Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
Home 首頁 / Third Age 1.3 魔戒第三紀元 1.3 / Silvan Elves / Traits 特性
Third Age 1.3 魔戒第三紀元 1.3
Silvan Elves Silvan Elves
No. Type
261 StrategyChivalry Fair in Rule 1 His actions suggest he favours a path of fairness to his people when ruling. +1 Respect
When to test : RefuseBribe
Condition : Trait StrategyChivalry > 0
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_church
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_chapel
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_masjid
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= c_small_masjid
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_church_o
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= small_chapel_o
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorBuildingCompleted
Condition : SettlementBuildingFinished >= jousting_lists
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GeneralJoinCrusade
Condition : IsCrusade
Trait CrusaderHistory < 1
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GeneralTakesCrusadeTarget
Condition : IsCrusade
Affects : StrategyChivalry 2
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GeneralAbandonCrusade
Condition :
Affects : StrategyChivalry -2
Chance : 100 %
When to test : OccupySettlement
Condition :
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
GovernorTaxLevel = tax_low
GovernorLoyaltyLevel = loyalty_happy
TimeInRegion > 3
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
GovernorTaxLevel = tax_low
GovernorLoyaltyLevel > loyalty_disillusioned
Treasury < 0
TimeInRegion > 3
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : CharacterIsLocal
I_EventCounter great_tourney_accepted > 0
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : GeneralJoinCrusade
Condition : IsJihad
Trait JihadHistory < 1
Affects : StrategyChivalry 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GeneralAbandonCrusade
Condition : IsJihad
Affects : StrategyChivalry -2
Chance : 100 %
Noble in Rule 2 The people smile upon a ruler who put their support behind noble projects and tasks. +2 Respect
Chivalrous in Rule 4 People under the rule of this man feel as if led by a king, driven to a higher set of ideals. +3 Respect, +1 Authority
Honourable Ruler 8 Not even his enemies would declare this man anything short of honourable in intentions as a ruler. +4 Respect, +2 Authority the Honourable
Noble Ruler 16 This man has become a champion of virtues through his righteous path of improving the lives of all under his rule. +5 Respect, +3 Authority the Noble
262 StrategyDread Mean Leader 1 Has not shown too much concern for the plight of the peasants lately. +1 Fear
When to test : LeaderOrderedBribery
Condition :
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : AcceptBribe
Condition : Trait StrategyChivalry > 0
Affects : StrategyDread 4
Chance : 100 %
When to test : LeaderOrderedSpyingMission
Condition : MissionSucceeded
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : LeaderOrderedAssassination
Condition : MissionSucceeded
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : LeaderOrderedAssassination
Condition : not MissionSucceeded
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : ExterminatePopulation
Condition :
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorAgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = assassin
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : GovernorAgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = spy
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
GovernorTaxLevel = tax_extortionate
GovernorLoyaltyLevel < loyalty_happy
Treasury > 10000
TimeInRegion > 3
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
Treasury > 50000
Trait StrategyChivalry > 0
Affects : StrategyDread 1
Chance : 33 %
Cruel Leader 2 Flogging for insubordination, or perhaps for amusement is plausible with this one. +2 Fear
Merciless Leader 4 The people are not this man's concern, they are there to serve, and not ask for better. +3 Fear, +1 Authority
Malevolent Leader 8 As likely to skewer his own guards on spikes to ward off an enemy siege as the corpses of his foes. +4 Fear, +2 Authority the Malevolent
Tyranical Leader 16 Rules with an iron fist that none question, for fear of the consequences. +5 Fear, +3 Authority the Tyrant
263 StrickenSerious Wracking Cough 1 Has a nasty wracking cough left over from a vile illness cursed upon this man by a witch. -1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : HighestAttAdjacentChar Magic witch >= 7
Affects : StrickenSerious 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait StrickenSerious >= 1
Affects : StrickenSerious 1
Chance : 4 %
