |
320 |
225 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit, pike, start_not_phalanxing, frighten_mounted |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Originally from the Holy Roman Empire, these elite mercenaries are armed with pikes and their distinctive slash and puffy clothing 朗斯克納長槍兵最初來自於神聖羅馬帝國,裝備長槍,身穿獨特的精緻寬鬆上衣和長襪,是極為精銳的僱傭部隊。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Netherlands Include regions 包含地區
Margravate of Brabant 布拉班特伯爵領 County of Flanders 佛蘭德斯郡
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Northern_Germany Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Pomerania 波美拉尼亞公爵領 Duchy of Saxony 薩克森公爵領 Duchy of Franconia 弗蘭克尼亞公爵領 Archbishopric of Magdeburg 馬格德堡大主教區 Duchy of Silesia 西裡西亞公爵領 Free City of Lubeck 呂貝克地區 Friesland 弗裡斯蘭地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Southern_Germany Include regions 包含地區
County of Tyrol 蒂羅爾郡 Kingdom of Bohemia 波西米亞王國 Duchy of Austria 奧地利公爵領 Duchy of Bavaria 巴伐利亞公爵領 Duchy of Swabia 斯瓦比亞公爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Poland Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Cracow 克拉科夫公爵領 Lithuanians 立陶宛地區 Thorn 索恩地區 Principality of Galicia 加利西亞公國 Livonians 立窩尼亞地區 Principality of Peremyshl 佩列梅什公國 Estland 愛沙尼亞地區 Preussen 普魯士地區 Lettgallen 萊特加倫地區 Samogitien 薩摩傑提亞地區 Kurland 庫爾蘭地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Burgundy Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Burgundy 勃艮第公爵領 Duchy of Lorraine 洛林公爵領 County of Champagne 香檳郡
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 West Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Kingdom of Croatia 克羅地亞王國 Southern Dalmatia 南達爾馬提亞地區 County of Buda 布達郡 County of Pest 佩斯郡 Northern Dalmatia 北達爾馬提亞地區
9 |
Frankish Foot Knights 步行法蘭克騎士 spearmen infantry These Feudal mercenary knights are powerful troops and invaluable for whomever can afford them. 步行法蘭克騎士頗為驍勇善戰,對任何僱主都物有所值。
Frankish Foot Knights 步行法蘭克騎士 |
spearmen infantry |
60 |
1 |
10 |
4 |
spear, |
0 |
0 |
no |
9 |
6 |
6 |
15 |
560 |
270 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit |
1 ratings 個評分
Fine unit 表現優異
These Feudal mercenary knights are powerful troops and invaluable for whomever can afford them. 步行法蘭克騎士頗為驍勇善戰,對任何僱主都物有所值。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Netherlands Include regions 包含地區
Margravate of Brabant 布拉班特伯爵領 County of Flanders 佛蘭德斯郡
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Northern_Germany Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Pomerania 波美拉尼亞公爵領 Duchy of Saxony 薩克森公爵領 Duchy of Franconia 弗蘭克尼亞公爵領 Archbishopric of Magdeburg 馬格德堡大主教區 Duchy of Silesia 西裡西亞公爵領 Free City of Lubeck 呂貝克地區 Friesland 弗裡斯蘭地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Southern_Germany Include regions 包含地區
County of Tyrol 蒂羅爾郡 Kingdom of Bohemia 波西米亞王國 Duchy of Austria 奧地利公爵領 Duchy of Bavaria 巴伐利亞公爵領 Duchy of Swabia 斯瓦比亞公爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Poland Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Cracow 克拉科夫公爵領 Lithuanians 立陶宛地區 Thorn 索恩地區 Principality of Galicia 加利西亞公國 Livonians 立窩尼亞地區 Principality of Peremyshl 佩列梅什公國 Estland 愛沙尼亞地區 Preussen 普魯士地區 Lettgallen 萊特加倫地區 Samogitien 薩摩傑提亞地區 Kurland 庫爾蘭地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 France Include regions 包含地區
