1 |
Academic Advisor 學者幕僚 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
You don't need to know everything if someone else at hand does. 若有專家相助,貴族即不必事必躬親 |
5% bonus on all trade income, 5% bonus on tax income 貿易收入+5%,稅收+5% |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= library Chance : 33 % |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished = university Chance : 33 % |
2 |
Alchemist 煉金術士 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
Very few people manage to become experts at mixing dangerous compounds, making the few that exist valuable assets. 極少有人能精通將數種成分物質混合這門藝術,而寥寥無幾的專家即成為無價之寶 |
+2 to your general's Hit Points (how many hits your general can take before dying), +1 Command when commanding gunpowder troops 將領生命力+2,火槍部隊統率力+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= alchemists_lab IsGeneral Chance : 3 % |
3 |
Aldus Manutius 阿爾都斯-曼努提烏斯 |
Academic |
Unique 唯一 |
One of the men driving the thriving new printing industry, and his invention of the 'Aldine Press'. 此人促進印刷工業蓬勃發展,並引入書籍豪華裝楨概念 |
20% bonus on all trade income, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) 貿易收入+20%,城邑髒亂-2 |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= printing_press I_TurnNumber >= 201 I_TurnNumber <= 218 Chance : 100 % |
4 |
Amerigo Vespucci 亞美利戈-維斯浦奇 |
Academic |
Unique 唯一 |
A magnificent explorer and merchant, sure to be a boon on any voyage that may involve new lands or trade. 偉大航海家及商人,自遠洋探險(包括新大陸)和海運貿易中獲利頗豐 |
+15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +3 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted), 10% bonus on all trade income 行軍能力+15%,偵察視野+3,貿易收入+10% |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= explorers_guild I_TurnNumber >= 208 I_TurnNumber <= 225 Chance : 100 % |
5 |
Architect 建築專家 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
Having a master of civil construction at hand can make realising a lord's visions of grandeur more affordable. 有建築大師隨行,會令貴族的慷慨仁慈變得更為具體入微 |
10% discount on construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) 建築修建成本-10%,城邑髒亂-2 |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : Chance : 3 % |
6 |
Astrologer 占星學家 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
Though the most pious may denounce the art of Astrology as heretical nonsense, it is still extremely popular. 儘管虔誠信徒們無不痛斥占星術實乃無稽之談,這門玄學依然廣受歡迎 |
-1 Piety, +1 Command 虔誠-1,統率力+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 not SettlementBuildingExists >= small_church not SettlementBuildingExists >= small_chapel not SettlementBuildingExists >= small_church_o not SettlementBuildingExists >= small_chapel_o not SettlementBuildingExists >= small_masjid not SettlementBuildingExists >= c_small_masjid IsGeneral Chance : 5 % |
7 |
Inventor 發明大師 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
To have such a pioneer of wondrous technology by one's side helps keep a contemporary take on the world. 此人對各種先進技術有驚人瞭解,得其助臂,無疑可雄視天下 |
+30 Build Points (required for the construction of siege equipment), +1 to farming output, 20% bonus on mining income 攻城器械建造+30,農業產量+1,礦產收益+20% |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= alchemists_lab IsGeneral not Trait Ignorance > 0 Chance : 3 % |
8 |
Ibn Khaldun 伊本-赫勒敦 |
Academic |
Unique 唯一 |
A deeply respected scholar, who has addressed many courts as a master of Islamic law, economics, and compiling a history of the world! 深受尊敬的學者,曾以伊斯蘭法學權威身份多次出任大法官,其經濟學造詣頗深,並曾撰寫世界史 |
+2 Piety, +2 Authority, 15% bonus on all trade income 虔誠+2,威望+2,所有城邑貿易+15% |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= alchemists_lab CultureType middle_eastern I_TurnNumber >= 135 I_TurnNumber <= 160 Chance : 100 % |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= bimaristan CultureType middle_eastern I_TurnNumber >= 135 I_TurnNumber <= 160 Chance : 100 % |
9 |
Librarian 圖書館員 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
There is much knowledge to be found in books, provided you know somebody that knows where to look. 若能得到良好助手,則可發現書籍中蘊藏著驚人知識 |
+1 Piety 虔誠+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= library IsGeneral Chance : 5 % |
10 |
Roger Bacon 羅傑-培根 |
Academic |
Unique 唯一 |
An English scholar known for his documented experimentation and 'discovery' of gunpowder. 英國學者,以系統實驗法和發現火藥著稱 |