Evil Illness 2 Haunted by an illness that he has not been able to fully shake since encountering a witch. -2 Command, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Stricken Down 3 This man's life is all but over, his health stolen by dark sorcerous arts! -1 Obedience, -3 Command, -1 Authority, -3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
264 StrickenSilly Warts 1 Not so proudly wearing a cluster of warts on his face, no doubt the work of a vile witch. -1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : HighestAttAdjacentChar Magic witch > 0
HighestAttAdjacentChar Magic witch < 4
Affects : StrickenSilly 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : HighestAttAdjacentChar Magic witch >= 4
HighestAttAdjacentChar Magic witch < 7
Affects : StrickenSilly 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : CharacterTurnStart
Condition : HighestAttAdjacentChar Magic witch >= 7
Affects : StrickenSilly 1
Chance : 5 %
Flatulant 2 Ever since this man's encounter with that horrid pagan crone, his stomach has been turning endlessly. -2 Command, -1 Authority, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Boil-ridden 3 The impure magicks worked upon this man have manifested themselves in weeping boils. Ghastly stuff. -1 Obedience, -3 Command, -2 Authority, -3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
265 StrongFaith Growing Faith 1 Seeing that his preaching has made a difference is helping this priest's faith grow. +1 Obedience
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift >= 8
TimeInRegion < 3
Trait StrongFaith < 1
Affects : StrongFaith 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift >= 10
TimeInRegion < 5
Trait StrongFaith = 1
Affects : StrongFaith 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : not AtSea
AgentType = priest
ReligionShift >= 10
TimeInRegion < 5
Trait StrongFaith = 2
Affects : StrongFaith 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : PriestBecomesHeretic
Condition : Trait StrongFaith > 0
Affects : StrongFaith -100
Chance : 100 %
Strong Faith 4 Though there has been much heresy about him, his tangible results against it has only fuelled his faith. +2 Obedience
Shining Faith 8 Years of missionary work have only reaffirmed his belief and conviction. +3 Obedience
Unquestionable Faith 12 Has converted more souls than the almighty himself could fathom, resulting in an iron clad faith. +4 Obedience
266 Superstitious Silly Beliefs 1 Still prone to a few silly superstitious beliefs that he should probably have outgrown. -1 Obedience
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Superstitious >= 1
Affects : Superstitious 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterDamagedByDisaster
Condition : RandomPercent > 96
Affects : Superstitious 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : Superstitious 1
Chance : 3 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait Superstitious >= 1
Affects : Superstitious 1
Chance : 4 %
Superstitious 2 Pays heed to mystic beliefs, some of which make other men raise an eyebrow. -1 Obedience, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
Slave to Superstition 3 Almost incapacitated by his zealous avoidance of the curses and ill fates that befall… Well, everyone. -2 Obedience, -1 Authority, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield
267 TacticalSkill Promising Tactician 1 Not only does this man remember what he has been taught about tactics, he understands the theory as well. +2 Command when ambushing, +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted)
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WasAttacker
BattleSuccess >= clear
I_ConflictType SuccessfulAmbush
BattleOdds <= 2.0
Affects : TacticalSkill 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait TacticalSkill >= 1
Affects : TacticalSkill 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : TacticalSkill 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= military_academy
Affects : TacticalSkill 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : WasAttacker
BattleSuccess = crushing
I_ConflictType Normal
BattleOdds >= 0.5
BattleOdds < 1.5
Affects : TacticalSkill 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : PostBattle
Condition : not WasAttacker
BattleSuccess = crushing
I_ConflictType Normal
BattleOdds >= 0.5
BattleOdds < 1.5
Affects : TacticalSkill 1
Chance : 10 %
Tactically Sound 2 Well schooled enough in tactical warfare enough to know how to make good use of his troops and the terrain. +3 Command when ambushing, +2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted)
Tactician 4 This man's knowledge of battle tactics is thorough and complete. He has an answer for most things on the battlefield. +4 Command when ambushing, +3 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted)
268 Talkative Talkative 2 Sometimes prone to over elaborating on a point, bringing other things to light that didn't need to be. -1 Influence, 5% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chances that a bribe will be successful)
