Units List 兵種單位 |
Carrack 卡拉克戰艦 light ship A large capital ship armed with broadside firing cannons. Capable of travelling across the ocean. 卡拉克戰艦側舷密集排列舷炮,適合遠洋航行。
Cog 柯克戰船 light ship A small trading vessel armed with a basic armament of soldiers and archers. 柯克戰船是小型貿易貨船,配備少量步兵和弓箭兵。
Gun Holk 霍克炮艦 light ship An upgraded Holk, armed with cannons in the fore castle and extra marines armed with gunpowder weapons. 霍克炮艦在霍克戰艦基本設計上進行改進,前後甲板安置重型火炮,同時配備大量火槍部隊。
Holk 霍克戰艦 light ship An upgraded Cog equipped with small artillery pieces in the fore and aft castles and a durable oak hull. 霍克戰艦乃柯克改進型號,船體以橡木建成,前後甲板安置小型火炮。
Mailed Knights 鏈甲騎兵 heavy cavalry Encased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these early knights are formidable fighting machines. 鏈甲騎兵屬於早期騎兵,身穿鏈甲,手持騎槍和長劍,是恐怖的殺戮機器。
Feudal Knights 封建騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by heavy armour and armed with a lance, these elite warriors crush and ride down their opponents. 在重裝盔甲的防護下,封建騎士們手持沉重騎槍,將敵軍踏為齏粉。
Chivalric Knights 俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack a ferocious charge, while being hard to kill. 俠義騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
Lancers 重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry The ultimate knights superbly protected by sophisticated plate armour. With good morale and heavy armour, this unit can tackle anything. 重裝槍騎兵裝備重裝複合板甲,士氣高昂,對任何挑戰都面無懼色。
Gendarmes 憲兵騎士 heavy cavalry Superb well armoured professional heavy cavalry armed with a lance. 憲兵騎士屬於精銳重裝騎兵,是手持騎槍的職業部隊。
General's Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊裝備精良,是時刻保護將領安危的精銳騎兵。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Merchant Cavalry Militia 商隊騎馬民兵 heavy cavalry Poorly trained, but well equipped cavalry who fight with a sword. 商隊騎馬民兵以長劍作戰,他們裝備精良,但訓練較差。
Mounted Sergeants 騎馬軍士 light cavalry These veteran warriors wear light armour and are armed with a spear and a sword. 騎馬軍士身穿輕甲,手持長矛和利劍。
French Mounted Archers 法蘭西弓騎兵 missile cavalry Professional soldiers equipped with longbows in the English style, and mounted on horses for mobility 法蘭西弓騎兵使用英格蘭長弓騎馬作戰,頗為強悍靈活。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow, and a knife. Unreliable, and only moderately effective as archers. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,士氣低落,只能作為遠程部隊使用。
Peasant Crossbowmen 平民弩兵 missile infantry Peasant crossbowmen are armed with a crossbow, knife and if lucky enough, some armour. 平民弩兵裝備軍弩和飛刀,部分幸運士兵尚可配備輕型鏈甲。
Crossbowmen 弩兵 missile infantry Slow to reload, but a potent and easy to use missile weapon firing powerful bolts. 弩兵只須短期訓練便可上陣作戰。弩弓裝填緩慢,射程亦遠遜弓箭,但威力頗為強勁。
Aventurier 冒險者弩兵 missile infantry Well skilled troops armed with a crossbow and sword and armoured in plate. 冒險者弩兵訓練有素,裝備弩弓、長劍和板甲。
Scots Guard 蘇格蘭衛隊 missile infantry These Scottish troops are elite armoured longbowmen, and form part of the French King's guard. 這些蘇格蘭衛隊是精銳的重裝長弓戰士,隸屬法王禁衛軍編制。
Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵 missile infantry Crossbow Militia are peasant crossbowmen called up to defend settlements. Very poorly armoured. 持弩民兵是裝備軍弩的農夫,應徵入伍為城邑提供遠程防禦力量,盔甲十分簡陋。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Dismounted French Archers 法蘭西步行弓騎兵 missile infantry Protected by brigandine armour, these archers have a horse to ride to battle on, but still fight on foot. 法蘭西步行弓騎兵身穿鑲甲,通常騎馬行軍進入戰場,而後下馬步行作戰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Sergeant Spearmen 長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors, protected by a large shield, armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 長矛軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Pikemen 長槍兵 spearmen infantry A well trained unit of pikes can create an almost impenetrable wall of steel, particularly effective against cavalry. 長槍兵訓練有素,其雪亮槍林對任何騎兵都可造成致命傷害。
Pike Militia 長槍民兵 spearmen infantry Pike Militias range from armed peasants to semi-professional well trained and equipped soldiers. 長槍民兵含義廣泛,從簡陋裝備的農民,到半職業精銳重裝部隊,應有盡有。