Ile-de-France 巴黎大區 County of Anjou 昂熱郡 Duchy of Normandy 諾曼底公爵領 Duchy of Aquitaine 阿基坦公爵領 County of Provence 普羅旺斯郡 County of Brittany 布列塔尼郡 County of Toulouse 圖盧茲郡 Viscounty of Narbonne 納博訥子爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Burgundy Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Burgundy 勃艮第公爵領 Duchy of Lorraine 洛林公爵領 County of Champagne 香檳郡
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 West Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Kingdom of Croatia 克羅地亞王國 Southern Dalmatia 南達爾馬提亞地區 County of Buda 布達郡 County of Pest 佩斯郡 Northern Dalmatia 北達爾馬提亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Spain Include regions 包含地區
County of Portugal 葡萄牙郡 Kingdom of Castille 卡斯提爾王國地區 Caliphate of Cordoba 科爾多瓦哈里發國 Emirate of Granada 格蘭納達埃米爾國 Kingdom of Navarre 納瓦拉王國 Emirate of Valencia 巴倫西亞埃米爾國 Kingdom of Aragon 阿拉貢王國 Kingdom of Leon 萊昂王國 Emirate of Seville 塞維利亞埃米爾國 Duchy of Galicia 加利西亞公爵領 Emirate of Balearic 巴利阿里埃米爾國 Murcia 穆爾西亞地區 Condado de Castilla 卡斯提爾伯爵領 Extremadura 埃斯特雷馬杜拉地區 Duchy of Galicia 加利西亞伯爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Northern_Italy Include regions 包含地區
Region of Emilia-Romagna 艾米利亞-羅馬涅地區 Marquisate of Tuscany 托斯卡納伯爵領 Patrimony of St. Peter 聖彼得世襲領 Region of Liguria 利古裡亞區 Region of Lombardy 倫巴第地區 Region of Venetia 威尼斯地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Sicily Include regions 包含地區
Isle of Sicily 西西里島 Region of Campagnia 坎帕尼亞地區 Region of Northern Apulia 北阿普利亞地區 Region of Reggio Calabria 勒佐-卡拉布裡亞地區 Isle of Malta 馬耳他島 Region of Southern Apulia 南阿普利亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Greece Include regions 包含地區
Isle of Rhodes 羅德島 Isle of Crete 克利特島 The Peloponnesian Peninsula 伯羅奔尼撒半島 Theme of Epirus 伊庇魯斯地區 Theme of Thessaly 帖薩利地區 Eastern Thrace 東色雷斯地區 Region of Attica 阿提卡地區 Theme of Thrace 色雷斯地區 Theme of Opsikon 奧普西金地區 Isle of Corfu 科孚島
10 |
Armenian Cavalry 亞美尼亞重騎兵 heavy cavalry Armenian mercenaries equipped in a western style, armed with lances and protected by mail. 亞美尼亞重騎兵屬於僱傭部隊,以西方騎兵風格作戰,裝備騎槍和重型鏈甲。
Armenian Cavalry 亞美尼亞重騎兵 |
heavy cavalry |
heavy horse |
32 |
1 |
10 |
4 |
no |
12 |
2 |
no |
7 |
6 |
4 |
15 |
610 |
225 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Armenian mercenaries equipped in a western style, armed with lances and protected by mail. 亞美尼亞重騎兵屬於僱傭部隊,以西方騎兵風格作戰,裝備騎槍和重型鏈甲。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Anatolia Include regions 包含地區
Theme of Ephesus and Thracesion 以弗所-色雷斯地區 Theme of Anatolia 安納托利亞地區 Isle of Cyprus 塞浦路斯島 Theme of Chaldia 霍爾迪亞地區 Theme of Cappadocia 卡帕多西亞地區 Theme of Bithynia 比提尼亞地區 Theme of Paphlagonia 帕夫拉戈尼亞地區 Eastern Cyprus 東塞浦路斯地區 Malazgirt Province 曼齊刻爾克地區 Kurdistan 庫爾德斯坦地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Armenia Include regions 包含地區
Cilician Armenia 西裡西亞-亞美尼亞地區 Kingdom of Georgia 格魯吉亞王國 Kingdom of Armenia 亞美尼亞王國 Kingdom of Egrisi-Abkhazia 阿布哈茲王國 Azarbayjan 阿塞拜疆地區 Theme of Bucellarion 布塞拉瑞恩地區 Theme of Cybharrhaeot 塞巴希奧特地區 Sis Province 西斯地區 Kakheti 卡赫季地區 Macar Province 馬卡爾地區 Magas Province 馬加斯地區
11 |
Armenian Archers 亞美尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Armenian mercenaries from the mountains. Lightly armed, but still effective. 亞美尼亞弓箭兵是剽悍的山民,雖然盔甲簡陋,但作戰極為驍勇。
Armenian Archers 亞美尼亞弓箭兵 |
missile infantry |
56 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
no |
8 |
1 |
no |
2 |
3 |
3 |
9 |
350 |