When to test : BriberyMission
Condition : not MissionSucceeded
Affects : Talkative 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : Talkative 1
Chance : 5 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = diplomat
Affects : Talkative 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
not CultureType eastern_european
Affects : Talkative 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait Talkative >= 1
Affects : Talkative 1
Chance : 4 %
Gossips 4 Is careless in the way he trades secrets, he enjoys it too much to hold back. -2 Influence
Utterly Indiscreet 8 No secret is secret for long when this man knows it. His name is a byword for foolish indiscretion and loose talk. -3 Influence, 5% penalty on bribery attempts (decreases the chances that a bribe will be successful) the Gossip
269 TheologiansGuildMember Theologians' Guild Apprentice 1 The presence of a Master Theologian's Guild within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest's initiation. +1 Obedience
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
FactionBuildingExists >= m_theologians_guild
Affects : TheologiansGuildMember 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
FactionBuildingExists = gm_theologians_guild
Affects : TheologiansGuildMember 1
Chance : 100 %
Theologians' Guild Journeyman 2 The presence of Theologian's Guild HQ within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest's initiation. +2 Obedience
270 TheologiansGuildTrained Orthodox Instruction 1 The influence of the local Theologian's guild house has only served to make this priest more pious. +1 Obedience
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = priest
SettlementBuildingExists >= theologians_guild
Affects : TheologiansGuildTrained 1
Chance : 100 %
271 ThievesGuildMember Thieves' Guild Apprentice 1 The presence of a Master Thieves' Guild within the kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. +1 to agent's skill
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = spy
FactionBuildingExists >= m_thieves_guild
Affects : ThievesGuildMember 1
Chance : 100 %
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = spy
FactionBuildingExists = gm_thieves_guild
Affects : ThievesGuildMember 1
Chance : 100 %
Thieves' Guild Journeyman 2 The presence of a Thieves' Guild HQ within the kingdom has afforded this man significantly enhanced training. +2 to agent's skill
272 ThievesGuildTrained Trained in Espionage 1 The influence of the local Thieves' Guild house have made this man far more adept in the arts of subtlety and discretion. +1 to agent's skill
When to test : AgentCreated
Condition : AgentType = spy
SettlementBuildingExists >= thieves_guild
Affects : ThievesGuildTrained 1
Chance : 100 %
273 TimidWoman Timid 2 The realisation that powerful people want her dead has left this poor woman on edge. -1 Charm
When to test : SufferAssassinationAttempt
Condition : AgentType = princess
Affects : TimidWoman 1
Chance : 50 %
Skittish 3 Repeated attempts on her life have shattered her nerves, making her difficult company. -2 Charm, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
Nuerotic 4 Driven utterly neurotic by an ongoing plot to end her life, this poor woman's existence has become a misery. -3 Charm, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts)
274 TolerantWoman Tolerant 1 Prepared to at least accept the differences she has with foreigners, even if she does not like them all. +1 Charm
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Xenophilia >= 1
AgentType = princess
Affects : TolerantWoman 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Xenophobia >= 1
AgentType = princess
Affects : TolerantWoman 1
Chance : 25 %
Accepting 2 Very accepting and tolerant, an excellent quality in a woman who visits foreign courts. +2 Charm
Incredibly Accepting 3 Open to any and all foreign ways and customs. It is not within her to judge them at all. +3 Charm
275 TouchedByTheGods Servant of the Dark Lord 1 Believes that the Dark Lord has a plan that he is meant to be a part of. +2 Obedience
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait TouchedByTheGods >= 1
Affects : TouchedByTheGods 1
Chance : 4 %
Dramatic Visions 2 They certainly are dramatic - waving his arms about and swooning like a besotted girl while the almighty sends word. +3 Obedience
Vision of Prophecy 3 Unshakable in his belief the Dark One has spoken to him directly in his dreams, fuelling him with obedient conviction. +4 Obedience
276 TourneyKnight Tourney Entrant 1 This man has been bold enough to try his hand in the tourney fields. +1 Respect
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait TourneyKnight >= 1
Affects : TourneyKnight 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : IsGeneral
RemainingMPPercentage = 100
SettlementBuildingExists >= jousting_lists