Voulgier 鉤斧兵 heavy infantry Well equipped, these men make solid infantry, and their polearms make them effective against both foot and mounted foes. 鉤斧兵裝備精良,極為驍勇,其長柄鉤斧對抗騎兵步兵都同樣出色。
Voulge Militia 鉤斧民兵 heavy infantry Effective militia equipped with some armour, and the versatile voulge. 鉤斧民兵盔甲精良,對抗任何敵軍部隊都頗為出色。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Noble Knights 步行貴族騎士 heavy infantry Made up from France's nobility, these elite warriors are as deadly on foot as when mounted. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格勇猛剽悍,無論騎馬或步行作戰都極為出色。
Ballista 弩炮 missile siege Resembling a giant crossbow, this powerful weapon can fling a javelin to a great range, skewering men with ease. 弩炮即巨型弩弓,可發射類似標槍的粗壯弩箭,射程極遠,能穿透敵陣。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Trebuchet 攻城秤車 missile siege Giant rock flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows! 攻城秤車為巨型投擲攻城武器,可投擲巨石、火球和腐爛牛屍。
Bombard 攻城炮 missile siege Primitive siege-gun forged of bronze or iron, can shoot solid stone or flaming shot. Inaccurate versus units. 攻城炮為最早的攻城火炮,炮身由青銅或黑鐵鑄成,能發射巨型石彈或火球,對部隊射擊精準程度不高。
Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮 missile siege The Grand Bombard has increased range, damage and accuracy compared to the bombard. 與舊式攻城炮相比,重型攻城炮無論射程、威力和精準程度都大為提高。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Serpentine 蛇炮 missile siege Light cannon designed for use against troops rather than walls. 蛇炮是用於專門殺傷敵軍部隊而非轟擊城牆的輕型加農炮。
Basilisk 蜥炮 missile siege Very powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots. 蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Dismounted Knights Hospitaller 步行醫院騎士 heavy infantry Well trained and disciplined these dismounted knights are amongst the deadliest heavy infantry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Light Men at Arms 輕步兵 light infantry Trained and hardened warriors equiped with sword, shield and mail, effective against other infantry. 有作戰技巧,裝備劍、盾和皮甲。是良好的防禦和進攻單位,能牽制射手和其他步兵。
Mangonel 重型投石車 missile siege Great siege engine capable of throwing exploding barrels of oil 重型投石車為恐怖攻城器械,能夠投擲燃燒油罐。
Cannot recruit units 無法招募兵種 |
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 spearmen infantry The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行俠義騎士 heavy infantry Benefiting from improvements in arms and armour these elite warriors are still formidable, even when they choose to fight on foot. 俠義騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,即便步戰廝殺威力同樣恐怖。
Flemish Pikemen 佛蘭芒戟兵 spearmen infantry Hailing from Flanders, these mercenaries are armed with pikes and wear light armour. 佛蘭芒矛兵來自佛蘭德斯地區,裝備輕甲和戟槍。
Unhorsed Crusader Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Arbalesters 僱傭弩手 missile infantry Mercenary unit equipped with arbalest, knife and armoured with brigandine mail. 僱傭弩手是一個危險武器,因為一個無經驗的弩手能殺害有終身訓練的騎士。它是雖然上箭很慢,但是是在力量上得到補償。
Macemen 釘錘兵 heavy infantry Mercenaries wearing light armour and equipped with maces, useful for armies lacking medium infantry units. 他們穿著板甲和用釘錘,體格強壯。
Doppelsöldner 都卜勒武士 heavy infantry Very experienced mercenaries, protected by a heavy breast-plate and armed with a mighty two-handed sword. 他們是受過雙手巨劍訓練的神聖羅馬帝國步兵,配置在軍隊最前線,冒著極大的生命危險,揮舞巨劍砍斷矛頭,或推開長矛,直接攻擊長矛兵,能使長矛兵的陣型瓦解。
City Buildings List 城市建築 |
Wooden Palisade (Upgrade) 木柵(可升級) A Wooden Palisade gives a sense of security but is unlikely to delay determined attackers for very long. 城邑周圍用削尖木樁圍成柵欄可以滿足居民的安全需要,但無法抵禦長期進攻。
Ballista Towers 投石塔 Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay. 投石塔為守軍提供強大遠程火力,密集殺傷來犯敵軍。
Town Watch 治安軍營 The Town Watch have the minimum equipment and resources needed to train infantry. 治安軍營提供最基本的步兵訓練設施和場所。
Military Academy 軍事學院 A Military Academy allows for the recruitment of late-period professional army units. 軍事學院允許訓練晚期職業部隊。
Ballista Maker 弩炮工坊 A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry. 弩炮工坊能夠製造攻城弩炮。
Gunsmith 火炮工坊 A Gunsmith allows the construction of a bombard cannon. 火炮工坊能製造攻城炮。
Leather Tanner 制革工坊 A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units. 制革工坊可以為軍隊提供精良的盔甲。