150 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Armenian mercenaries from the mountains. Lightly armed, but still effective. 亞美尼亞弓箭兵是剽悍的山民,雖然盔甲簡陋,但作戰極為驍勇。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Anatolia Include regions 包含地區
Theme of Ephesus and Thracesion 以弗所-色雷斯地區 Theme of Anatolia 安納托利亞地區 Isle of Cyprus 塞浦路斯島 Theme of Chaldia 霍爾迪亞地區 Theme of Cappadocia 卡帕多西亞地區 Theme of Bithynia 比提尼亞地區 Theme of Paphlagonia 帕夫拉戈尼亞地區 Eastern Cyprus 東塞浦路斯地區 Malazgirt Province 曼齊刻爾克地區 Kurdistan 庫爾德斯坦地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Armenia Include regions 包含地區
Cilician Armenia 西裡西亞-亞美尼亞地區 Kingdom of Georgia 格魯吉亞王國 Kingdom of Armenia 亞美尼亞王國 Kingdom of Egrisi-Abkhazia 阿布哈茲王國 Azarbayjan 阿塞拜疆地區 Theme of Bucellarion 布塞拉瑞恩地區 Theme of Cybharrhaeot 塞巴希奧特地區 Sis Province 西斯地區 Kakheti 卡赫季地區 Macar Province 馬卡爾地區 Magas Province 馬加斯地區
12 |
Ghazis 伊斯蘭殉教者 light infantry Reckless and fanatical religious warriors armed with an axe, capable of devastating attacks. 伊斯蘭殉教者是狂熱宗教戰士,使用戰斧作戰,擅長狂暴攻擊。
Ghazis 伊斯蘭殉教者 |
light infantry |
60 |
1 |
9 |
3 |
ap, |
0 |
0 |
no |
2 |
4 |
3 |
15 |
410 |
70 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Reckless and fanatical religious warriors armed with an axe, capable of devastating attacks. 伊斯蘭殉教者是狂熱宗教戰士,使用戰斧作戰,擅長狂暴攻擊。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 West Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Kingdom of Croatia 克羅地亞王國 Southern Dalmatia 南達爾馬提亞地區 County of Buda 布達郡 County of Pest 佩斯郡 Northern Dalmatia 北達爾馬提亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 East Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Voivodeship of Wallachia 瓦拉幾亞地區 Western Bulgars 西保加利亞地區 Voivoideship of Moldavia 摩爾達維亞地區 Voivoideship of Transylvania 特蘭西瓦尼亞地區 Eastern Bulgars 東保加利亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Spain Include regions 包含地區
County of Portugal 葡萄牙郡 Kingdom of Castille 卡斯提爾王國地區 Caliphate of Cordoba 科爾多瓦哈里發國 Emirate of Granada 格蘭納達埃米爾國 Kingdom of Navarre 納瓦拉王國 Emirate of Valencia 巴倫西亞埃米爾國 Kingdom of Aragon 阿拉貢王國 Kingdom of Leon 萊昂王國 Emirate of Seville 塞維利亞埃米爾國 Duchy of Galicia 加利西亞公爵領 Emirate of Balearic 巴利阿里埃米爾國 Murcia 穆爾西亞地區 Condado de Castilla 卡斯提爾伯爵領 Extremadura 埃斯特雷馬杜拉地區 Duchy of Galicia 加利西亞伯爵領
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Greece Include regions 包含地區
Isle of Rhodes 羅德島 Isle of Crete 克利特島 The Peloponnesian Peninsula 伯羅奔尼撒半島 Theme of Epirus 伊庇魯斯地區 Theme of Thessaly 帖薩利地區 Eastern Thrace 東色雷斯地區 Region of Attica 阿提卡地區 Theme of Thrace 色雷斯地區 Theme of Opsikon 奧普西金地區 Isle of Corfu 科孚島
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Anatolia Include regions 包含地區
Theme of Ephesus and Thracesion 以弗所-色雷斯地區 Theme of Anatolia 安納托利亞地區 Isle of Cyprus 塞浦路斯島 Theme of Chaldia 霍爾迪亞地區 Theme of Cappadocia 卡帕多西亞地區 Theme of Bithynia 比提尼亞地區 Theme of Paphlagonia 帕夫拉戈尼亞地區 Eastern Cyprus 東塞浦路斯地區 Malazgirt Province 曼齊刻爾克地區 Kurdistan 庫爾德斯坦地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Arabia Include regions 包含地區
Emirate of Jedda 吉達埃米爾國 Ancient Nineveh 古尼尼微地區 Ancient Mesopotamia 古美索不達米亞地區 Mekka al-Moukarramah 麥加地區 el-Medinah al-Mounawwarah 麥地那地區 Emirate of Buraidah 布蘭達埃米爾國 Emirate of Ayla 埃拉埃米爾國 Emirate of Qulzum 古勒祖姆埃米爾國 Syria Region 敘利亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 North_Africa Include regions 包含地區