Affects : TourneyKnight 1
Chance : 10 %
Fair Jouster 3 Has entered enough jousts to have become an improved man in the saddle. +1 Respect, +1 Command when commanding cavalry
Good Jouster 6 More than competent with a lance in hand, and quite a contender at the tourney. +2 Respect, +1 Command when commanding cavalry
Knight of Renown 12 Now a tournament veteran, this man has become famous for his dashing skill at the lists. +2 Respect, +1 Authority, +2 Command when commanding cavalry
Tourney Champion 18 Renowned for his proud legacy at the tourney, few can now best him with a lance. +3 Respect, +2 Authority, +2 Command when commanding cavalry
277 Trusting Naive 1 This man is simply a bit too innocent to understand why others would ever do anything that underhand. -1 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
not CultureType eastern_european
Affects : Trusting 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterTurnEnd
Condition : Trait Trusting >= 1
Affects : Trusting 1
Chance : 4 %
Trusting 2 It is in this man's nature to believe that a stranger is simply a brother he does not know very well yet. -2 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
Overly Trusting 6 Utterly naive and ignorant to the perils that lie in other people, and an easy target for any plot or scheme. -3 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination)
278 Ugly Plain 1 This man's looks are lacklustre enough that he must compensate a little. -1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Ugly >= 1
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Ugly >= 2
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Ugly >= 3
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : IsGeneral
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 4 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : Trait Ugly >= 1
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : Trait Ugly >= 2
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : Trait Ugly >= 3
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : Trait Ugly >= 4
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 50 %
When to test : OfferedForAdoption
Condition :
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : OfferedForMarriage
Condition :
Affects : Ugly 1
Chance : 5 %
A Bit Rough 2 Though he could be loved, no woman's fantasy looks anything like he does. +1 Command, -2 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order)
Ugly 3 Well, at least he's got two eyes… albeit way too close together. +1 Command, -3 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order), Decreases the chance of having children
Repulsive to Behold 4 This man's visage is not just ugly, it is difficult to look him in the eye. +1 Command, -4 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order), Decreases the chance of having children
Cruelly Deformed 5 This man's features are what most would consider either deformed or inhuman. It is frightening and sad. Decreases the chance of having children the Ugly
279 UglyWoman Flawed Features 1 This woman has received many gifts throughout the years, but good looks are not among them. -1 Charm
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Ugly >= 1
AgentType = princess
Affects : UglyWoman 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Ugly >= 2
AgentType = princess
Affects : UglyWoman 1
Chance : 20 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Ugly >= 3
AgentType = princess
Affects : UglyWoman 1
Chance : 25 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait WifeIsHorrid >= 1
AgentType = princess
Affects : UglyWoman 1
Chance : 10 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait WifeIsHorrid >= 2
AgentType = princess
Affects : UglyWoman 1
Chance : 15 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : AgentType = princess
Affects : UglyWoman 1
Chance : 5 %
Hideous 2 So vile is her visage, even members of the clergy mutter that there is no God when spying this poor, hideous woman. -2 Charm, Decreases the chance of having children the Gorgon
280 UnchasteWoman Suggestive 1 Though never caught in the act, this woman often alludes to being up for carnal pleasures. +1 Charm
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Perverted >= 1
AgentType = princess
Affects : UnchasteWoman 1
Chance : 33 %
When to test : CharacterComesOfAge
Condition : FatherTrait Girls >= 1
AgentType = princess
Affects : UnchasteWoman 1
Chance : 50 %
Scarlet Woman 2 It is uncertain whether or not this exciting creature will remain a virgin prior to her marriage, if indeed she is still one at this point. +2 Charm
Brazen Hussy 3 Though her promiscuity may make the hearts of men pound, it is also likely to scare off serious suitors. -2 Charm
14 / 15 : P6 , P7 , P8 , P9 , P10 , P11 , P12 , P13 , P14 , P15
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