+1 Command when assaulting walls, +2 Command when commanding gunpowder troops 攻城作戰統率力+1,火槍部隊統率力+2 |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= gunsmith I_TurnNumber >= 77 I_TurnNumber <= 107 Chance : 66 % |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= c_gunsmith I_TurnNumber >= 77 I_TurnNumber <= 107 Chance : 66 % |
11 |
Brilliant Scribe 法學家 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
Being able to have written works produced or translated within one's castle opens a wealth of knowledge unto the family. 閉門不出撰寫翻譯巨著,將淵博知識傳播人間 |
+1 Authority, 10% bonus on all trade income 威望+1,貿易收入+10% |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 SettlementBuildingExists >= town_hall SettlementBuildingExists >= alchemists_lab IsGeneral Chance : 10 % |
12 |
Tutor 家庭教師 |
Academic |
Transferable 可轉移 |
A lord humble enough to admit he still has much to learn is typically one of the smarter ones. 坦率承認自己有待深入學習的貴族,不失為明智之輩 |
+1 Piety, 5% bonus on all trade income 虔誠+1,所有城邑貿易+5% |
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : Trait Ignorance <= 1 not AgentType = princess Chance : 33 % |
13 |
Biographer 傳記作家 |
Court |
When one is forging a great legacy, it must be recorded properly. 當某人欲成就傳奇生涯,忠實紀錄者實乃不可或缺 |
+1 Authority 威望+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement RemainingMPPercentage = 100 TimeInRegion > 6 Attribute Command >= 6 IsGeneral Chance : 5 % |
14 |
Judge 法官 |
Court |
Transferable 可轉移 |
It's much easier to place trust in the laws of the land when you have men that control the trials themselves. 若能安插人手控制審判過程,則必會對這片土地上的法律充滿信心 |
+1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +2 to law (improves public order) 城邑動亂+1,城邑秩序+2 |
When to test : GovernorCityRiots Condition : SettlementBuildingExists >= town_hall IsGeneral not Trait StrategyChivalry > 0 not Trait Just > 0 Chance : 20 % |
15 |
Eunuch 太監 |
Court |
Transferable 可轉移 |
Some men take drastic measures to ensure that the men of their household can be trusted. 某些貴族對男僕痛下毒手,以保證家眷清譽不受玷污 |
+1 Authority, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) 威望+1,個人安全+1 |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : CharacterReligion islam SettlementBuildingFinished >= mayors_palace Chance : 100 % |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : CharacterReligion islam SettlementBuildingFinished >= fortress Chance : 55 % |
16 |
Harsh Judge 鐵面法官 |
Court |
"When I need to ensure that justice is done without any compromise at all, I can rely upon this man to see it done!" 「若欲尋求全心主持正義,拒絕任何妥協的執法官員,此人實可值得信賴」 |
-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) 人民擁戴-1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement SettlementBuildingExists >= city_hall IsGeneral Trait StrategyDread > 0 Chance : 10 % |
17 |
Herald 宣諭使節 |
Court |
Nothing helps emphasise authority and importance than a booming voice to herald one's decisions and wishes. 上位者的權威和影響,在宣諭使節洪亮莊重的聲音中顯露無遺 |
+1 Authority 威望+1 |
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= fortress Attribute Command > 3 Chance : 33 % |
18 |
Intrepid Explorer 無畏先鋒 |
Court |
Transferable 可轉移 |
An expert of blazing new trails through unfamiliar lands, and showing his master how to do the same. 善於在陌生土地發現道路的專家,樂於傳授自己的經驗 |
+15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march), +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) 行軍能力+15%,偵察視野+1 |
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd Condition : EndedInSettlement SettlementBuildingExists >= explorers_guild IsGeneral Chance : 5 % |
19 |
Mentor 導師 |
Court |
Has always been by his young master's side - wise and trustworthy enough to help raise royalty. 睿智忠誠的長者,隨時追隨於年輕將領身側 |
+1 Command 統率力+1 |
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge Condition : FatherAttribute Authority >= 2 not AgentType = princess Chance : 15 % |
20 |
Torturer 刑訊專家 |
Court |
Transferable 可轉移 |
Only a depraved and insidious beast feels the need to have someone to carry on acts of torture while he is busy elsewhere. 唯有墮落而邪惡的野獸,方會醉心於人們飽受酷刑的慘嚎 |
+3 Dread, +1 Authority, +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +3 to law (improves public order) 殘暴+3,威望+1,公共安全+2,城邑動亂+1,城邑秩序+3 |
When to test : ExterminatePopulation Condition : IsGeneral Attribute Chivalry < -4 Chance : 10 % |