Port 港口 A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world. 港口令城邑可與世界任何角落進行海路貿易。
Merchant's Wharf 商業碼頭 A Merchant's Wharf allows an extra trade fleet, and increases trade to the settlement. 商業碼頭可以增添一條全新海運路線,並且提高海運貿易量。
Grain Exchange 穀物商行 A Grain Exchange is absolutely essential if townsfolk are to be fed and good profits made. 穀物商行令城邑居民食物充足,並可通過貿易積累財富。
Dirt Roads 道路 Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade. 道路能夠提高軍隊行軍速度,對加快貿易運輸亦貢獻良多。
Land Clearance 平整土地 Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth. 平整土地令城邑糧食充裕,進而刺激人口規模增長。
Mines 礦場 Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region. 礦場通過大量開採金屬礦石,有效提高城邑貿易收入。
Alchemist's Lab 煉金實驗室 An Alchemist's Lab allows gunpowder infantry to upgrade their weapons, as well as improve the education of characters created here. 煉金實驗室能夠為火藥部隊提供更強威力槍械,同時提高該城邑居民教育水平。
Small Church 誦經院 A Small Church converts a very small percentage of the region to Catholicism, and improves happiness. 誦經院能夠感化少數居民皈依天主教,並提高城邑居民快樂程度。
Brothel 妓院 A Brothel increases happiness in the settlement slightly, and allows the recruitment of a spy. 妓院能夠提高城邑居民快樂程度,並且可以招募間諜。
Town Hall 城鎮公所 A Town Hall helps maintain law and order, as well as reduce squalor. 城鎮公所維護城邑法律和秩序,同時減少城邑髒亂程度。
Theatre 音樂劇場 A Theatre improves public happiness throughout the settlement it graces. 音樂劇場作為高雅藝術場所,能夠提高城邑居民快樂程度。
Assassins' Guild 刺客行會 An Assassins' Guild house improves law and order in the region, and the quality of locally trained assassins. 刺客行會提高城邑法律和秩序,同時亦提高本地刺客的職業技能。
Masons' Guild 石匠行會 A Masons' Guild house reduces the cost of stone buildings, and improves happiness. 石匠行會能夠削減石製建築修建成本,並可以提高城邑居民快樂程度。
Theologians' Guild 初級神學院 A Theologians' Guild house improves the quality of priests created in the region. 初級神學院可以增加城邑中牧師數量。
Merchants' Guild 商業行會 A Merchants' Guild house improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region. 商業行會提高城邑貿易收入和城邑中商人的職業技能。
Hanseatic League Headquarters 漢薩同盟總部 The Hanseatic League Headquarters improves the trade income of all settlements. 漢薩同盟總部提高該國家所有城邑貿易收入。
Alchemists' Guild 煉金行會 An Alchemists' Guild house improves the experience level of gunpowder units trained in the same settlement. 煉金行會提高城邑中火藥部隊的作戰經驗。
Thieves' Guild 盜賊行會 A Thieves' Guild house improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement. 盜賊行會提高城邑中間諜的職業技能。
Explorers' Guild 探險行會 An Explorers' Guild house slightly increases the movement speed of those trained in the same settlement. 探險行會能夠提高城邑中軍隊的行軍效率。
Swordsmiths' Guild 鍛冶行會 A Swordsmiths' Guild house allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining in the same settlement. 鍛冶行會能夠令城邑中近戰步兵部隊武器更為精良。
Templars' Minor Chapter House 聖殿騎士分部 A Templars' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Templar knights. 聖殿騎士分部能夠招募聖殿騎士。
St Johns' Minor Chapter House 醫院騎士分部 A St. Johns' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights. 醫院騎士分部能夠招募醫院騎士。
Horse Breeders' Guild 牧馬行會 A Horse Breeders' Guild improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region. 牧馬行會能夠提高城邑中騎兵部隊作戰能力。
Convert to Motte and Bailey 轉換為城寨 Converting a Village into a Motte & Bailey makes the settlement less conducive to trade, but allow for more diverse recruitment options. 村莊轉換為城寨會降低貿易規模,但能夠招募更多種類的部隊。
Great Aqueduct 大型水渠 A steady supply of clean water is a boon to any settlement. 這條水渠長400公里,通往色雷斯的心臟地帶以及提供各城市淡水的穩定供應。
Hagia Sophia 聖索非亞大教堂 Hagia Sophia or Church of Holy Wisdom. 聖索非亞大教堂昤聖潔的場所。
Holy Sepulchre 聖墓教堂 The people of the city are happy to be close to such a holy site. 城市的人民十分愉快,因為能近距離接近這個神聖的地方。
Dome of the Rock 圓頂清真寺 The people of the city are happy to have such a marvel within thier city. 穆斯林相信圓頂清真寺中間的岩石就是穆罕默德夜行登霄,和天使加百列一起,到天堂見到真主的地方,能增加城內市民的快樂度。
Ka'aba 聖殿克爾白 The people of the city are happy to have such a wonder within thier city. 聖殿克爾白能增加城邑內人民的快樂。
St Mark's Basilica 聖馬可大教堂 The people of the city are happy to have such a wonder within thier city. 市民會因為市內有這個大教堂而非常愉快。
Notre Dame 巴黎聖母院 The people of the city are happy to have such a magnificent cathedral. 人民為有這樣一座教堂感到無必愉悅!
