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Deus Lo Vult 6.0 因父之名 6.0
Ríki Norvegh 挪威王國 Ríki Norvegh 挪威王國
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Mercenary German Knights 僱傭德意志騎士
Mercenary German Knights 僱傭德意志騎士
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Class and category 兵種 heavy cavalry
Soldier 兵員數量 Mercenary_German_Knights, 32, 0, 0.5
Mount 騎乘座騎 mailed horse, elephant -4, camel -4
Engine and Ship 攻城器與戰船
Attributes 特殊屬性 sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge, mercenary_unit, knight
Formation 陣形 1.6, 3.4, 3, 6, 3, square, wedge
Hit points 生命值 1, 0
Primary weapon 主武器 10, 5, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, spear, 25, 1.5, no
Secondary weapon 副武器 10, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, blunt, mace, 20, 2, ap
Primary armour 主防禦 17, 5, 4, metal
Secondary armour 副防禦 0, 0, flesh
Heat and ground effect 氣候地形影響 8, 0, -2, -10, 2
Mental 士氣 11, normal, trained
Cost 招募成本 1, 560, 225, 85, 65, 560, 4, 140
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Mercenary German Knights 僱傭德意志騎士 These are knights from the Holy Roman Empire that have chosen to fight for money. Wearing plate armour, and equipped with maces, as well as lances, these trained and experienced knights are a good choice for taking on other heavily armoured units. Although excellent shock troops, they do have a strong interest in personal survival.


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Ownership factions 擁有勢力
Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Initial quantity
Replenish rate
Maximum quantity
Requires condition
1 Mercenary Camp 2 2 2 1 and event_counter merc8 1
A Mercenary Camp decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the camp, a trader will propose them to you.
2 Mercenary merc_quarter 1 1 1 1 and event_counter merc8 1
A Mercenary Quarter decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Quarter, a trader will propose them to you.
3 Mercenary Barracks 2 2 2 2 and event_counter merc8 1
A Mercenary Barracks decreases happiness and loyality. But if new mercenaries arrive from time to time in the Barracks, a trader will propose them to you.
Mercenary regions 僱傭兵
No. Mercenary pool
Include regions
Initial quantity
Replenish rate
Maximum quantity
Requires condition
1 Principality of Muscovy 莫斯科公國
Principality of Smolensk 斯摩稜斯克公國
Principality of Novgorod 諾夫哥羅德公國
Belo-Ozero 白海地區
Principality of Polotsk 波洛茨克公國
950 1 0.01 - 0.06 1 2 start_year 1220
end_year 1500
religions catholic orthodox
2 Duchy of Pomerania 波美拉尼亞公爵領
Duchy of Saxony 薩克森公爵領
Duchy of Franconia 弗蘭克尼亞公爵領
Archbishopric of Magdeburg 馬格德堡大主教區
Duchy of Silesia 西裡西亞公爵領
Free City of Lubeck 呂貝克地區
Friesland 弗裡斯蘭地區
950 1 0.01 - 0.06 1 2 start_year 1220
end_year 1500
religions catholic orthodox
3 County of Tyrol 蒂羅爾郡
Kingdom of Bohemia 波西米亞王國
Duchy of Austria 奧地利公爵領
Duchy of Bavaria 巴伐利亞公爵領
Duchy of Swabia 斯瓦比亞公爵領
950 1 0.01 - 0.06 1 2 start_year 1220
end_year 1500
religions catholic orthodox
4 Duchy of Cracow 克拉科夫公爵領
Lithuanians 立陶宛地區
Thorn 索恩地區
Principality of Galicia 加利西亞公國
Livonians 立窩尼亞地區
Principality of Peremyshl 佩列梅什公國
Estland 愛沙尼亞地區
Preussen 普魯士地區
Lettgallen 萊特加倫地區
Samogitien 薩摩傑提亞地區
Kurland 庫爾蘭地區
950 1 0.01 - 0.06 1 2 start_year 1220
end_year 1500
religions catholic orthodox
5 Duchy of Burgundy 勃艮第公爵領
Duchy of Lorraine 洛林公爵領
County of Champagne 香檳郡
950 1 0.01 - 0.06 1 2 start_year 1220
end_year 1500
religions catholic orthodox
6 Kingdom of Croatia 克羅地亞王國
Southern Dalmatia 南達爾馬提亞地區
County of Buda 布達郡
County of Pest 佩斯郡
Northern Dalmatia 北達爾馬提亞地區
950 1 0.01 - 0.06 1 2 start_year 1220
end_year 1500
religions catholic orthodox
7 Region of Emilia-Romagna 艾米利亞-羅馬涅地區
Marquisate of Tuscany 托斯卡納伯爵領
Patrimony of St. Peter 聖彼得世襲領
Region of Liguria 利古裡亞區
Region of Lombardy 倫巴第地區
Region of Venetia 威尼斯地區
950 1 0.02 - 0.1 2 2 start_year 1220
end_year 1400
religions catholic orthodox
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