Public baths continue a Roman legacy of personal hygiene which has been imitated by many cultures. The bathhouse itself is quite a large structure, with numerous baths and pools in different chambers, all heated by an ingenious Roman design that has withstood the test of time. Local citizens will frequent the baths as both an exercise in good health, as well as a popular social gathering point.
拜占庭延續了羅馬人注重個人衛生的傳統,修建起大量公共浴場。浴場本身為龐大建築群,內建各種淋浴和池浴房間,所有房間都採用經羅馬人長期改進而成的精巧設計進行循環加熱。城邑居民們沐浴頻繁,令浴場不僅是個人衛生場所,更為社交聚集中心。 |