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Home 首頁 / Deus Lo Vult 6.0 因父之名 6.0 / Mexìcâ 阿茲台克帝國 / Traits 特性 / Family general's traits 王室將軍特性
Deus Lo Vult 6.0 因父之名 6.0
Mexìcâ 阿茲台克帝國 Mexìcâ 阿茲台克帝國
No. Type
381 VanquisherNorway Vanquisher of the Vikings
1 Backward pagan theigns. The Vikings time has ended!
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements norway = 0
Affects : VanquisherNorway 1
Chance : 100 %
382 VanquisherPolish Vanquisher of the Polish
1 These Polish men could not content themselves as German vassals. History, at least, will honor them for having defended their independence to the last man.
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements poland = 0
Affects : VanquisherPolish 1
Chance : 100 %
383 VanquisherPortuguese Vanquisher of the Portuguese
1 An infantile kingdom has met its end, and what a premature end it was...
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements portugal = 0
Affects : VanquisherPortuguese 1
Chance : 100 %
384 VanquisherRoman Vanquisher of the Romans
1 With the fall of the Greek speaking 'Romans', the ancient empire is no more. Of course, empowered by the prestige of victory, this man could take up the mantle of 'Imperator'...
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements byzantium = 0
Affects : VanquisherRoman 1
Chance : 100 %
385 VanquisherRussian Vanquisher of the Russians
1 It was only expected that the nation of the Rus', divided by the bickerings of its nobles, would succumb to foreign invasion...
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements russia = 0
Affects : VanquisherRussian 1
Chance : 100 %
386 VanquisherScottish Vanquisher of the Scottish
1 Celtic tradition dies with the last breathe of the Scottish King, and with it, this man hopes, the will of a conquered people.
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements scotland < 1
Affects : VanquisherScottish 1
Chance : 100 %
387 VanquisherSicilian Vanquisher of the Sicilians
1 By crushing the Sicilio-Normans, this man has left southern Italy open to yet another foreign invasion--perhaps his own.
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements sicily = 0
Affects : VanquisherSicilian 1
Chance : 100 %
388 VanquisherSpanish Vanquisher of the Spanish
1 The Reconquista, it would seem, has failed. The faith of this man and his nation will now determine the religious destiny of Iberia.
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements spain = 0
Affects : VanquisherSpanish 1
Chance : 100 %
389 VanquisherTurks Vanquisher of the Turks
1 This mighty ruler has uprooted the Turks and driven them back into the Steppes. He would take care to watch the east, however, as the threat of a nomadic resurgance is always possible.
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements turks = 0
Affects : VanquisherTurks 1
Chance : 100 %
390 VanquisherVenetian Vanquisher of the Venetians
1 By dissolving the Republic of Venice, this man insults the name of liberty--quite befitting, for a monarch.
+1 Authority
When to test : LeaderDestroyedFaction
Condition : I_NumberOfSettlements venice = 0
Affects : VanquisherVenetian 1
Chance : 100 %
391 VendettaArmenia Vendetta against the Armenians
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Kingdom of Armenia
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaArmenia = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaArmenia 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaArmenia = 1
Affects : VendettaArmenia 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaArmenia = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements armenia = 0
Affects : VendettaArmenia -1
Chance : 100 %
392 VendettaByzantine Vendetta against the 'Romans'
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Roman Empire
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaByzantine = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaByzantine 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaByzantine = 1
not I_NumberOfSettlements byzantium = 0
Affects : VendettaByzantine 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaByzantine = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements byzantium = 0
Affects : VendettaByzantine -1
Chance : 100 %
393 VendettaDenmark Vendetta against the Danish
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Kingdom of Denmark
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaDenmark = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaDenmark 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaDenmark = 1
not I_NumberOfSettlements denmark = 0
Affects : VendettaDenmark 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaDenmark = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements denmark = 0
Affects : VendettaDenmark -1
Chance : 100 %
394 VendettaElo Vendetta against the Crusaders
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Crusader Kingdom
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaElo = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaElo 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaElo = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements elo = 0
Affects : VendettaElo -1
Chance : 100 %
395 VendettaEngland Vendetta against the English
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Kingdom of England
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaEngland = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaEngland 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaEngland = 1
not I_NumberOfSettlements england = 0
Affects : VendettaEngland 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaEngland = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements england = 0
Affects : VendettaEngland -1
Chance : 100 %
396 VendettaFatamids Vendetta against the Fatamids
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Fatamid Caliphate
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaFatamids = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaFatamids 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaFatamids = 1
not I_NumberOfSettlements egypt = 0
Affects : VendettaFatamids 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaFatamids = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements egypt = 0
Affects : VendettaFatamids -1
Chance : 100 %
397 VendettaFlanders Vendetta against the Flemish
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Flemish
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaFlanders = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaFlanders 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaFlanders = 1
not I_NumberOfSettlements flanders = 0
Affects : VendettaFlanders 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaFlanders = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements flanders = 0
Affects : VendettaFlanders -1
Chance : 100 %
398 VendettaFrance Vendetta against the French
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Kingdom of France
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaFrance = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaFrance 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaFrance = 1
not I_NumberOfSettlements france = 0
Affects : VendettaFrance 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaFrance = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements france = 0
Affects : VendettaFrance -1
Chance : 100 %
399 VendettaGeorgia Vendetta against the Georgians
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Georgians
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaGeorgia = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaGeorgia 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaNorway = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Affects : VendettaGeorgia 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaGeorgia = 1
Affects : VendettaGeorgia 1
Chance : 100 %
400 VendettaHighlanders Vendetta against the Scottish
1 Vendetta dips deeper than mere revenge. Whether the feud was formed by murder, or political treachery, it will only end in bloodshed and destruction.
+1 Command when fighting against the Kingdom of Scotland
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaHighlanders = 1
Trait VendettaEngland = 0
Trait VendettaFrance = 0
Trait VendettaHRE = 0
Trait VendettaSpain = 0
Trait VendettaSicily = 0
Trait VendettaHighlanders = 0
Trait VendettaVenice = 0
Trait VendettaMilan = 0
Trait VendettaByzantine = 0
Trait VendettaRussia = 0
Trait VendettaKiev = 0
Trait VendettaMoors = 0
Trait VendettaTurks = 0
Trait VendettaFatamids = 0
Trait VendettaDenmark = 0
Trait VendettaFlanders = 0
Trait VendettaPortugal = 0
Trait VendettaPoland = 0
Trait VendettaHungary = 0
Trait VendettaMongols = 0
Trait VendettaGeorgia = 0
Trait VendettaElo = 0
Trait VendettaArmenia = 0
Trait VendettaLithuanian = 0
Trait VendettaTeutons = 0
Trait VendettaNorway = 0
Affects : VendettaHighlanders 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait VendettaHighlanders = 1
not I_NumberOfSettlements scotland = 0
Affects : VendettaHighlanders 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait VendettaHighlanders = 1
I_NumberOfSettlements scotland = 0
Affects : VendettaHighlanders -1
Chance : 100 %
20 / 23 : P14 , P15 , P16 , P17 , P18 , P19 , P20 , P21 , P22 , P23
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Broken Crescent 1.05
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Stainless Steel 5.1b
Stainless Steel 6.1
Deus Lo Vult 5.7
Deus Lo Vult 6.0
HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 05
The Long Road 2.0
Lands to Conquer Gold
DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode
Das Heilige Romische Reich 06
Third Age 1.3
Third Age 1.4
Third Age 2.1
Third Age 3.1
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