Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Latin Knights heavy cavalry Medium-Heavy Cavalry, with the impetuous zeal and energy of a newly arrived Crusader. Best utilized to charge with couched lances and engage in melee only if they may not retreat for yet another charge.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Knights of Outremer heavy cavalry Heavy Cavalry, with greater willpower and caution than Latin Knights, armed with the armor-piercing mace to better fight in the melee that follows the Couched lance.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Norman Knights heavy cavalry Highly skilled Knights from Norman Sicily, Antioch, distant Normandy and England possessing the very same tremendous charge which first won the Holy Lands to the hands of Christendom.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Dismounted Latin Knights heavy infantry Heavily armored soldiers with a bias to fighting on foot, and a lack of training in fighting together as a unit.
Dismounted Knights of Outremer heavy infantry Heavy Infantry well able to lead an offensive attack, but poorly suited to absorb an attack while on the defense. Slightly better in behaving as a unit than Latin Knights on foot.
Ballista missile siege Resembling a giant crossbow, this torsion powered weapon can fling a javelin over 100 meters skewering men with ease.
Catapult missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots.
Trebuchet missile siege Giant rock flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows!
Galleass light ship The strongest galley available to generals. With cannons facing all the way around the prow, it can devastate most opposition.
Galleass light ship The strongest galley available to generals. With cannons facing all the way around the prow, it can devastate most opposition.
Latium Halberdiers light infantry Semi-Professional levies armed with various sorts of polearms, terribly vulnerable to ranged weapons but cheap and effective against horsemen.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Light-medium Spearmen, better armed and armored than many of their peers, and well able to be relied upon despite their semi-professional status.
Armoured Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as medium spearmen, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Latin Crossbowmen missile infantry Hybrid warriors of ranged and close combat. Not "Jacks of All Trades, Masters of None", but rather masters of the crossbow, and adepts at the sword.
Latin longbowmen missile infantry Placeholder text long.
Mounted Sergeants light cavalry A powerful light cavalry unit with strong armour which induces a slight reduction in pace.
Norman Knights heavy cavalry Highly skilled Knights from Norman Sicily, Antioch, distant Normandy and England possessing the very same tremendous charge which first won the Holy Lands to the hands of Christendom.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Catapult missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots.
Trebuchet missile siege Giant rock flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows!
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Outremer Swordsmen light infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as light offensive infantry, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Crusader Sergeants spearmen infantry Motivated and well equipped pilgrims, mercenaries, and settled Franks serving the Christendom of the East as sturdy spear-bearing infantry.
Poulain Lancers light cavalry Well armoured mounted soilders, superb attackers whose charge makes the enemy tremble.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Levantine Crossbowmen missile infantry Semi-Professional Crossbowmen, weak in the face of incoming archery, but able to truly shine when supported by spearmen.
Latin Crossbowmen missile infantry Hybrid warriors of ranged and close combat. Not "Jacks of All Trades, Masters of None", but rather masters of the crossbow, and adepts at the sword.
Latin longbowmen missile infantry Placeholder text long.
Knights of Outremer heavy cavalry Heavy Cavalry, with greater willpower and caution than Latin Knights, armed with the armor-piercing mace to better fight in the melee that follows the Couched lance.
Norman Knights heavy cavalry Highly skilled Knights from Norman Sicily, Antioch, distant Normandy and England possessing the very same tremendous charge which first won the Holy Lands to the hands of Christendom.
Latin Knights heavy cavalry Medium-Heavy Cavalry, with the impetuous zeal and energy of a newly arrived Crusader. Best utilized to charge with couched lances and engage in melee only if they may not retreat for yet another charge.
Dismounted Knights of Outremer heavy infantry Heavy Infantry well able to lead an offensive attack, but poorly suited to absorb an attack while on the defense. Slightly better in behaving as a unit than Latin Knights on foot.
Armoured Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as medium spearmen, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Latium Halberdiers light infantry Semi-Professional levies armed with various sorts of polearms, terribly vulnerable to ranged weapons but cheap and effective against horsemen.
Outremer Swordsmen light infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as light offensive infantry, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Templars heavy infantry Dismounted templars. Armed with sword and equiped with medium chainmail armor, this unit will serve as great offensive infantry against light to medium infantry opponents.
Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Light-medium Spearmen, better armed and armored than many of their peers, and well able to be relied upon despite their semi-professional status.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Dismounted Latin Knights heavy infantry Heavily armored soldiers with a bias to fighting on foot, and a lack of training in fighting together as a unit.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Poulain Men-at-Arms heavy infantry Professional Infantry, and one of the best the Kingdom of Jerusalem has to offer, well armed in the task of engaging other heavy infantry with axe and tall kite shield.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Dismounted Knights of Outremer heavy infantry Heavy Infantry well able to lead an offensive attack, but poorly suited to absorb an attack while on the defense. Slightly better in behaving as a unit than Latin Knights on foot.
Militia of the Kingdom spearmen infantry Heavier than light spearmen, but still levies. Armed with spears to stab down cavalry.
Christian Militia Spearmen spearmen infantry Weak soldiers armed with spears, protected by a shield and some amour.
Latin longbowmen missile infantry Placeholder text long.
Latin Crossbowmen missile infantry Hybrid warriors of ranged and close combat. Not "Jacks of All Trades, Masters of None", but rather masters of the crossbow, and adepts at the sword.
