Grain Exchange 穀物商行 A Grain Exchange is absolutely essential if townsfolk are to be fed and good profits made. 穀物商行令城邑居民食物充足,並可通過貿易積累財富。
Large Town 大型城鎮
Market 市場 A Market brings wealth and many people into a town, some to sell, others willing to sell themselves and others… 市場為城邑增加財富,同時亦帶來大量人口,有些來此出售貨物,另些則是出賣自己或其他...
Minor City 小型城市
Fairground 集市 Fairgrounds only host festivals once or twice a year, but they also offer a huge boost to trade in an area. 集市每年只舉行一至二次,但能夠極大刺激城邑貿易繁榮。
Large City 大型城市
Great Market 大型市場 A Great Market significantly boosts trade - almost anything can be found among its stalls and shops. 大型市場高度繁榮了城邑商業--幾乎任何東西都可自坊間購得。
Huge City 巨型城市
Merchants' Quarter 商業城區 A Merchants' Quarter boosts trade thanks to the numbers of townsfolk now involved in business of all kinds. 商業城區令城邑貿易極度繁榮,大量居民從事各類商業活動。
Merchant 商人 Merchants are agents that work for their lord by establishing trade routes between distant foreign resources and their own local markets. Under the guise of private enterprise, merchants are able to move through enemy lands without drawing suspicion or committing a diplomatic transgression. When merchants work together so that they have a monopoly on a particular resource, they will generate extra income for their faction. Opposing merchants can attempt to make a hostile takeover of each other's assets, ending the other's career. 商人為國家效力,努力開闢商路,將外地資源運至本地市場。在私人企業掩護下,商人可自由進出敵國領土而不致遭受懷疑或引發外交糾紛。多名商人合作可完全壟斷某一資源,為國家創造更多財富。懷有敵意的商人們會相互兼併對方資產,逼迫對手悲慘破產。
Merchant 商人
Merchants are agents that work for their lord by establishing trade routes between distant foreign resources and their own local markets. Under the guise of private enterprise, merchants are able to move through enemy lands without drawing suspicion or committing a diplomatic transgression. When merchants work together so that they have a monopoly on a particular resource, they will generate extra income for their faction. Opposing merchants can attempt to make a hostile takeover of each other's assets, ending the other's career. 商人為國家效力,努力開闢商路,將外地資源運至本地市場。在私人企業掩護下,商人可自由進出敵國領土而不致遭受懷疑或引發外交糾紛。多名商人合作可完全壟斷某一資源,為國家創造更多財富。懷有敵意的商人們會相互兼併對方資產,逼迫對手悲慘破產。
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Merchant 商人 Merchants are agents that work for their lord by establishing trade routes between distant foreign resources and their own local markets. Under the guise of private enterprise, merchants are able to move through enemy lands without drawing suspicion or committing a diplomatic transgression. When merchants work together so that they have a monopoly on a particular resource, they will generate extra income for their faction. Opposing merchants can attempt to make a hostile takeover of each other's assets, ending the other's career. 商人為國家效力,努力開闢商路,將外地資源運至本地市場。在私人企業掩護下,商人可自由進出敵國領土而不致遭受懷疑或引發外交糾紛。多名商人合作可完全壟斷某一資源,為國家創造更多財富。懷有敵意的商人們會相互兼併對方資產,逼迫對手悲慘破產。
Merchant 商人
Merchants are agents that work for their lord by establishing trade routes between distant foreign resources and their own local markets. Under the guise of private enterprise, merchants are able to move through enemy lands without drawing suspicion or committing a diplomatic transgression. When merchants work together so that they have a monopoly on a particular resource, they will generate extra income for their faction. Opposing merchants can attempt to make a hostile takeover of each other's assets, ending the other's career. 商人為國家效力,努力開闢商路,將外地資源運至本地市場。在私人企業掩護下,商人可自由進出敵國領土而不致遭受懷疑或引發外交糾紛。多名商人合作可完全壟斷某一資源,為國家創造更多財富。懷有敵意的商人們會相互兼併對方資產,逼迫對手悲慘破產。