Emirate of Tripoli 的黎波里埃米爾國 Southern Morocco 南摩洛哥地區 Emirate of Algeria 阿爾及利亞埃米爾國 Northern Zirid Emirate 北濟裡埃米爾國 Emirate of Cyrenaica 昔蘭尼加埃米爾國 Banu Hilal Berbers 巴努希拉爾柏柏爾部落 Southern Zirid Emirate 南濟裡埃米爾國 Kingdom of Hammadid 哈馬迪德王國 Northern Morocco 北摩洛哥地區 Miknasa Berbers 米基納薩柏柏爾部落
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Levant Include regions 包含地區
City State of Edessa 埃德薩城邦 City State of Antioch 安條克城邦 Sultanate of Aleppo 阿勒頗蘇丹國 City State of Acre 阿克裡城邦 Sultanate of Damascus 大馬士革蘇丹國 The Holy Land 聖城地區 City State of Tyre 提爾城邦
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Egypt Include regions 包含地區
Muderiyah of Alexandria 亞歷山大地區 Lower Egypt 下埃及地區 Muderiyah of Gaza 加沙地區 Upper Egypt 上埃及地區 Muderiyah Damietta 達米埃塔地區 al Kerak Region 卡拉克地區
13 |
Welsh Longbowmen 威爾士長弓兵 missile infantry The first wielders of the longbow. Totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. Can lay stakes. 威爾士長弓兵是長弓的始作俑者,由於沒有任何盔甲防護,他們必須竭力避免近戰。長弓兵可於陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Welsh Longbowmen 威爾士長弓兵 |
missile infantry |
56 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
ap |
4 |
1 |
no |
2 |
2 |
0 |
9 |
440 |
180 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit, stakes, stakes |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
The first wielders of the longbow. Totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. Can lay stakes. 威爾士長弓兵是長弓的始作俑者,由於沒有任何盔甲防護,他們必須竭力避免近戰。長弓兵可於陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 England_Wales Include regions 包含地區
Province of Leinster 倫斯特地區 Scottish Lowlands 蘇格蘭低地 Scottish Highlands 蘇格蘭高地 Ormonde 奧蒙德地區 Province of Munster 明斯特地區 Province of Ulster 烏爾斯特地區 County of Hampshire 罕布什爾郡 Dumfries Region 鄧弗裡斯地區 Aberdeen 阿伯丁地區 Province of Connaught 康諾特地區
14 |
Bulgarian Brigands 保加利亞盜團 missile infantry Brigands armed with a composite bow, sword, padded armour and shield. 保加利亞盜團成員裝備復合弓、長劍、鑲甲和盾牌。
Bulgarian Brigands 保加利亞盜團 |
missile infantry |
56 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
no |
8 |
2 |
no |
4 |
5 |
3 |
9 |
450 |
150 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Brigands armed with a composite bow, sword, padded armour and shield. 保加利亞盜團成員裝備復合弓、長劍、鑲甲和盾牌。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 East Balkans Include regions 包含地區
Voivodeship of Wallachia 瓦拉幾亞地區 Western Bulgars 西保加利亞地區 Voivoideship of Moldavia 摩爾達維亞地區 Voivoideship of Transylvania 特蘭西瓦尼亞地區 Eastern Bulgars 東保加利亞地區
15 |
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 spearmen infantry The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce. 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 |
spearmen infantry |
72 |
1 |
12 |
1 |
spear, long_pike, spear_bonus_8 |
0 |
0 |
no |
2 |
7 |
0 |
17 |
430 |
225 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit, pike, start_not_phalanxing |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce. 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Burgundy Include regions 包含地區
Duchy of Burgundy 勃艮第公爵領 Duchy of Lorraine 洛林公爵領 County of Champagne 香檳郡
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Switzerland Include regions 包含地區
Swiss Cantons 施維茨州
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Northern_Italy Include regions 包含地區
Region of Emilia-Romagna 艾米利亞-羅馬涅地區 Marquisate of Tuscany 托斯卡納伯爵領 Patrimony of St. Peter 聖彼得世襲領 Region of Liguria 利古裡亞區 Region of Lombardy 倫巴第地區 Region of Venetia 威尼斯地區
16 |