Levantine Crossbowmen missile infantry Semi-Professional Crossbowmen, weak in the face of incoming archery, but able to truly shine when supported by spearmen.
Armoured Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as medium spearmen, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Light-medium Spearmen, better armed and armored than many of their peers, and well able to be relied upon despite their semi-professional status.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Poulain Men-at-Arms heavy infantry Professional Infantry, and one of the best the Kingdom of Jerusalem has to offer, well armed in the task of engaging other heavy infantry with axe and tall kite shield.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Poulain Lancers light cavalry Well armoured mounted soilders, superb attackers whose charge makes the enemy tremble.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Knights of Outremer heavy cavalry Heavy Cavalry, with greater willpower and caution than Latin Knights, armed with the armor-piercing mace to better fight in the melee that follows the Couched lance.
Crusader Sergeants spearmen infantry Motivated and well equipped pilgrims, mercenaries, and settled Franks serving the Christendom of the East as sturdy spear-bearing infantry.
Dismounted Knights of Outremer heavy infantry Heavy Infantry well able to lead an offensive attack, but poorly suited to absorb an attack while on the defense. Slightly better in behaving as a unit than Latin Knights on foot.
Levantine Crossbowmen missile infantry Semi-Professional Crossbowmen, weak in the face of incoming archery, but able to truly shine when supported by spearmen.
Latin Crossbowmen missile infantry Hybrid warriors of ranged and close combat. Not "Jacks of All Trades, Masters of None", but rather masters of the crossbow, and adepts at the sword.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Dismounted Templars heavy infantry Dismounted templars. Armed with sword and equiped with medium chainmail armor, this unit will serve as great offensive infantry against light to medium infantry opponents.
Dismounted Templars heavy infantry Dismounted templars. Armed with sword and equiped with medium chainmail armor, this unit will serve as great offensive infantry against light to medium infantry opponents.
Dismounted Templars heavy infantry Dismounted templars. Armed with sword and equiped with medium chainmail armor, this unit will serve as great offensive infantry against light to medium infantry opponents.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Armoured Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as medium spearmen, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Armoured Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as medium spearmen, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Light-medium Spearmen, better armed and armored than many of their peers, and well able to be relied upon despite their semi-professional status.
Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Light-medium Spearmen, better armed and armored than many of their peers, and well able to be relied upon despite their semi-professional status.
Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Light-medium Spearmen, better armed and armored than many of their peers, and well able to be relied upon despite their semi-professional status.
Dismounted Templars heavy infantry Dismounted templars. Armed with sword and equiped with medium chainmail armor, this unit will serve as great offensive infantry against light to medium infantry opponents.
Dismounted Templar Knights heavy infantry Shock Infantry armed with a heavy two handed axe, perfect to lead the charge on foot as they would lead the charge on horseback.
Dismounted Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy infantry Heavy Swordsmen best used to support or lead an assault, not to stand on the battle line and take the enemy's attack.
Dismounted Teutonic Knights heavy infantry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Dismounted Knights of St.John heavy infantry Dismounted late period Hospitaller knights. Armed with sword, these units can provide excellent protection of settlement walls during the siege attack.
Knights of St.John heavy cavalry Late period Hospitaller knights. Heavily armored and with use of mace, these knights can sustain all type of cavalry engagement. Excellent for attacking heavy cavalry.
Teutonic Knights heavy cavalry Heavy Germanic cavalry in service of Kingdom of Jerusalem. Well armored and equiped, willing to fight to the last man on horse or dismaunted as heavy inf.
Templar Knights heavy cavalry Zealous Knights with no regards to their own safety, their minds entirely upon their foe's destruction. Willing to engage their enemy to the point of annihilation of both they and the infidel.
Hospitaller Mounted Brother-Sergeant light cavalry Light but decently armored and highly motivated horsemen capable of chasing away harassing light enemies, or assisting heavier brethren in the attack.
Templar Cavalry heavy cavalry Templar Order cavalry. Armed with lance and sword and equiped with medium chainmail armor, this unit will serve as great offensive cav against light to medium cavalry opponents.
Hospitaller Brother-Knight heavy cavalry Disciplined heavy cavalry willing to lay their lives down for the cause of the Crusade.
Templar Brother-Sergeant Spearmen spearmen infantry Clad with light aketon padded armor and a kite shield, these brother-sergeants are reliable if light spearmen.
Dismounted Knights of Jerusalem spearmen infantry Highly disciplined and motivated spearmen, well suited to crucial parts of the battle line or ramparts.
Knights of Jerusalem heavy cavalry Very Heavy Cavalry able to charge like their lighter kin, yet suffer the melee of close combat far better.
Knights of Outremer heavy cavalry Heavy Cavalry, with greater willpower and caution than Latin Knights, armed with the armor-piercing mace to better fight in the melee that follows the Couched lance.
Latin longbowmen missile infantry Placeholder text long.
Latin Crossbowmen missile infantry Hybrid warriors of ranged and close combat. Not "Jacks of All Trades, Masters of None", but rather masters of the crossbow, and adepts at the sword.
Norman Knights heavy cavalry Highly skilled Knights from Norman Sicily, Antioch, distant Normandy and England possessing the very same tremendous charge which first won the Holy Lands to the hands of Christendom.
Outremer Swordsmen light infantry Trained and Disciplined Professional soldiers armed as light offensive infantry, less armored but more cohesive and trained than a knight on foot.
Mounted Sergeants light cavalry A powerful light cavalry unit with strong armour which induces a slight reduction in pace.