Cordoba Mosque 科多巴大清真寺 The people of the city are happy to have such a wonder within thier city. 這裡的人民以有這樣的一座奇跡而愉悅!
Library 圖書館 Center of study which aids in gaining a good education. 圖書館允許城堡招募間諜和外交官。
School 學校 Allows for characters to gain a basic education for their culture. 允許將領在此獲得基礎文化教育
Castle Buildings List 城堡建築 |
Motte and Bailey (Upgrade) 城寨(可升級) A Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence. 城寨是簡易前沿防禦基地,略強於哨塔和柵欄。
Ballista Towers 投石塔 Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay. 投石塔為守軍提供強大遠程火力,密集殺傷來犯敵軍。
Stables 馬廄 A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units. 馬廄允許訓練基本的騎兵部隊。
Mustering Hall 城寨軍營 Men must be gathered, selected and trained if military strength is to be maintained. 城寨軍營訓練和裝備基本的民兵部隊。
Bowyer 弓箭作坊 A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units. 制弓作坊允許訓練基本的遠程部隊。
Ballista Maker 弩炮工坊 A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry. 弩炮工坊能夠製造攻城弩炮。
Gunsmith 火炮工坊 A Gunsmith allows the construction of a bombard cannon. 火炮工坊能製造攻城炮。
Leather Tanner 制革工坊 A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units. 制革工坊可以為軍隊提供精良的盔甲。
Port 港口 A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world. 港口令城邑可與世界任何角落進行海路貿易。
Dirt Roads 道路 Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade. 道路能夠提高軍隊行軍速度,對加快貿易運輸亦貢獻良多。
Land Clearance 平整土地 Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth. 平整土地令城邑糧食充裕,進而刺激人口規模增長。
Mines 礦場 Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region. 礦場通過大量開採金屬礦石,有效提高城邑貿易收入。
Small Chapel 誦經院 A Small Chapel converts a very small percentage of the region to Catholicism, and improves happiness. 誦經院能夠感化少數居民皈依天主教,並提高城堡居民快樂程度。
Jousting Lists 槍術賽場 Jousting Lists improve the quality of knights recruited here. 槍術賽場提高城邑中騎兵部隊的作戰技巧。
Hanseatic League Headquarters 漢薩同盟總部 The Hanseatic League Headquarters improves the trade income of all settlements. 漢薩同盟總部提高該國家所有城邑貿易收入。
Swordsmiths' Guild 鍛冶行會 A Swordsmiths' Guild house allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining in the same settlement. 鍛冶行會能夠令城邑中近戰步兵部隊武器更為精良。
Templars' Minor Chapter House 聖殿騎士分部 A Templars' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Templar knights. 聖殿騎士分部能夠招募聖殿騎士。
St Johns' Minor Chapter House 醫院騎士分部 A St. Johns' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Hospitaller knights. 醫院騎士分部能夠招募醫院騎士。
Horse Breeders' Guild 牧馬行會 A Horse Breeders' Guild improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region. 牧馬行會能夠提高城邑中騎兵部隊作戰能力。
Convert to Village 轉換為村莊 Converting a Large Town into a Castle makes the settlement less conducive to trade, but allow for more diverse recruitment options. 城寨轉換為村莊將提高貿易規模,但會減少可供招募部隊種類。