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 heavy infantry Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 |
heavy infantry |
60 |
1 |
13 |
6 |
ap, |
0 |
0 |
no |
7 |
8 |
0 |
15 |
480 |
180 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
castle Mercenary Camp A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Scotland_Ireland Include regions 包含地區
Province of Leinster 倫斯特地區 Scottish Lowlands 蘇格蘭低地 Scottish Highlands 蘇格蘭高地 Ormonde 奧蒙德地區 Province of Munster 明斯特地區 Province of Ulster 烏爾斯特地區 County of Hampshire 罕布什爾郡 Dumfries Region 鄧弗裡斯地區 Aberdeen 阿伯丁地區 Province of Connaught 康諾特地區
17 |
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的僱傭騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 |
missile cavalry |
fast pony |
32 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
no |
8 |
1 |
no |
2 |
4 |
3 |
9 |
460 |
180 |
sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, cantabrian_circle, mercenary_unit |
0 ratings 個評分
No ratings 無評分
Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的僱傭騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
castle Mercenary Barracks A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
castle Mercenary merc_quarter A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Greece Include regions 包含地區
Isle of Rhodes 羅德島 Isle of Crete 克利特島 The Peloponnesian Peninsula 伯羅奔尼撒半島 Theme of Epirus 伊庇魯斯地區 Theme of Thessaly 帖薩利地區 Eastern Thrace 東色雷斯地區 Region of Attica 阿提卡地區 Theme of Thrace 色雷斯地區 Theme of Opsikon 奧普西金地區 Isle of Corfu 科孚島
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Anatolia Include regions 包含地區
Theme of Ephesus and Thracesion 以弗所-色雷斯地區 Theme of Anatolia 安納托利亞地區 Isle of Cyprus 塞浦路斯島 Theme of Chaldia 霍爾迪亞地區 Theme of Cappadocia 卡帕多西亞地區 Theme of Bithynia 比提尼亞地區 Theme of Paphlagonia 帕夫拉戈尼亞地區 Eastern Cyprus 東塞浦路斯地區 Malazgirt Province 曼齊刻爾克地區 Kurdistan 庫爾德斯坦地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Armenia Include regions 包含地區
Cilician Armenia 西裡西亞-亞美尼亞地區 Kingdom of Georgia 格魯吉亞王國 Kingdom of Armenia 亞美尼亞王國 Kingdom of Egrisi-Abkhazia 阿布哈茲王國 Azarbayjan 阿塞拜疆地區 Theme of Bucellarion 布塞拉瑞恩地區 Theme of Cybharrhaeot 塞巴希奧特地區 Sis Province 西斯地區 Kakheti 卡赫季地區 Macar Province 馬卡爾地區 Magas Province 馬加斯地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Arabia Include regions 包含地區
Emirate of Jedda 吉達埃米爾國 Ancient Nineveh 古尼尼微地區 Ancient Mesopotamia 古美索不達米亞地區 Mekka al-Moukarramah 麥加地區 el-Medinah al-Mounawwarah 麥地那地區 Emirate of Buraidah 布蘭達埃米爾國 Emirate of Ayla 埃拉埃米爾國 Emirate of Qulzum 古勒祖姆埃米爾國 Syria Region 敘利亞地區
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 North_Africa Include regions 包含地區
Emirate of Tripoli 的黎波里埃米爾國 Southern Morocco 南摩洛哥地區 Emirate of Algeria 阿爾及利亞埃米爾國 Northern Zirid Emirate 北濟裡埃米爾國 Emirate of Cyrenaica 昔蘭尼加埃米爾國 Banu Hilal Berbers 巴努希拉爾柏柏爾部落 Southern Zirid Emirate 南濟裡埃米爾國 Kingdom of Hammadid 哈馬迪德王國 Northern Morocco 北摩洛哥地區 Miknasa Berbers 米基納薩柏柏爾部落
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Levant Include regions 包含地區
City State of Edessa 埃德薩城邦 City State of Antioch 安條克城邦 Sultanate of Aleppo 阿勒頗蘇丹國 City State of Acre 阿克裡城邦 Sultanate of Damascus 大馬士革蘇丹國 The Holy Land 聖城地區 City State of Tyre 提爾城邦
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 Egypt Include regions 包含地區
Muderiyah of Alexandria 亞歷山大地區 Lower Egypt 下埃及地區 Muderiyah of Gaza 加沙地區 Upper Egypt 上埃及地區 Muderiyah Damietta 達米埃塔地區 al Kerak Region 卡拉克地區