Drill is a necessary evil in the life of a soldier. His ready obedience may be the difference between life and death, victory and defeat! Even a castle garrison must keep its military skills honed if it is to be any use, and drills are an important part of fighting like a unit rather than a mob. The same skills can be passed on to new recruits as they learn the trade of soldiering.
A Drill Square is the minimum requirement for the military education
每位士兵對嚴酷操練都心有餘悸,但是,軍令如山實乃決定作戰勝負的生死攸關因素。即便城堡守軍亦必須接受各種操練,磨練軍事素質,以便它日上陣殺敵。因此,隊形訓練至關重要,如此可令軍隊以團隊作戰而非如暴徒哄鬥,每位士兵在踏入軍營的第一天起就必須反覆接受這種嚴酷磨煉。 |