Royal Military Academy 皇家軍事學院
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Broken Crescent 2.02 破碎的新月 2.02
The Solanki Rajputs The Solanki Rajputs
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Samvita Senya
Samvita Senya
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Class and category 兵種 spearmen infantry
Soldier 兵員數量 param_spearmen, 50, 0, 0.75
Mount 騎乘座騎
Engine and Ship 攻城器與戰船
Attributes 特殊屬性 no_custom, sea_faring, hide_improved_forest, can_withdraw
Formation 陣形 1.1, 2, 2.2, 2.2, 4, square
Hit points 生命值 1, 0
Primary weapon 主武器 3, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, spear, 25, 1, spear
Secondary weapon 副武器 0, 2, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 25, 1, no
Primary armour 主防禦 3, 15, 4, metal
Secondary armour 副防禦 0, 0, flesh
Heat and ground effect 氣候地形影響 0, 1, -1, 1, -2
Mental 士氣 12, disciplined, trained
Cost 招募成本 1, 510, 219, 78, 60, 510
Unit Description 兵種描述
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Samvita Senya (Armored Spearmen)Martial traditions have come to change in the realm of the Indus and Ganges, with the emergence of horsemanship first under the Guptas and now threatening to overwhelm the subcontinent with the thunderous clamor of Rajput-Muslim battles in the north illustrating a marked change from the long-held traditions of charioteering and the dominance of the elephant. Spearmen have been another such casuality, making up a bulk of the army alongside archers and elephants in the times of old, yet quickly falling out of favor amongst many of the northern Hindu kingdoms who take to motivated, highly aggressive ranks of swordsmen instead. A strange choice given the emerging dominance of the horsemen, but the humble and reliable spearmen has yet to give up and go the way of the chariot.

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Ownership factions 擁有勢力
Require buildings 需求建築
No. Card
Initial quantity
Replenish rate
Maximum quantity
Requires condition
1 Town Guard 1 0.42 1 2 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and event_counter ai_is_rajput 1
A Town Guard trains recruits and can provide enough basic arms for infantry units from stores.
2 City Watch 1 0.23 1 0 and hidden_resource india
A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
3 City Watch 1 0.54 1 3 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and event_counter ai_is_rajput 1
A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
4 City Watch 1 0.3 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and not event_counter first_turn 1
A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
5 City Watch 1 0.3 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and event_counter player_is_rajput 1
A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
6 City Watch 1 0.36 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and not event_counter first_turn 1
A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
7 City Watch 1 0.5 1 3 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and event_counter ai_is_rajput 1
A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
8 City Watch 1 0.36 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and event_counter player_is_rajput 1
A City Watch can employ some professional warriors to train recruits, and can equip them from its armoury.
9 Militia Drill Square 1 0.3 1 0 and hidden_resource india
A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
10 Militia Drill Square 1 0.72 1 4 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and event_counter ai_is_rajput 1
A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
11 Militia Drill Square 1 0.4 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
12 Militia Drill Square 1 0.4 1 0 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and event_counter player_is_rajput 1
A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
13 Militia Drill Square 1 0.38 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and not event_counter first_turn 1
A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
14 Militia Drill Square 1 0.67 2 4 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and event_counter ai_is_rajput 1
A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
15 Militia Drill Square 1 0.38 1 0 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and event_counter player_is_rajput 1
A Militia Drill Square provides the space needed for training large bodies of men to carry out military evolutions.
16 Militia Barracks 1 0.38 2 0 and hidden_resource india
Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
17 Militia Barracks 1 0.9 2 5 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and event_counter ai_is_rajput 1
Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
18 Militia Barracks 1 0.5 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and not event_counter first_turn 1
Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
19 Militia Barracks 1 0.5 2 0 and hidden_resource cbr_rajput and event_counter player_is_rajput 1
Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
20 Militia Barracks 1 0.48 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and not event_counter first_turn 1
Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
21 Militia Barracks 1 0.84 2 5 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and event_counter ai_is_rajput 1
Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
22 Militia Barracks 1 0.48 2 0 and hidden_resource recruit_rajput and event_counter player_is_rajput 1
Militia Barracks provide for every aspect of infantry training, turning recruits into well-drilled soldiers.
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